SQL Injection Tools in the Field

As the Internet continues to morph, common attack vectors change. Info Sec professionals once had the ease of scanning a network and leveraging available vulnerabilities to gain a foothold; but now we’re seeing a paradigm shift toward web applications and the security that protects them. I’m sure this is nothing new to our readers! We all see the application as an emerging favorite to gain access to the network; just as we’re seeing the web browser gaining popularity in targeting the end user and workstation.

As our Team continues to provide top notch application assessment services, we’re seeing SQL Injection (SQLi) as one major vector of which to take advantage. Unfortunately, this attack is quite time-consuming, considering the various ways developers code their queries, utilize the architecture involved, and evaluate how the application handles interactions with the database. In an effort to be more efficient in the quest for vulnerable query strings, we have aggressively tested the plethora of SQLi tools that have been publicly released. Initially, the Team hoped to evaluate these tools and provide an extensive review on the performance of each. This tech is sad to report that from the three tools tested recently, not one was successful in the endeavor.

After some discussion, the Team concluded there are simply too many variables in play for one tool to serve as “the silver bullet.” The language and structure of the queries are just a few of the challenges these tools face when sniffing out vulnerable SQL strings. With so many variables for attackers and penetration testers to overcome, SQL injection testing has become extremely difficult to automate reliably! That being said, it appears as if these tools are created for use in such specific circumstances that they’re rendered useless for anything but that one, specialized scenario. So we’re continuing to find this to be a long, drawn out, manual process. This is not a complaint. Our Team loves the challenge! It’s just difficult to find a SQLi tool that can adapt to uses other than that for which the tool was specifically created – commonly a source of frustration when trying to expedite the process and finding little success.

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