Want Rapid Feedback? Try a Web Application Security Scan!

A web application security scan is a great way to get rapid feedback on the security and health of your web-based applications.

You can think of the web application scan as a sort of vulnerability assessment “lite”. It leverages the power and flexibility of automated application scanning tools to do a quick and effective baseline test of your application. It is very good at finding web server configuration issues, information leakage issues and the basic SQL injection and cross-site scripting vulnerabilities so common with attackers today. 

This service fits particularly well for non-critical web applications that don’t process private information or for internal-facing applications with little access to private data. It is a quick and inexpensive way to perform due diligence on these applications that aren’t key operational focal points.

Many of our clients have been using the application scanning service for testing second-line applications to ensure that they don’t have injection or XSS issues that could impact PCI compliance or other regulatory standings. This gives them a less costly method for testing the basics than a full blown application assessment or penetration test.

While this service finds a number of issues and potential holes, we caution against using it in place of a full application assessment or penetration test if the web application in question processes critical or highly sensitive information. Certainly, these deeper offerings find a great deal more vulnerabilities and they also often reveal subtle issues that automated scans will not identify.

If you are interested in learning more about the applications scanning service, please fill out the contact form and put in the “Questions” box: Web App Scan. We can help you identify if these services are a good fit for your needs and are more than happy to provide more detail, pricing and other information about web application scans.

1 thought on “Want Rapid Feedback? Try a Web Application Security Scan!

  1. I stumble across many sites on almost a daily basis that look as if they could be targetted at any time. One issue I often notice is that when developers create Content Management Systems for websites, they often build them with a complete lack of understanding of online security, leaving vulnerabilities in the code and my own personal favourite…A page dedicated to client logins. These are far too easy for hackers to break in to.

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