Ensure You Give The Client The Right Services At The Right Time

Many of our clients come to us looking for direction on the right cadence for implementing security initiatives; what’s first, what’s next and how should I space these services out to best fit our budget and needs?. These are questions that many of our clients struggle with.

As with any initiative, it is imperative to allocate resources towards activities that not only get the job done, but that also provide the “most bang for the buck.” We have found that, in many ways, information security initiatives will stack in a logical order of what we like to call the “rhythm of risk.”

We suggest that a good place to start the conversation is with the “must haves,” which means understanding compliance with regulation and all that implies. Many organizations must be able to positively check certain questionnaire boxes in order to maintain their ability to operate in regulated industries or to partner with certain companies. In these cases, achieving and maintaining specific security benchmarks is like giving companies a “hunting license” for certain types of partnerships.

This process really starts with understanding the gap between where companies are and where they need to be. This is the basis of formulating effective compliance strategies. The idea is to come to a complete understanding of the organization’s security posture and needs up front; an approach that helps ensure that security dollars are spent wisely and achieve the desired effects. Many times we see organizations rush through this step, spinning their wheels on the path to compliance by either misappropriating resources or by simply over spending. Each client and situation is a bit different; a successful approach leverages understanding what needs to be done in the cadence that stacks logically for that particular client.

Another pivotal factor guiding our recommendation starts with the maturity level of the organization’s security program. For a security program that is less mature, it is important to focus on not only those security mechanisms that most effectively address the risk, but also those that are the least expensive and easiest to implement.

We gauge maturity based on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework as it applies to the particular organization’s security posture. The core of the NIST framework sets out five functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond and Recover. Within each function are related categories with activities to be rated and applied. For example, under Identity are Asset Management, Business Environment, Governance, Risk Assessment and Risk Management Strategy. These blocks stack on top of each other and layout a path based on a hierarchy of risk; what is most likely to occur weighted against the impact to the organization.

In addition to an organization’s maturity, it is important to consider the cyber-economic value of the content they manage. This usually correlates with proprietary or sensitive personal information held by companies. The higher the value of the data held by an organization, the greater the lengths hackers will go to attain it. As usual the market will drive the velocity and veracity of breach attempts along with the level of criminal attracted to them. Therefore, the value of your organization’s information should have a direct correlation with the amount of time, energy and investments needed to protect it.