U.S. Seeks to Combat Cyber-Theft With Sanctions, Talks

See on Scoop.itChinese Cyber Code Conflict

The Pentagon spotlights China for sanctioning cyber-espionage, and Congress proposes a bill to block the import of products using stolen technology.

Red-DragonRising‘s insight:

The latest US misunderstanding of how the People’s Republic of China works is reported in this latest story by eWeek…oh the hilarity and irony…


The sage China hands advising President Obama are advocating levying trade sanctions on Chinese manufactured goods – and then out of the other policy spigot comes a renewed desire to chat with the Chinese about cyber espionage…really? WTF????!!!!


Think about this for a second "China Gurus",  it makes no cultural, economic, military or political sense to tell the Communist Party of China you don’t trust them so the US will ban your manufactured goods and then acquiesce and ask for forgiveness by wanting to chat about alleged Chinese Cyber Espionage… oh and by the by, there’s that OSD Report on the People’s Republic of China’s military and security developments stating that from a US military strategy perspective the Middle Kingdom cannot be trusted as it carries out cyber espionage…most curious…really folks…who is in charge in Washington regarding dealing with the People’s Republic of China and cyber policy?


Semper Fi,




See on www.eweek.com

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