Improving Enterprise Security Posture with MachineTruth: Global Configuration Assessment


In today’s complex IT environments, ensuring proper and consistent device and application configurations across an entire enterprise is a major challenge. Misconfigurations and unpatched vulnerabilities open the door to cyberattacks and data breaches. Organizations need an efficient way to assess their configurations at scale against best practices and quickly identify issues. This is where MicroSolved’s MachineTruth: Global Configuration Assessment comes in.


MachineTruth is a proprietary analytics and machine learning platform that enables organizations to review their device and application configurations en masse. It compares these configs against industry standards, known vulnerabilities, and common misconfigurations to surface potential issues and ensure consistency of controls across the enterprise. Let’s take a closer look at the key features and benefits of this powerful assessment.

Comprehensive Config Analysis at Scale

One of the core capabilities of MachineTruth is its ability to ingest and analyze a huge volume of textual configuration files from an organization’s devices and systems. This allows it to provide a comprehensive assessment of the security posture across the entire IT environment.

Rather than having to manually check each individual device, MachineTruth can review thousands of configurations simultaneously using advanced analytics and machine learning models. It understands the formats and semantics of various config file types to extract the relevant security settings.

Not only does this drastically reduce the time and effort required for such a wide-ranging assessment, but it also ensures that the review is exhaustive and consistent. No device is overlooked and the same benchmarks are applied across the board.

Comparison to Standards and Best Practices

MachineTruth doesn’t just parse the configuration files, it intelligently compares them to industry standards, vendor hardening guidelines, and established best practices for security. It checks for things like:

  • Insecure default settings that should be changed
  • Missing patches or outdated software versions with known vulnerabilities
  • Inconsistent security controls and policies across devices
  • Configurations that violate the organization’s own standards and requirements

By analyzing configurations through the lens of these guidelines, MachineTruth can identify deviations and gaps that introduce risk. It augments the automated analytics with manual reviews by experienced security engineers using custom-built tools. This combination of machine intelligence and human expertise ensures a thorough assessment.

Actionable Reports and Remediation Guidance

The findings from the assessment are compiled into clear, actionable reports for different audiences. An executive summary provides a high-level overview for leadership and less technical stakeholders. A detailed technical report gives security and IT managers the information they need to understand and prioritize the issues.

Crucially, MachineTruth also provides mitigation recommendations for each finding. It includes a spreadsheet of all identified misconfigurations and vulnerabilities, sorted by severity, with a suggested remediation step for each. This enables the IT team to immediately get to work on fixing the issues.

For even easier remediation, device-specific reports can be generated listing the problems found on each individual machine. These are immensely useful for the personnel who will be implementing the changes and closing the gaps.

By providing this clear guidance on what needs to be fixed and how, MicroSolved helps organizations quickly translate the assessment results into meaningful corrective actions to reduce their cyber risk.

Flexible Engagement Model

MicroSolved offers flexible options for engaging with the MachineTruth assessment to match different organizations’ needs and capabilities. The typical process takes 4-8 weeks from when the configuration files are provided to the generation of the final reports.

Customers can gather the necessary configuration files from their devices on their own or with assistance from MicroSolved’s team as needed. The files are securely transferred to MicroSolved for analysis via an online portal or designated server. The assessment team keeps the customer informed throughout the process of any significant issues or signs of compromise discovered.

For organizations that want an ongoing program to maintain proper configurations over time, multi-year engagements are available. This continuity enables MicroSolved to provide enhanced features like:

  • Tracking reporting preferences to streamline assessments
  • Showing trends over time to measure improvement
  • Storing customer-defined policies and standards for reference
  • Tuning findings based on accepted risks and false positives

These value-added services optimize the assessment process, accelerate remediation work, and help demonstrate the security program’s progress to both technical personnel and executive leadership.

Focus on Outcomes Over Rote Auditing

With MachineTruth, the focus is on identifying and mitigating real issues and risks, not just rotely comparing settings to a checklist. While it leverages standards and best practices, it goes beyond them to surface relevant problems given each organization’s unique environment and requirements.

The assessment process includes validation steps and quality checks, with peer reviews of findings before they are finalized. The reporting phase involves dialogue with the customer to make sure the results are accurate, understandable, and suited to their needs. Workshops and presentations help various stakeholders understand the outcomes and key mitigation steps.

By emphasizing communication, practical guidance, and alignment with the organization’s goals, MicroSolved ensures the assessment delivers meaningful results and measurable security improvements. It’s not just an audit report to stick on a shelf, but an action plan to strengthen the organization’s defenses.


Proper configuration of devices and applications is a fundamental part of any organization’s security program, but one that is increasingly difficult to get right given the scale and complexity of modern IT environments. MicroSolved’s MachineTruth: Global Configuration Assessment harnesses the power of machine learning and data analytics to verify configurations en masse against standards and best practices.

This innovative assessment enables organizations to efficiently identify and remediate misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, and inconsistent controls across their IT infrastructure. With clear, actionable reports and a flexible engagement model, MicroSolved makes it easier to strengthen security posture and concretely mitigate risks.

As cyber threats continue to escalate, organizations need next-generation assessment capabilities like MachineTruth to meet the challenge. It marries the subject matter expertise of world-class security professionals with the speed and scalability of artificial intelligence to deliver a truly enterprise-grade solution for configuration security.

More Information

To learn more about MicroSolved’s MachineTruth: Global Configuration Assessment and how it can help improve your organization’s security posture, contact us today. Our team of experienced security professionals is ready to discuss your specific needs and provide a tailored solution. Don’t wait until it’s too late; take proactive steps to strengthen your defenses and mitigate risks. Contact MicroSolved now and empower your organization with advanced configuration security capabilities. (Email or call us at +1.614.351.1237 to speak to our expert team)


* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.


How to Craft Effective Prompts for Threat Detection and Log Analysis



As cybersecurity professionals, log analysis is one of our most powerful tools in the fight against threats. By sifting through the vast troves of data generated by our systems, we can uncover the telltale signs of malicious activity. But with so much information to process, where do we even begin?

The key is to arm ourselves with well-crafted prompts that guide our investigations and help us zero in on the threats that matter most. In this post, we’ll explore three sample prompts you can use to supercharge your threat detection and log analysis efforts. So grab your magnifying glass, and let’s dive in!

Prompt 1: Detecting Unusual Login Activity

One common indicator of potential compromise is unusual login activity. Attackers frequently attempt to brute force their way into accounts or use stolen credentials. To spot this, try a prompt like:

Show me all failed login attempts from IP addresses that have not previously authenticated successfully to this system within the past 30 days. Include the source IP, account name, and timestamp.

This will bubble up login attempts coming from new and unfamiliar locations, which could represent an attacker trying to gain a foothold. You can further refine this by looking for excessive failed attempts to a single account or many failed attempts across numerous accounts from the same IP.

Prompt 2: Identifying Suspicious Process Execution

Attackers will often attempt to run malicious tools or scripts after compromising a system. You can find evidence of this by analyzing process execution logs with a prompt such as:

Show me all processes launched from temporary directories or user profile AppData directories. Include the process name, associated username, full command line, and timestamp.

Legitimate programs rarely run from these locations, so this can quickly spotlight suspicious activity. Pay special attention to scripting engines like PowerShell or command line utilities like PsExec being launched from unusual paths. Examine the full command line to understand what the process was attempting to do.

Prompt 3: Spotting Anomalous Network Traffic

Compromised systems frequently communicate with external command and control (C2) servers to receive instructions or exfiltrate data. To detect this, try running the following prompt against network connection logs:

Show me all outbound network connections to IP addresses outside of our organization’s controlled address space. Exclude known good IPs like software update servers. Include source and destination IPs, destination port, connection duration, and total bytes transferred.

Look for long-duration connections or large data transfers to previously unseen IP addresses, especially on non-standard ports. Correlating this with the associated process can help determine if the traffic is malicious or benign.


Effective prompts like these are the key to unlocking the full potential of your log data for threat detection. You can quickly identify the needle in the haystack by thoughtfully constructing queries that target common attack behaviors.

But this is just the beginning. As you dig into your findings, let each answer guide you to the next question. Pivot from one data point to the next to paint a complete picture and scope the full extent of any potential compromise.

Mastering the art of prompt crafting takes practice, but the effort pays dividends. Over time, you’ll develop a robust library of questions that can be reused and adapted to fit evolving needs. So stay curious, keep honing your skills, and happy hunting!

More Help?

Ready to take your threat detection and log analysis skills to the next level? The experts at MicroSolved are here to help. With decades of experience on the front lines of cybersecurity, we can work with you to develop custom prompts tailored to your unique environment and risk profile. We’ll also show you how to integrate these prompts into a comprehensive threat-hunting program that proactively identifies and mitigates risks before they impact your business. Be sure to start asking the right questions before an attack succeeds. Contact us today at to schedule a consultation and build your defenses for tomorrow’s threats.


* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.


MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments Video

Here is a new video about the MachineTruth™ Global Configuration Assessment offering. 

Check it out for more information about using our proprietary analytics, machine learning, and best practices engine to improve your security posture holistically, no matter the size of your network! 

Thanks. Drop us a line at or give us a call at 614-351-1237 to learn more.

Interview on MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments

Recently, Brent Huston, our CEO and Security Evangelist, was interviewed about MachineTruth™ Global Configuration Assessments and the platform in general. Here is part of that interview:

Q1: Could you explain what MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments are and their importance in cybersecurity?

Brent: MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments are part of a broader approach to enhancing cybersecurity through in-depth analysis and management of network configurations. They involve the passive, zero-deployment offline analysis of configuration files to model logical network architectures, changes, segmentation options, and trust/authentication patterns and provide hardening guidance. This process is crucial for identifying vulnerabilities within a network’s configuration that could be exploited by cyber threats, thus playing a pivotal role in strengthening an organization’s overall security posture.

Q2: How does the MachineTruth approach differ from traditional network security assessments?

Brent: MachineTruth takes a unique approach by focusing on passive analysis, meaning it doesn’t interfere with the network’s normal operations or pose additional risks during the assessment. Unlike traditional assessments that may require active scanning and potentially disrupt network activities, MachineTruth leverages existing configuration files and network data, minimizing operational disruptions. This methodology allows for a comprehensive understanding of the network’s current state without introducing the potential for network issues during the assessment process.

It also allows us to perform holistic assessments and mitigations across networks that can be as large as global in scale. You can ensure that standards, vulnerability mitigations, and misconfiguration issues are managed on every relevant device and application across the network, cloud infrastructure, and other exposures simultaneously. Since you get back reporting that includes root cause analysis, your executive and management team can use that data to fund projects, purchase tools, or increase vigilance. The technical details have identified issues and detailed mitigations for every single issue, allowing you to rapidly prioritize, distribute, and mitigate any shortcomings in the environment. Overall, clients find it a uniquely powerful tool to harden their security posture, regardless of the size and complexity of their network architectures.

Q3: In what way do Global Configuration Assessments contribute to an organization’s risk management efforts?

Brent: Global Configuration Assessments contribute significantly to risk management by providing detailed insights into the network’s configuration and architecture. This information enables organizations to identify misconfigurations, unnecessary services, and other vulnerabilities that could be leveraged by attackers. By addressing these issues, organizations can reduce their attack surface and mitigate risks associated with cyber threats, enhancing their overall risk management strategy.

Q4: Can MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments be integrated into an existing security framework or compliance requirements?

Brent: MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments can seamlessly integrate into security frameworks and compliance requirements such as ISO 27001, PCI DSS, NERC CIP, HIPAA, CIS CSC, etc. The insights and recommendations derived from these assessments can support compliance with various standards and regulations by ensuring that network configurations align with best practices for data protection and cybersecurity. This integration not only helps organizations maintain compliance but also strengthens their security measures in alignment with industry standards.

Q5: What is the future direction for MachineTruth in the evolving cybersecurity landscape?

Brent: The future direction for MachineTruth in the cybersecurity landscape involves continuous innovation and adaptation to address emerging threats and technological advancements. As networks become more complex and cyber threats more sophisticated, MachineTruth will evolve to offer more advanced analytics, AI-driven insights, and integration with cutting-edge security technologies. This ongoing development will ensure that MachineTruth remains at the forefront of cybersecurity, providing organizations with the tools they need to protect their networks in an ever-changing digital environment. MachineTruth has been in constant development and leveraged to perform security services for more than six years to date, and we feel confident that we are just getting started!

To learn more about MachineTruth, configuration assessments or the various compliance capabilities of MSI, just drop us a line to We look forward to working with you!

Managing Risks Associated with Model Manipulation and Attacks in Generative AI Tools

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), one area that has garnered significant attention is the security risks associated with model manipulation and attacks. As organizations increasingly adopt generative AI tools, understanding and mitigating these risks becomes paramount.

1. Adversarial Attacks:

Example: Consider a facial recognition system. An attacker can subtly alter an image, making it unrecognizable to the AI model but still recognizable to the human eye. This can lead to unauthorized access or false rejections.

Mitigation Strategies:

Robust Model Training: Incorporate adversarial examples in the training data to make the model more resilient.
Real-time Monitoring: Implement continuous monitoring to detect and respond to unusual patterns.

2. Model Stealing:

Example: A competitor might create queries to a proprietary model hosted online and use the responses to recreate a similar model, bypassing intellectual property rights.

Mitigation Strategies:

Rate Limiting: Implement restrictions on the number of queries from a single source.
Query Obfuscation: Randomize responses slightly to make it harder to reverse-engineer the model.

Policies and Processes to Manage Risks:

1. Security Policy Framework:

Define: Clearly outline the acceptable use of AI models and the responsibilities of various stakeholders.
Implement: Enforce security controls through technical measures and regular audits.

2. Incident Response Plan:

Prepare: Develop a comprehensive plan to respond to potential attacks, including reporting mechanisms and escalation procedures.
Test: Regularly test the plan through simulated exercises to ensure effectiveness.

3. Regular Training and Awareness:

Educate: Conduct regular training sessions for staff to understand the risks and their role in mitigating them.
Update: Keep abreast of the latest threats and countermeasures through continuous learning.

4. Collaboration with Industry and Regulators:

Engage: Collaborate with industry peers, academia, and regulators to share knowledge and best practices.
Comply: Ensure alignment with legal and regulatory requirements related to AI and cybersecurity.


Model manipulation and attacks in generative AI tools present real and evolving challenges. Organizations must adopt a proactive and layered approach, combining technical measures with robust policies and continuous education. By fostering a culture of security and collaboration, we can navigate the complexities of this dynamic field and harness the power of AI responsibly and securely.

* Just to let you know, we used some AI tools to gather the information for this article, and we polished it up with Grammarly to make sure it reads just right!

ChatGPT and other AI Tools Corporate Security Policy Template

As artificial intelligence continues to advance, organizations are increasingly integrating AI tools, such as ChatGPT for content and code generation, into their daily operations. With these technologies’ tremendous potential come significant risks, particularly regarding information security and data privacy. In the midst of this technological revolution, we are introducing a high-level Information Security and Privacy Policy for AI Tools. This comprehensive template is designed to provide a clear, practical framework for the secure and responsible use of these powerful tools within your organization.

About the policy template

The purpose of this policy template is to protect your organization’s most critical assets—proprietary corporate intellectual property, trade secrets, and regulatory data—from possible threats. It emphasizes the principles of data privacy, confidentiality, and security, ensuring that data used and produced by AI tools are appropriately safeguarded. Furthermore, it sets forth policy statements to guide employees and stakeholders in their interactions with AI tools, ensuring they understand and adhere to the best practices in data protection and regulatory compliance.

Why is this important?

The importance of such a policy cannot be overstated. Without proper guidelines, the use of AI tools could inadvertently lead to data breaches or the unauthorized dissemination of sensitive information. An effective Information Security and Privacy Policy provides a foundation for the safe use of AI tools, protecting the organization from potential liabilities, reputational damage, and regulatory sanctions. In an era where data is more valuable than oil, ensuring its security and privacy is paramount—and our policy template provides the roadmap for achieving just that.

More information

If you have questions or feedback, or if you wish to discuss AI tools, information security, and other items of concern, just give us a call at 614.351.1237.  You can also use the chat interface at the bottom of the page to send us an email or schedule a discussion. We look forward to speaking with you.

Template download link

You can get the template from here as a PDF with copy and paste enabled.

*This article was written with the help of AI tools and Grammarly.

5 ChatGPT Prompt Templates for Infosec Teams

In the evolving world of information security, practitioners constantly seek new ways to stay informed, hone their skills, and address complex challenges. One tool that has proven incredibly useful in this endeavor is OpenAI’s language model, GPT-3, and its successors. By generating human-like text, these models can provide valuable insights, simulate potential security scenarios, and assist with various tasks. The key to unlocking the potential of these models lies in asking the right questions. Here are five ChatGPT prompts optimized for effectiveness that are invaluable for information security practitioners.

Prompt 1: “What are the latest trends in cybersecurity threats?”

Keeping abreast of the current trends in cybersecurity threats is crucial for any security practitioner. This prompt can provide a general overview of the threat landscape, including the types of attacks currently prevalent, the industries or regions most at risk, and the techniques used by malicious actors.

Prompt 2: “Can you explain the concept of zero trust security architecture and its benefits?”

Conceptual prompts like this one can help practitioners understand complex security topics. By asking the model to explain the concept of zero-trust security architecture, you can gain a clear and concise understanding of this critical approach to network security.

Prompt 3: “Generate a step-by-step incident response plan for a suspected data breach.”

Practical prompts can help practitioners prepare for real-world scenarios. This prompt, for example, can provide a thorough incident response plan, which is crucial in mitigating the damage of a suspected data breach.

Prompt 4: “Can you list and explain the top five vulnerabilities in the OWASP Top 10 list?”

The OWASP Top 10 is a standard awareness document representing a broad consensus about web applications’ most critical security risks. A prompt like this can provide a quick refresher or a deep dive into these vulnerabilities.

Prompt 5: “What are the potential cybersecurity implications of adopting AI and machine learning technologies in an organization?”

Understanding their cybersecurity implications is essential, given the increasing adoption of AI and machine learning technologies in various industries. This prompt can help practitioners understand the risks associated with these technologies and how to manage them.

As we’ve seen, ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for information security practitioners, providing insights into current trends, clarifying complex concepts, offering practical step-by-step guides, and facilitating a deeper understanding of potential risks. The model’s effectiveness highly depends on the prompts used, so crafting optimized prompts is vital. The above prompts are a great starting point but feel free to customize them according to your specific needs or to explore new prompts that align with your unique information security challenges. With the right questions, the possibilities are virtually endless.

*This article was written with the help of AI tools and Grammarly.