5 Critical Lessons for IoT Vendors from the CrowdStrike/Microsoft Global Outage

Hey there,infosec aficionados! The recent CrowdStrike/Microsoft global outage sent shockwaves through the tech world, and if you’re in the IoT game, you’d better be taking notes. Let’s dive into the top 5 lessons that every IoT vendor should be etching into their playbooks right now.

 1. Resilience Isn’t Just a Buzzword, It’s Your Lifeline

Listen up, folks. If this outage taught us anything, it’s that our interconnected systems are about as fragile as a house of cards in a hurricane. One domino falls, and suddenly we’re all scrambling. For IoT vendors, resilience isn’t just nice to have – it’s do or die.

You need to be building systems that can take a punch and keep on ticking. Think redundancy, failover mechanisms, and spreading your infrastructure across the globe like you’re planning for the apocalypse. Because in our world, every day could be doomsday for your devices.

 2. Data Recovery: Your Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card

When the data center lights (and flights) went out, a lot of folks found themselves up the creek without a paddle – or their data. IoT vendors, take heed: your backup and recovery game needs to be top-notch. We’re talking bulletproof backups and recovery processes that you could run in your sleep.

And don’t just set it and forget it. Test those recovery processes like you’re prepping for the Olympics. Because when the big one hits, you don’t want to be caught with your data flows down.

 3. Updates: Handle with Extreme Caution

Here’s a plot twist for you: the very thing meant to protect us – a security update – was what kicked off this whole mess. It’s like locking your door and realizing you’ve handed the key to a burglar.

IoT vendors, you need to treat every update like it’s potentially toxic. Rigorous testing, staged rollouts, and the ability to hit the “undo” button faster than you can say “oops” – these aren’t just good practices, they’re your survival kit.

 4. Know Thy Dependencies (and Their Dependencies)

In this tangled web we weave, you might think you’re an island, but surprise! You’re probably more connected than Kevin Bacon. The CrowdStrike/Microsoft fiasco showed us that even if you weren’t directly using their services, you might still end up as collateral damage.

So, IoT vendors, it’s time to play detective. Map out every single dependency in your tech stack, and then map their dependencies. And for the love of all things cyber, diversify! A multi-vendor approach might give you a headache now, but it’ll be a lifesaver when the next big outage hits.

 5. Incident Response: Time to Get Real

If your incident response plan is collecting dust on a shelf (or worse, is just a figment of your imagination), wake up and smell the coffee! This outage caught a lot of folks with their guards down, and it wasn’t pretty.

You need to be running drills like it’s the end of the world. Simulate failures, practice your response, and then do it all over again. Because when the real deal hits, you want your team moving like a well-oiled machine, not like headless chickens.

 The Bottom Line

Look, in our hyper-connected IoT world, massive outages aren’t a matter of if, but when. It’s time to stop crossing our fingers and hoping for the best. Resilience, recovery, and rock-solid response capabilities – these are the tools that will separate the IoT winners from the losers in the long run.

So, IoT vendors, consider this your wake-up call. Are you ready to step up your game, or are you going to be the next cautionary tale? The choice is yours.

Need help building an industry-leading IoT information security program? Our vCISOs have the knowledge, experience, and wisdom to help you, no matter your starting poing. Drop us a line at info@microsolved.com for a no hassle discussion and use cases. 



* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.

New vCISO Client Capacity


Exciting News: We Can Now Take on One More vCISO Client!

We’re thrilled to announce that MicroSolved now has the capacity to onboard one more client for our vCISO (virtual Chief Information Security Officer) services! This is a unique opportunity for your organization to gain access to top-tier cybersecurity leadership and expertise without the full-time overhead.


Why Choose Our vCISO Services?

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses face an array of cybersecurity challenges. From sophisticated ransomware attacks to subtle phishing schemes, staying ahead of cyber threats requires expert guidance. Our vCISO services provide:

  • Expertise and Experience: Benefit from seasoned cybersecurity professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge across various industries.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Access strategic security leadership without the cost of a full-time executive.
  • Customized Security Strategies: Tailored solutions to meet your specific business needs and objectives.

Get Started with Our Free Whitepaper

To help you understand the full scope and benefits of vCISO services, we’ve prepared an in-depth whitepaper: “Navigating the Complex Landscape of Cybersecurity: How vCISO Services Can Secure Your Business.” This comprehensive guide covers the evolving threat landscape, the role of vCISO services, and real-world case studies demonstrating successful security implementations.

Download Your Copy Today!

Ready to learn more? Download our whitepaper for a deep dive into how vCISO services can transform your cybersecurity strategy. Visit https://signup.microsolved.com/vciso-whitepaper-download/ to get your copy now.

Don’t miss out on this chance to elevate your cybersecurity posture with expert guidance. Act quickly—spaces are limited!

Contact Us

For more information or to discuss how our vCISO services can align with your needs, reach out to us at info@microsolved.com or call (614) 351-1237. We’re here to help you navigate the complex world of cybersecurity and secure your business’s future.

Stay secure,
Brent Huston and the MicroSolved Team

By leveraging our vCISO services, your organization can stay ahead of cyber threats and ensure robust protection for your digital assets. Don’t wait—take the first step today by downloading our whitepaper.


* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.


Unlock Top-Tier Cybersecurity Expertise with a Virtual CISO: The Smart Choice for Modern Businesses


In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, robust cybersecurity is no longer optional—it’s essential. However, hiring a full-time Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) can be financially out of reach for many organizations, especially small to medium-sized enterprises. That’s where a virtual CISO (vCISO) program comes in, offering a game-changing solution that brings world-class security leadership within reach of businesses of all sizes.



Let’s explore the key benefits of partnering with a vCISO:

  1. Access to Unparalleled Expertise: A vCISO brings a wealth of knowledge and experience gained from tackling diverse cybersecurity challenges across multiple industries. This broad perspective enables them to navigate complex security landscapes, anticipate emerging threats, and ensure your organization stays ahead of the curve.
  2. Cost-Effective Security Leadership: By opting for a vCISO, you gain access to top-tier security expertise without the substantial overhead of a full-time executive position. This flexibility allows you to allocate your budget more efficiently while still benefiting from strategic security guidance.
  3. Tailored Strategic Direction: Your vCISO will work closely with your team to develop and implement a comprehensive information security strategy aligned with your specific business objectives. They ensure your cybersecurity initiatives are not just robust, but also support your overall business goals.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility: As your business evolves, so do your security needs. A vCISO service model offers the flexibility to scale services up or down, allowing you to adapt quickly to new challenges, regulatory requirements, or changes in your business environment.
  5. Objective, Independent Insights: Free from internal politics and biases, a vCISO provides an unbiased assessment of your security posture. This independent perspective is crucial for identifying vulnerabilities and recommending effective risk mitigation strategies.
  6. Compliance and Best Practices: Stay on top of ever-changing regulatory requirements with a vCISO who understands the intricacies of compliance across various industries and regions. They’ll ensure your security practices not only meet but exceed industry standards.
  7. Knowledge Transfer and Team Empowerment: A key aspect of the vCISO role is mentoring your existing team. By transferring knowledge and best practices, they help grow your internal capabilities, boosting your team’s skills, confidence, and overall effectiveness.
  8. Continuous Improvement: The cybersecurity landscape never stands still, and neither should your security posture. A vCISO continually adjusts your security initiatives to address emerging threats, changing business needs, and evolving global regulations.


Don’t let cybersecurity challenges hold your business back. Embrace the power of a virtual CISO program and take your organization’s security to the next level.

Ready to revolutionize your cybersecurity strategy? The time to act is now.

More Information

Contact MicroSolved today for a no-pressure discussion about how our vCISO program can transform your security posture. With flexible engagement options tailored to your needs, there’s never been a better time to invest in your organization’s digital future.

Call us at 614-351-1237 or email info@microsolved.com to schedule your consultation. Don’t wait for a security breach to realize the importance of expert guidance—secure your business today with MicroSolved’s vCISO program.


* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.



Preparing Your Infosec Program for Quantum Computing


Imagine a world where encryption, the bedrock of our current cybersecurity measures, can be unraveled in mere moments. This reality is not just conceivable; it’s on the horizon with the advent of quantum computing. A groundbreaking leap from traditional binary computing, quantum computing has the potential to redefine what we deem secure.

Delving into the peculiar realm of quantum mechanics unleashes power that eclipses the might of our current supercomputers. To truly grasp how this will reshape information security, one must understand qubits and the unfathomable processing capabilities they present. The security protocols we depend on today are poised for a seismic shift as quantum computers become more prevalent.

In this article, we embark on a journey through the landscape of quantum computing and its impending collision with the world of cybersecurity. From exploring quantum-resistant cryptography to pondering the role of agencies in securing data in a post-quantum Era, we will prepare your infosec program to stand firm in the face of this computational tidal wave.

Understanding the Basics of Quantum Computing

Quantum computing signifies a revolutionary leap from classical computers, fundamentally altering the landscape of data processing. The core of this transformation lies in the utilization of quantum bits or qubits. Unlike standard bits, which are confined to a binary state of either 0 or 1, qubits harness the peculiar properties of quantum mechanics. These particles can exist in a state of superposition, being both 0 and 1 simultaneously, which greatly expands their computational capacity.

To maintain their complex states, qubits require an environment that isolates them from any external interference. Achieving this usually involves extreme measures such as cooling systems that approach absolute zero temperatures. This delicate balance is essential to prevent the decoherence and degradation of the qubit’s information.

Another hallmark of quantum computing is entanglement, a phenomenon where qubits become so deeply linked that the state of one will instantaneously influence its entangled partner, regardless of the distance separating them. This interconnection paves the way for unprecedented speed and efficiency in computing processes.

Given the immense computing power quantum machines are expected to yield, they pose a critical concern for information security. Current cryptographic protocols, which rely on the computational difficulty of certain mathematical problems, might become easily solvable in a fraction of the time currently required. Therefore, in anticipation of this quantum threat, governments and institutions like the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are proactively working on developing and standardizing quantum-resistant cryptographic mechanisms. These intensified efforts aim to buttress our cybersecurity infrastructure against the potential onslaught of quantum attacks that could exploit the vulnerabilities of classical cryptographic systems.

Explaining Quantum Computers

Quantum Computers




Utilize qubits instead of bits, allowing for simultaneous representation of 0 and 1 through superposition.


A property where qubits are interconnected so that the state of one can instantaneously impact another.

Encryption Threat

Pose danger to current encryption methods due to their ability to solve complex cryptographic problems rapidly.

Quantum computers diverge entirely from the operational framework of classical computers. While traditional machines process data linearly, quantum computers leverage the dual state capability of qubits through superposition, allowing them to perform multiple calculations concurrently.

The intrinsic feature of entanglement in quantum computers enables a linked state among qubits, enabling immediate and correlated changes across them. This feature dramatically accelerates complex problem-solving and data analysis processes.

The exponential speed and power of quantum machines offer promising advancements but simultaneously challenge the integrity of cryptographic algorithms, including those protecting internet infrastructure. As quantum computers excel at calculating large numbers efficiently, they could potentially decipher encryption swiftly, rendering many of the security protocols we currently rely on ineffective. This quantum leap requires a reevaluation and reinforcement of encryption to secure data against the potential intrusion by these powerful computing entities.

Discussing Quantum Bits (Qubits)

Quantum bits – or qubits – are the quintessential building blocks of quantum computers. By being able to embody multiple states at once through superposition, they bypass the limitations of classical bits. This property permits an exponential increase in computing power, as each qubit added to the system essentially doubles its capacity.

Entanglement compounds this capability, fostering a network of qubits that synchronize changes over any distance. This drastically enhances efficiency, enabling rapid complex calculations and high-level problem-solving far beyond the scope of traditional computing.

The manipulation of qubits through quantum algorithms, exploiting both superposition and entanglement, allows quantum computers to perform functions in mere moments that would take classical computers years. However, it’s key to note that this power to swiftly navigate through vast computational possibilities not only offers solutions but also necessitates the evolution of cybersecurity measures.

Exploring Quantum Mechanics and Its Relation to Computing

Quantum Mechanics Principles in Computing

  • Superposition: Facilitates qubits to be both 0 and 1 concurrently, enabling parallel calculation capabilities.
  • Entanglement: Connects qubits, allowing information sharing instantaneously regardless of distance.
  • Acceleration: Propels computing processes at an unprecedented pace, opening new possibilities for industries.

Quantum mechanics and computing are intertwined, with the former offering an analytical lens for the latter. By viewing computing through the principles of quantum physics, a vast new computational paradigm emerges. The spoils of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, permit the functionality of quantum bits, or qubits, fundamentally differentiating quantum computers from their classical counterparts.

These quantum properties allow for parallel calculations to be conducted simultaneously, something utterly impossible for classical computing architecture. With the formidable capability to expedite solutions and answer monumental questions across varied industries, quantum computing is expected to drive significant progress in the next decade.

However, the same properties that endow quantum computers with their power also render current encryption models, like RSA, profoundly vulnerable. Quantum computers can decipher complex numerical problems in a fraction of the time expected by traditional systems, therefore outpacing and potentially compromising existing cybersecurity measures. Consequently, acknowledging and preparing for quantum impacts on encryption is paramount, ensuring a secure transition into the impending post-quantum world.

The Implications of Quantum Computing on Cybersecurity

Quantum computing heralds a double-edged sword for the digital world; on one side, it promises unprecedented computational breakthroughs, and on the other, it poses a seismic threat to cybersecurity. The very nature of quantum computing, with its ability to solve complex problems that are intractable for classical computers, could undermine encryption methods that protect everything from daily financial transactions to state secrets. Data meant to be safeguarded for an extended period is at risk, as current encryption could eventually be rendered obsolete by quantum techniques.

Recognizing this, efforts to create quantum-resistant encryption are gaining momentum. NIST, among other institutions, is actively seeking post-quantum solutions, having sifted through 69 potential cryptographic methods. The road ahead is a paradigm shift in cybersecurity strategy: to adopt a multi-layered, quantum-safe defense and build an infrastructure resilient to the quantum age. Such a transition demands identifying and protecting critical data assets with diversified cryptographic solutions and contemplating novel, quantum-robust algorithms for enduring security.

As quantum technology advances, organizations must remain vigilant, continuously adapting to new cybersecurity regulations and principles like zero-trust architecture to fortify themselves against future quantum exploits.

Identifying the Quantum Threat to Cryptographic Algorithms

The Cloud Security Alliance forecasts a worrisome horizon for cryptographic algorithms such as RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and Elliptic-Curve Cryptography, indicating their susceptibility to quantum attacks possibly by April 2030. Such a development exposes organizations to ‘harvest now, decrypt later’ scenarios, where adversaries collect encrypted information, waiting to unlock it with mature quantum capabilities.

Notably, over half of the participants in a Deloitte Poll acknowledged this risk, attesting to the widespread concern regarding quantum computing’s impact on cryptography. The crux of this threat is the superior ability of qubits, the core units of quantum computing, to tackle multifaceted problems rapidly. Hence, the urgency to innovate quantum security measures is fundamental, demanding a robust cybersecurity edifice that can withstand advanced future threats.

Assessing the Impact of Powerful Quantum Computers on Current Security Measures

Contemporary cybersecurity rests on encryption algorithms like RSA, which powerful quantum computers could nullify. Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) seeks to mitigate this threat, ensuring our safety protocols are compatible with a quantum future.

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is at the Knowledge cutoff: forefront, assessing 69 methods for such cryptography. Moreover, the ‘harvest now, decrypt later’ dynamic looms as a direct consequence of powerful quantum computing, prompting the necessity for quantum-safe countermeasures, without which industries face considerable security risks.

Recognizing the Challenges of Key Distribution in a Post-Quantum World

With the prospect of quantum computing, the secure distribution of cryptographic keys becomes ever more crucial, yet challenging. The landscape beyond the coming decade needs to account for quantum threats; organizations must ensure continued data safety while raising awareness among leaders and stakeholders.

Strategies like crypto agility are crucial, providing the flexibility necessary to transition between algorithms in response to emerging vulnerabilities or quantum threats. Additionally, the integration of traditional and quantum-driven security methods or technologies like Quantum Key Distribution could bolster our cryptographic defenses in this new computational era.

Analyzing the Implications for Crypto Agility in the Face of Quantum Attacks

The ascent of quantum computing casts a foreboding shadow over established encryption methods such as RSA and ECC. Algorithms conceived for quantum machines, like Shor’s and Grover’s, are primed to factorize large numbers expeditiously, undermining the foundations of conventional cryptographic security.

Post-quantum cryptography is the beacon of hope, looking at alternatives like lattice-based cryptography founded on the intricacies of lattice mathematics for quantum-resistant encryption methods. With 50.2% of respondents in a Deloitte Poll voicing concern over ‘harvest now, decrypt later’ threats, the imperative for crypto agility has never been clearer. Making a preemptive pivot towards quantum-resistant solutions is both a strategic and necessary stance to counter the coming quantum onslaught.

Quantum Technologies and their Potential Impact on Infosec Programs

Quantum computing represents a transformative force across sectors, boasting the ability to accelerate problem-solving capabilities to levels unattainable by classical systems. Within the sphere of cybersecurity, this computing paradigm foreshadows profound repercussions. Existing security protocols could falter as advanced computational techniques emerge, rendering them inadequate against quantum-powered attacks.

To hedge against this prospective quantum revolution, organizations are hastily directing focus toward post-quantum cryptography (PQC). This advanced subset of cryptographic algorithms is designed to be quantum-resistant, ensuring the protection of sensitive data even against adversaries wielding quantum tools. In a proactive move, NIST has earmarked four quantum-resistant encryption methods, setting the stage for a fortified cybersecurity infrastructure in the impending era of quantum computing.

Another trailblazing quantum technology is Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). QKD exemplifies a formidable approach to escalated security, exploiting the quirks of quantum physics to enable impenetrable key distribution, safeguarding against even the most sophisticated eavesdropping endeavors. As such, the confluence of PQC and QKD marks a pivotal junction in the roadmap for future infosec programs that need to anticipate the universal challenges posed by quantum technologies.

Examining the Role of Quantum Computing in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The symbiosis of quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI) promises an era where data is dissected with unparalleled precision. Quantum machine-learning could significantly enhance AI algorithms, sharpening the detection of evolving cyber threats. Thanks to the deftness of quantum computers in sifting through extensive datasets, quantum advantage could lead to more astute and efficient pattern recognition, empowering real-time threat detection, and proactive response systems.

Furthermore, the nascent realm of quantum computing stands to revolutionize network security through its prowess in dissecting complex networks, uncovering latent vulnerabilities, and buttressing cybersecurity frameworks against imminent threats. The precipitous growth of quantum-informed algorithms suggests a future where AI and machine learning not only accelerate but also achieve greater energy efficiency in warding off novel cyber risks.

One cannot ignore, however, the demands such developments place on human capital. Quantum computing necessitates a cadre of skilled professionals, ushering in an educational imperative to train and cultivate expertise in this avant-garde technology.

Exploring the Integration of Quantum Technologies into Traditional Computers

In the advent of a hybridized technology ecosystem, quantum computers are poised to take on the mantle of specialized co-processors, alongside their classical counterparts. Such arrangements would enable classical systems to offload computationally intense tasks, particularly those well-suited to quantum’s nuanced problem-solving capabilities. Yet, this marriage of digital methodologies is not without its pitfalls.

Integrating quantum and classical systems may inadvertently create conduits for established cybersecurity threats to infiltrate quantum realms. The anticipated arrival of standardized quantum algorithms within the next several years provides some assurance, although the perpetual evolution of quantum computing techniques may challenge such uniformity.

Taking center stage in the convergence of quantum and traditional computing is the Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), an encryption method that leverages quantum physics to deliver keys with guaranteed secrecy. Despite these innovative strides, vulnerabilities highlighted by quantum factorization methods, like Peter Shor’s notorious algorithm, forecast potential threats, especially to cornerstone encryption protocols such as RSA.

Evaluating the Processing Power of Quantum Computers and its Effect on Cybersecurity

Quantum computing’s extraordinary processing power is derived from quantum bits, or qubits, which operate in a rich tapestry of states beyond the binary confines of classical bits. This quantum capability enables the performance of calculations at a pace and complexity that is exponential compared to traditional computing power. The crux of the matter for cybersecurity is the implications this has on encryption, as quantum computers can potentially break encryptions that classical computers would never feasibly solve.

The burgeoning presence of quantum computing introduces a myriad of challenges, not least the financial and accessibility barriers for smaller organizations. As advancements in quantum computing gain momentum, the cybersecurity landscape will need to adapt to an ever-evolving set of challenges, requiring vigilant monitoring and nimble responses.

To keep apace with the dynamic growth of quantum computing, a collaborative trinity of industry, academia, and government is imperative. Together, these stakeholders are the keystone in the archway leading to new cryptographic defenses, ensuring the enduring confidentiality and integrity of private information amidst the quantum computing revolution.

Strategies for Adapting Infosec Programs to the Quantum Computing Era

As quantum computing continues to develop, its potential impact on cybersecurity grows exponentially. Infosec programs, therefore, must evolve with the emerging quantum threat. Here are key strategies for ensuring that security frameworks remain robust and agile in the face of quantum advancements:

  • Evaluating Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC): Proactively assess and integrate NIST-approved PQC algorithms into existing security protocols to ensure data remains secure against quantum computers.
  • Employing Quantum Key Distribution (QKD): Consider the practicality and benefits of QKD for safeguarding critical communications against quantum spying techniques.
  • Practicing Quantum-Secure Governance: Develop and instill governance principles that specifically address the unique considerations of quantum technologies to establish trust and mitigate risks.
  • Prioritizing Data Protection: Identify and categorize the sensitivity of organizational data to strategize encryption overlays and safeguard valuable assets.
  • Implementing Crypto Agility: Embrace a comprehensive risk assessment approach that prioritizes the swift adoption of quantum-resistant mechanisms and allows for quick adaptation to new cryptographic standards.

Developing Quantum-Resistant Cryptographic Algorithms

In anticipation of quantum computing’s potential to disrupt current cryptographic models, the development of quantum-resistant algorithms is critical. Lattice-based, code-based, multivariate, hash-based, and isogeny-based cryptography exemplify such pioneering approaches. These algorithms aim to withstand the computational supremacy of quantum mechanics. However, this futuristic cryptography frontier presents unique challenges, including the steep curve in development, adoption, and the required coordination among global stakeholders to achieve homogeneity in protection measures.

Implementing Quantum-Safe Key Distribution Mechanisms

The secure exchange of encryption keys is fundamental to confidential communication. Quantum key distribution (QKD) emerges as a cutting-edge mechanism, utilizing quantum states to thwart eavesdropping attempts detectably. Integrating QKD entails specialized infrastructure, such as high-quality fiber optics, and embodies the principle of forward secrecy. By leveraging the peculiar characteristics of photons during transmission, QKD introduces an inherently secure method of key exchange, bolstering defenses against both current and potential future quantum interceptions.

Enhancing Post-Quantum Crypto Agility

Crypto agility is paramount for organizations navigating the transition to post-quantum cryptography (PQC). Forward-thinking entities are recognizing the necessity of adopting NIST’s identified PQC algorithms as part of their cyber-defense arsenal. With an estimated 5 to 10-year window for full implementation, the race is on to redesign infrastructure with quantum-resistant measures. Achieving this elastic state of post-quantum crypto agility will ensure that organizations can seamlessly evolve alongside emerging cryptographic standards, mitigating quantum-related threats.

Leveraging Quantum Technologies for Enhanced Security Measures

The integration of quantum technologies offers a vanguard in security measures. Utilizing quantum random number generators lays the foundation for constructing encryption keys grounded in the incontrovertibility of physical laws, delivering unprecedented guarantees. Innovations such as the Quantum Origin platform are fostering stronger cryptographic resilience. Major tech players—eyeing the transformative trajectory of quantum computing—are already providing quantum capabilities through cloud services, underscoring the urgency for organizations to harness these emerging technologies to fortify their cybersecurity posture against quantum-scale threats.


  • Quantum Mechanics Leap: Quantum computers leverage quantum mechanics, outperforming traditional computers in certain tasks.
  • Superior Processing: They offer unprecedented computational power, solving complex problems efficiently.
  • Cryptographic Algorithms Crisis: Current cryptographic algorithms may become vulnerable to quantum attacks.
  • Quantify the Quantum Threat: Assessing the quantum threat is essential for future-proof cybersecurity strategies.
  • Post-Quantum Cryptography Need: Development of quantum-resistant encryption methods is crucial.
  • Quantum Bits Revolution: Utilizing quantum bits (qubits) fundamentally changes data processing and security.
  • Crypto Agility is Paramount: Organizations must adapt to crypto agility to respond to quantum threats swiftly.
  • Key Distribution Redefined: Quantum key distribution promises enhanced security in the quantum era.
  • National Security Implications: Government agencies are deeply invested due to implications for national security.
  • Global Race for Quantum Supremacy: Powers vie for control over quantum computing’s immense potential.

Implication Aspect

Traditional computing

Quantum Computing

Computational Speed

Limited processing power

Exponential capabilities


Currently secure

Potentially vulnerable

Security Focus

Crypto stability

Crypto agility

National Security

Important concern

Top priority

In summary, the rise of quantum computing presents both an opportunity and a formidable challenge for cybersecurity, necessitating the development of robust post-quantum cryptography and strategic adaptation across global industries.



* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.



Ensuring Cybersecurity: Blocking Discord Access with Firewall Rules


I. Introduction

Purpose of Blocking Discord Access

Social media and communication platforms like Discord are everywhere in today’s digital landscape. However, their widespread use also introduces significant cybersecurity risks. Discord, known for its extensive user base and real-time communication features, can be a vector for malicious actors’ malware distribution and command and control (C2) operations. Blocking access to Discord within a corporate environment is a proactive measure to mitigate these risks.

Importance of Controlled Access to Prevent Malware Command and Control

Controlling access to external platforms is crucial in preventing unauthorized use of corporate resources for malicious purposes. By restricting access to platforms like Discord, organizations can reduce the risk of malware infections, data breaches, and unauthorized communications. This measure helps keep network integrity and security intact, safeguarding sensitive business information from cyber threats.

II. Assessing Business Needs

Identifying Users with Legitimate Business Needs

Before implementing a blanket ban on Discord, it’s essential to identify any legitimate business needs for accessing the platform. This could include marketing teams monitoring brand presence, developers collaborating with external partners, or customer support teams engaging with clients through Discord channels.

Documenting and Justifying Business Needs

Once legitimate needs are identified, they should be documented comprehensively. This documentation should include the specific reasons for access, the potential benefits to the business, and any risks associated with allowing such access. This step ensures that decisions are transparent and justifiable.

Approval Process for Access

Establish a formal approval process for users requesting access to Discord. This process should involve a thorough IT and security team review, considering the documented business needs and potential security risks. Approved users should be granted access through secure, monitored channels to ensure compliance with corporate policies.

III. Technical Controls

A. Network Segmentation

Isolating Critical Systems

One of the fundamental strategies in cybersecurity is network segmentation. Organizations can limit the potential impact of a security breach by isolating critical systems from the rest of the network. Critical systems should be placed in separate VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) with strict access controls.

Implementing VLANs

Creating VLANs for different departments or user groups can help manage and monitor network traffic more effectively. For instance, placing high-risk users (those needing access to external platforms like Discord) in a separate VLAN allows for focused monitoring and control without impacting the broader network.

B. Firewall Rules

Blocking Discord-Related IPs and Domains

To block Discord access, configure firewall rules to block known Discord IP addresses and domain names. For example:

! Block Discord IP addresses
access-list 101 deny ip any host
access-list 101 deny ip any host

! Block Discord domain names
ip domain list discord.com
ip domain list discord.gg
access-list 101 deny ip any host discord.com
access-list 101 deny ip any host discord.gg

! Apply the access list to the appropriate interface
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
 ip access-group 101 in

For comprehensive lists of Discord servers and IPs to block, refer to resources such as:

Creating Whitelists for Approved Users

For users with approved access, create specific firewall rules to allow traffic. This can be done by setting up a whitelist:

! Allow approved users to access Discord
access-list 102 permit ip host approved_user_ip any

! Apply the whitelist access list to the appropriate interface
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
 ip access-group 102 in

C. Proxy Servers

Filtering Traffic

Utilize proxy servers to filter and control web traffic. Proxy servers can block access to Discord by filtering requests to known Discord domains. This ensures that only approved traffic passes through the network.

Monitoring and Logging Access

Proxy servers should also be configured to monitor and log all access attempts. These logs should be reviewed regularly to detect unauthorized access attempts and potential security threats.

D. Application Control

Blocking Discord Application

Application control can prevent the installation and execution of the Discord application on corporate devices. Use endpoint security solutions to enforce policies that block unauthorized software.

Allowing Access Only to Approved Instances

For users who need Discord for legitimate reasons, ensure they use only approved instances. This can be managed by allowing access only through specific devices or within certain network segments, with continuous monitoring for compliance.


Blocking Discord access in a corporate environment involves a multi-layered approach combining policy enforcement, network segmentation, firewall rules, proxy filtering, and application control. Organizations can mitigate the risks associated with Discord by thoroughly assessing business needs, documenting justifications, and implementing robust technical controls while allowing necessary business functions to continue securely.

For assistance or additional insights on implementing these controls, contact MicroSolved. Our team of experts is here to help you navigate the complexities of cybersecurity and ensure your organization remains protected against emerging threats.



* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.


MicroSolved’s vCISO Services: A Smart Way to Boost Your Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is always changing. Organizations need more than just security tools. They also need expert advice to deal with complex threats and weaknesses. This is where MSI’s vCISO services can help. MSI has a long history of being great at information security. Their vCISO services are made just for your organization to make your cybersecurity better and keep you safe from new threats.

Why MSI’s vCISO Services are a Good Choice:

  • Expert Advice: MSI’s vCISO services provide high-level guidance, helping align your cybersecurity plans with your business goals. MSI’s team has many years of experience, making sure your security policies follow industry standards and actually work against real threats.
  • Custom Risk Management: Every organization has different risks and needs. MSI customizes its vCISO services to fit your exact situation. Their services cover risk reviews, policy making, and compliance.
  • Proactive Threat Intelligence: MSI has advanced threat intelligence tools, like its HoneyPoint™ Security Server. vCISO services use real-time threat data in your security operations, helping you find, respond to, and reduce attacks.
  • Full Incident Response: If a security incident occurs, MSI’s vCISO services ensure that you respond quickly and effectively. They help plan incident response, hunt threats, and conduct practice exercises. This prepares your team for potential breaches and limits disruption to your work.
  • Long-term Partnership: MSI wants to build long relationships with clients. vCISO services are made to change as your organization changes. They provide constant improvement and adapt to new security challenges. MSI is committed to helping your security team do well over time.

Take Action

MSI’s vCISO services can improve your organization’s cybersecurity. You can get expert advice, proactive threat intelligence, and full risk management tailored to your needs.

Email info@microsolved.com to get started.

Using MSI’s vCISO services, you strengthen your cybersecurity and get a strategic partner to help you succeed long-term in the always-changing digital world. Reach out today and let MSI help guide your cybersecurity journey with confidence.


* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.

Third-Party Authentication Inventory Worksheet

We often get asked for worksheet questionnaires to help organizations inventory their third-party applications and the underlying authentication mechanisms. 

As such, we have developed a template for our clients and others to use for this purpose. 

You can easily distribute this worksheet to each part of the business or group, empowering them to complete it for each of their third-party applications. 

Once they return the data, you can extract it into any aggregation tool or vendor monitoring system you use. If you don’t have those tools available, you can process and monitor them manually using this easy spreadsheet for each line of business. 

You can get the template spreadsheet here

As always, we hope these tools are helpful. Let us know if you have any questions or feedback. 

Success of Our vCISO Program in a Credit Union Client

Our vCISO program recently celebrated a significant success with one of our credit union clients, demonstrating the profound impact of our tailored security strategies and expert guidance.

From the onset, we approached the partnership with a comprehensive risk assessment, focusing on the unique needs and regulatory requirements of the credit union sector. Leveraging our deep understanding of financial services and compliance, we crafted a robust security roadmap aligned with the NCUA ISE and CIS CSC guidelines. This foundational work set the stage for a series of strategic implementations and continuous improvements.

Key Components of Our Success

A key component of our success was the execution of tailored table-top exercises, as outlined in our proprietary workflow. These exercises simulated various incident scenarios, enabling the credit union’s team to refine their incident response protocols and improve their readiness for potential cyber threats. Our iterative approach ensured that the scenarios were realistic and relevant, leading to significant enhancements in their incident management capabilities.

Moreover, our ongoing advisory services included regular reviews and updates to their security policies and procedures, ensuring alignment with best practices and regulatory standards. This proactive stance not only fortified their security posture but also provided assurance to their stakeholders about the integrity of their financial processes.

We also prioritized the implementation of advanced threat detection and response mechanisms. Utilizing our HoneyPoint™ Security Server, the credit union achieved real-time threat intelligence and a deeper understanding of their network security landscape. This capability was crucial in detecting and mitigating threats before they could escalate into significant incidents.

One of the standout achievements was the credit union’s enhanced resilience against ransomware attacks, a prevalent threat in the financial sector. Our detailed ransomware preparedness checklist guided their implementation of critical controls, from regular data backups to comprehensive user education on phishing risks. This multi-layered defense strategy significantly reduced their vulnerability to such attacks.


The success of this engagement underscores the value of our vCISO program. By combining strategic oversight, hands-on exercises, and continuous improvement initiatives, we enabled our credit union client to not only meet but exceed their security and compliance objectives. This partnership exemplifies our commitment to empowering clients with the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape effectively.

To learn more about how our vCISO program can transform your organization’s security posture, visit our blog at stateofsecurity.com or contact MicroSolved directly. Together, we can build a more secure future.


* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.

How To Implement a Basic ZTNA Architecture


Implementing a Basic Zero Trust Network Access Architecture

Implementing a Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) architecture is increasingly essential for organizations aiming to secure their networks against evolving cyber threats. Zero Trust is a security concept centered on the belief that organizations should not automatically trust anything inside or outside its perimeters and instead must verify everything trying to connect to its systems before granting access.

1. Define the Protect Surface

Identify the critical data, applications, assets, and services (DAAS) that need protection. This step is crucial as it allows you to focus your resources and security measures on the most valuable and vulnerable parts of your network.

2. Map the Transaction Flows

Understand how traffic moves across your network. Mapping the traffic will help you identify legitimate access patterns and needs, which is essential for setting up appropriate security policies.

3. Architect a Zero Trust Network

Create a micro-segmented network architecture. Micro-segmentation involves dividing the network into small zones to maintain separate access for different parts of the network. Each segment or zone should have its own security settings, and access should be restricted based on the principle of least privilege.

4. Create a Zero Trust Policy

Develop a policy that specifies how resources in the network are accessed, who can access these resources, and under what conditions. This policy should enforce that only authenticated and authorized users and devices are allowed access to the specified network segments and resources.

5. Monitor and Maintain Network Security

Implement security monitoring tools to inspect and log network traffic constantly. This can help detect and respond to threats in real-time. Regular audits and updates of the zero trust policies and architecture should be performed to adapt to new threats and changes in the organization.

6. Leverage Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Enforce MFA to ensure that the chance of unauthorized access is minimized. MFA requires users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource, adding an extra layer of security.

7. Implement Least Privilege Access

Ensure that users only have access to the resources that they need to perform their job functions. This should be strictly enforced through rigorous access controls and ongoing management of user permissions.

8. Utilize Endpoint Security Solutions

Secure all endpoints that access the network by ensuring they meet the security standards before they are allowed to connect. This often includes anti-malware and anti-virus software, and endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions.

9. Educate and Train Employees

Provide regular training to all employees about the cybersecurity policies, the importance of security in the workplace, and best practices for maintaining security hygiene. A well-informed workforce can be your first line of defense against cyber threats.

10. Engage Expert Assistance

For organizations looking to develop or enhance their Zero Trust architectures, it is often beneficial to engage with cybersecurity experts who can provide tailored advice and solutions. MicroSolved, Inc. (MSI) has been at the forefront of information security, risk management, and compliance solutions since 1992. MSI offers expert guidance in strategic planning, configuration, policy development, and procedure optimization to ensure your Zero Trust implementation is robust, effective, and tailored to your specific organizational needs. Contact MSI to see how we can help your security team succeed in today’s threat landscape.


* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.


Understanding the Core Tenets of Zero-Trust Network Access


Zero-Trust Network Access: Strengthening Your Cybersecurity

In an era where cyber threats loom at every corner, “never trust, always verify” has become the mantra. The concept of Zero-Trust Network Access (ZTNA) challenges conventional cybersecurity models that relied on too much optimism. Originating from the notion that internal networks can be just as vulnerable as external ones, ZTNA reshapes our approach to digital protection.

Initially a niche idea, ZTNA quickly became a core strategy against data breaches and compromised credentials. It’s a philosophy advocating continuous verification of all entities—both users and devices—regardless of their location relative to the network perimeter. The substantial reduction in security incidents demonstrates its value on the cyber frontlines.

What is Zero-Trust Network Access?

Zero-Trust Network Access (ZTNA) serves as the foundation of a robust and comprehensive security strategy known as Zero Trust architecture. This modern security model operates on a principle of skepticism, withholding implicit trust from any individual or device seeking to interact with a network. Key principles include:

  • Explicit Verification: Every entity is authenticated before accessing network resources, regardless of location.
  • Microsegmentation: Access is granted based on one-to-one connections, reducing lateral movement risks.
  • Least Privilege Access: Permissions are limited to only what’s necessary.

By upholding these principles, ZTNA shifts the security paradigm from an assumed trust model to an explicit trust architecture.

Benefits of Zero-Trust Network Access

Transitioning to Zero-Trust Network Access offers several key benefits:

  • Reduced Unauthorized Access: Comprehensive verification significantly diminishes the likelihood of data breaches and unauthorized disclosures.
  • Mitigated Lateral Movement: One-to-one secure connections minimize the risk of attackers moving laterally within the network.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Streamlined compliance with regulations like PCI DSS and NIST 800-207, simplifying audits and adherence to mandates.
  • Enhanced Oversight and Control: Microsegmentation offers unparalleled governance, allowing tailored controls around high-value datasets.
  • Improved Security Posture: Overall, ZTNA leads to better data protection, reduced risk and detection time for breaches, and stronger command over both cloud and on-premises environments.


ZTNA transforms network security from a traditional trust-centric model to one that presumes risk, advocates continuous verification, and restricts access. This shift aligns with the need for proactive defense mechanisms amid an ever-expanding attack surface, where potential threats can arise from virtually any vector. Security teams are empowered with the tools and protocols to uphold a high-security posture, strengthening their overall strategy against unauthorized access.

Ready to enhance your cybersecurity with Zero-Trust Network Access?

Contact MicroSolved today and let our experts help you implement a comprehensive Zero Trust architecture to protect your organization’s most valuable assets.

Visit MicroSolved’s Contact Page or call us at (614) 351-1237 to get started on fortifying your security posture with cutting-edge ZTNA solutions.

* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.