Changes to the State Of Security Blog

I just wanted to take a moment and update folks on some changes that we are making beginning next week on this blog.

We have decided, after much consideration, to discontinue the routine process of vulnerability announcements on the blog. This was changed over to the blog platform when we shifted from WatchDog, our vulnerability intelligence product. The time for those announcement services has passed. Today, thousands of sites give up to the moment vulnerability announcements and RSS feeds make this an all to easy source of information. As such, we feel that other folks do a fine job of that work and we can focus on other things.

Beginning Monday, the blog will transition to a more thoughtful platform and be used by our team of Security Mentors to add to the security conversation and education, instead of the flat process of announcing new significant vulnerabilities. Our team will blog several times per week, with each member contributing content – but the content will be more open, deeper in context and much more opinion based than just parroting simple announcements of XSS in XYZ product.

Thanks to all of the readers who enjoy the blog and we hope you will continue to read and even learn to love it more. We look forward to less noise and much more content with context in the coming months. Please, feel free to join in the conversation. We love hearing from you.

Changes to the look and feel of the blog are coming soon and the entire blog process is in flux. Let us know what you like and what you want us to scrap. Spread the word about us and we look forward to a whole new set of eyes!

See you next week and have a GREAT weekend!

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About Brent Huston

I am the CEO of MicroSolved, Inc. and a security evangelist. I have spent the last 20+ years working to make the Internet safer for everyone on a global scale. I believe the Internet has the capability to contribute to the next great leap for mankind, and I want to help make that happen!

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