Audio Blog Post: Moving Toward Detection in Depth

Brent Huston, CEO and Security Evangelist for MicroSolved, Inc., explains how organizations need to move from a focus on prevention to detection.

Joined by MSI’s Account Executive Chris Lay and Marketing Communication Specialist Mary Rose Maguire, Brent maps out how an organization can get detective controls closer to the data and shows that IT departments can have a “payoff” if they pursue nuanced detection.

Click here to listen to the audio post!

Audio Blog: Brent Huston – HoneyPoint Security Server Manifesto Part Two

We continue our interview with Brent Huston as he answers a few questions about HoneyPoint Security Server, and HoneyPoint Agents.

In this installment, you’ll learn:

  • What HoneyPoint Agent is and its role in the suite
  • How information techs are using HoneyPoint
  • How can people use Agent with DNS and blacklisting, and why it’s significant
  • What HoneyPoint Decoy is and how it is utilized in an environment
  • The three different “flavors” of HoneyPoint Decoy

Click the link to listen or right-click to download it.