We’re kicking off the week by talking about some of our favorite feeds on Twitter!
Brent Huston, CEO and Security Evangelist for Microsolved, Inc., interviews Chris Lay, Account Executive and Mary Rose Maguire, Marketing Communication Specialist, about their favorite kinds of tweets.
We like Twitter to keep up with other security professionals to discover what’s trending. It’s a great way to exchange quick information and alert others when a security issue arises. Plus, our #HITME stream through our MSI HoneyPoint Feed Twitter account has already helped other organizations by alerting them to suspicious activity caught on various ports.
If you’d like to follow the MSI crew, here we are:
- Brent Huston: @lbhuston
- Chris Lay: @GetInfoSecHere
- Mary Rose Maguire: @MRMaguire
- Constance Matthews: @Cahnee
- Phil Grimes: @grap3_ap3
- Adam Hostetler: @adamhos
Here are a few of our favorites we mentioned:
- @SansInstitute
- @Laughing Squid
- @Wired
- @Lifehacker
- #security
- @CIOMagazine
- @ITWorld
- @ArsTechnica
- @Technorati
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Audio Blog Post: Twitter Favorites:
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