Microsoft May 2019 – Urgent Patch

On May 14, 2019 Microsoft announced a vulnerability in RDP – Remote Desktop Services…formerly known as Terminal Services. The vulnerability is significant enough that Microsoft has chosen to publish a patch for Windows XP and Windows 2003 on May 15th – operating systems that have been out of support for a few years now.

Why is this important? The vulnerability is similar to the one that WannaCry leveraged, and allows an attacker to “worm” through the network. Reports say that there is a proof-of-concept exploit; as of this writing on May 19th, the MSI lab hasn’t laid hands on one to test and our research is ongoing.

To quote Microsoft:

This vulnerability is pre-authentication and requires no user interaction. In other words, the vulnerability is ‘wormable’, meaning that any future malware that exploits this vulnerability could propagate from vulnerable computer to vulnerable computer in a similar way as the WannaCry malware spread across the globe in 2017.”

So what? So…early this morning, a search on for “rdp” showed 1058 exposures indexed. A few HOURS later, that number increased to 1062. Externally facing RDP is a very bad idea, and attackers considered it to be low hanging fruit before this vulnerability came to light…now, the stakes are higher.

“My patching is automated” – we’re all good, right? Well…I contacted a friend in a small office yesterday, and suggested that they check. When she inventoried the 4 computers that were set to update automatically…3 of them had not received this update. Due diligence is your friend here, don’t assume.

Patch. Patch now. Share with your friends and colleagues, particularly those who are less than technically savvy. Friends don’t let friends have RDP as an externally facing service!

(Let’s not leave Adobe out of the mix. Adobe’s Patch Tuesday covers 82 CVE’s. EIGHTY TWO? People, we have to do better…)

And remember…is it really paranoia if they ARE out to get you?

Questions? Comments? Are you patched? I’d love to hear from you –, or @TheTokenFemale on Twitter!

If you would like to know more about MicroSolved or its services please send an e-mail to or visit




IoT. Is one called an Internet of Thing?

In several recent engagements, we came across some IoT (Internet of Things) devices within client networks. There’s a growing presence of these ubiquitous devices within corporate environments. They measure, they detect, they capture, they sense. Then they send the info to some app on your phone.

These devices make life easier. Safer. More convenient. Many times, just simply accessible when it was not possible before.

But there can be risks. I’ve always held the belief that security has an inverse relationship with accessibility. The more doors you have to enter a building, the more accessible it is to get inside. But with this accessibility to authorized persons with keys to the doors, likewise, the risk for a burglar to pick the locks to break in increases.
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Phishing: It Takes Humans to Fight It!

For more than 20 years now, hackers and cyber-criminals have been breaking into computer systems and networks. And for just as long a period of time, manufacturers, networking folk and cyber-security personnel have been developing devices, controls and processes to prevent these people from getting in and raising havoc. The “bad guys” come up with new ways to compromise system security, and then the “good guys” come up with new ways to protect it. Back and forth, forth and back, back and forth… it never seems to stop!

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Network Segmentation with MachineTruth

network segmentation with MachineTruth

About MachineTruthTM

We’ve just released a white paper on the topic of leveraging MachineTruth™, our proprietary network and device analytics platform, to segment or separate network environments.

Why Network Segmentation?

The paper covers the reasons to consider network segmentation, including the various drivers across clients and industries that we’ve worked with to date. It also includes a sample work flow to guide you through the process of performing segmentation with an analytics and modeling-focused solution, as opposed to the traditional plug and pray method, many organizations are using today.

Lastly, the paper covers how MachineTruthTM is different than traditional approaches and what you can expect from such a work plan.

To find out more:

If you’re considering network segmentation, analysis, inventory or mapping, then MachineTruthTM is likely a good fit for your organization. Download the white paper today and learn more about how to make segmentation easier, safer, faster and more affordable than ever before!

Interested? Download the paper here:

As always, thanks for reading and we look forward to working with you. If you have any questions, please drop us a line ( or give us a call (614-351-1237) to learn more.

State Of Security Podcast Episode 15 is out!

In this episode, the tables get turned on me and I become the one being interviewed. The focus is on honeypots, intrusion deception and bounces from technology to industry and to overall trends.

This is a great conversation with an amazing young man, Vale Tolpegin, a student from Georgia Tech with an amazing style and a fantastic set of insights. He really asks some great questions and clarifying follow ups. This young man has a bright future ahead!

Tune in and check it out! Let me know on Twitter (@lbhuston) what you liked, hated or what stuck with you.

Vendor Printer Management and Security

Over the past couple years we’ve encountered increasing numbers of customers using various print management vendors. Many that we have encountered are using the same application suite to manage the printers, and by default it has a blank admin password. In most of the instances we’ve observed this parameter has not been changed, or a strong password set. Likewise most of the managed printers also are not configured to use authentication or are using the default credentials.

When we encounter this one of the “benefits” this application affords us, due to the fact that it keeps a fairly detailed inventory with model number, is that it allows us to pinpoint areas of attack and compromise. Printers that we know have issues, or printers with functionality such as saving to network shares, SNMP etc. can be leveraged without doing activities that would be easily detectible on the network.

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Insurers Take Note: Ohio Senate Bill 273 is Now in Effect

Have you ever heard of the New York State Department of Financial Services regulation requiring financial services companies to adopt cybersecurity measures that “match relevant risks and keep pace with technological advancements” (23 NYCRR 500)? If you haven’t, you should take a look, even if you don’t do business in the State of New York. This regulation is having a snowball effect that is affecting financial institutions across the nation.

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In a previous blog on healthcare information access concerns, I had expressed concerns for internal origins for data breaches. Further research to help mitigate some of these concerns has led to an observation that many data breach incidents could be funneled to a few common origins. The intent for sharing below some of the more unusual or high profile cases is to drive home the point that it really does happen in real life. And passive awareness of regulatory controls are not enough; active exercising and use of in-place policies is necessary.

Be it intentional, malicious or accidental HIPAA information disclosure, information leak occurs. Continue reading