I’d like to go over some of the tools that we mention on the blog. The first one I’d like to take a look at is OSSEC. You may have heard of us talking about it before, we mentioned it a few days ago. That was in relation to HoneyPoints and using OSSEC as another layer of your “defense in depth” strategy. I’ll explain what it does, and how it can help you.

First of all, what is OSSEC? OSSEC is an acronym for “Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System”. From the name you can see it’s a Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS). As a HIDS it has the capability to do log analysis, integrity checking, Windows registry monitoring (and event log), rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response against malicious hosts. It can be run locally, or as a centralized system with agents running on hosts.

So how does OSSEC relate to HoneyPoint? Well they both watch different things, and complement each other. While HoneyPoints are psuedo services and capture traffic from them, OSSEC watches real services for probes and compromises. It does this largely by a system of log analysis. I won’t go into it deeply, but the log analysis rules are very configurable, chainable, and fairly easy to write for anyone that knows regex and has a familiarity of basic scripting language.

With OSSEC’s active monitoring, it’s possible for the host to dynamically write firewall rules to block that host. Similar to HoneyPoints Plugin interface, with which you could also use to write a plugin to do that. You could even use OSSEC to watch your HoneyPoint Console syslogs and integrate HoneyPoint Console triggers with its own active response rules, to centralize blocking of hosts between HPSS and OSSEC.

As you can see, OSSEC can work quite nicely with HoneyPoint Security Server as part of a “defense in depth” strategy. There’s no single tool to “rule them all”, so to speak, so it’s important to watch from multiple perspectives! If you want to check out OSSEC, you can visit www.ossec.net.

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