SANS Posts Info on Previous RoundCube Vulnerability

Looks like our work got more folks looking at RoundCube. SANS Storm Center has a posting that shows the exploit being used by attackers against the helpnetsecurity announced vulnerability in “html2text”.

The RoundCube folks have already released patches and done code cleanup to remove this and other known issues, including the scripts from previous versions.

If you are a RoundCube user, please upgrade. Scans have slowed for this issue, but are still present and active at low levels.

Thanks to everyone who helped on this and to the RoundCube Webmail project team for their friendly, open approach to solving the problems and their rapid attention. It is refreshing to work with developers who are focused on solutions instead of wanting to fight about the source of the problems. Hats off to them!

PHP Threats Continue to Rise But More Work & Education Could Help

Threats against web applications developed in PHP continue to be an area of high activity and interest for attackers. PHP applications now represent a significant portion of the web-application attack footprints we see in our HoneyPoint Internet Threat Monitoring Environment (HITME). PHP scans and probes for new and emerging vulnerabilities are a common occurrence and one the driving forces behind our deployment of the HITME. Our unique insights into ongoing threat activities allows our vulnerability management and professional services clients to know that they are better protected, even against bleeding edge threats.

PHP security issues are so common that the folks at BreakingPoint Labs call it “one of the most commonly attacked pieces of software on the Internet today”. Even when deployed in so called, “safe mode”, PHP applications can still present a high level of risk. Until, at least, the release and wide scale adoption of PHP 6, issues are likely to continue to abound, maybe even beyond that if the attacker underground has anything to say about it.

PHP security problems also represent a major portion of known web vulnerabilities, especially over the course of 2008. Syhunt, the makers of Sandcat Pro, a web application vulnerability scanner and partner to MSI, has even created Sandcat4PHP, a special source code scanner to help organizations proactively secure their PHP applications during development. Recently, Syhunt created these images that show the impact that PHP vulnerabilities are having on their work. PHP security issues represent an overwhelming margin of their work for the year.

All of this is not to say that PHP development is a bad thing. In fact, PHP developed applications have empowered many new cutting edge applications, fueled the growth of web 2.0 and been a powerhouse for bringing average users the web maturity that they have come to expect. Combining the ease of PHP with the power of MySQL, Apache and other open source tools has become a virtual standard for the online world. PHP applications CAN BE DONE SECURELY, they just require additional work and effort to create secure code, just like any other language. The ease of PHP makes it a great language for learning development, but we, as a community, need to help even those budding developers among us learn the basics of creating secure code. Techniques like input validation, proper sanitization, strong authentication and role-based access controls need to be a core part of our outreach teaching to developers.

In the meantime, while education is being worked on, it might be a wise idea to take a check around your environment and audit any PHP applications in production or planned for use in the near future. Additional work, tools or monitoring may be required to better handle the risk you find. Let us know if we can be of any help or if you desire additional insight into PHP security problems. Keep your eyes on PHP, though, its powerful, flexible capabilities make it a big player in the future of the web!

** Have feedback on this post? Please feel free to leave a comment, drop me a line via email or send me a tweet to @lbhuston on twitter. Thanks for reading! **

Round Cube Webmail Probes Spreading Rapidly

Our HoneyPoint Security Server deployment has identified a set of 0-day scans and probes against the Round Cube Webmail system.

The probes are originating from infected Linux systems world wide and appear to be spreading rapidly. Infection of systems via a bot-net client or other form of malware is likely. The extent of compromise is currently unknown, but complete compromise or escalation to complete compromise may be possible.

Research and work with the developers is ongoing. Users of Round Cube Webmail systems should take steps to remove their systems from Internet access and/or implement additional controls for monitoring and protection. Removal of the script file is highly encouraged, though additional entry points may emerge in the future.

New versions of the application may not have the file present.

The current version of the attack is probing for the following files:







Our HoneyPoint deployment has been reconfigured to trap additional data about this threat and additional information may be available soon. The MSI technical team is working with our clients to ensure they are protected against this and other emerging threats. Our threat detection capability, provided to us by our HoneyPoint line of products gives us uniquely deep insight and visibility into bleeding edge threats. As always, we strive to use that knowledge to protect our clients and the Internet at large.

More information can be found on this issue by following @lbhuston and/or @honeypoint on Twitter. You can also check back on our blog or schedule a call with one of our team members if you have additional needs.

** Update: @around 2:30pm Eastern, the “Toata” bot-net added the signature to its scans as well. In less than 24 hours there are now at least 2 known bot-nets scanning for the issue. Any bets on how long it will take before “morfeus” scans for it too??? Also, note that the URL request from “Toata” has a double // typo in it….

** Another Update: Syhunt has added tests to Sandcat for the issue. They are now available via update mechanism for clients.

Playing with Plugins for HoneyPoint

I have been playing with various plugins lately for HoneyPoint. In this case, I wanted to show the output of two plugins I am playing with currently.

The first one is the TweetCLI plugin that I have written about before. In this example, I am going to show an event that has come in and what the plugins did for me.

The TweetCLI plugin posted the following to the @HoneyPoint feed on Twitter:

Suspicious Activity Captured From: on port 23

Then, the console also executed a plugin I lovingly call AutoPoke. It basically does a whois look up of the address and performs a basic nmap TCP port scan of a few common ports. This produced the following output:

OrgName: African Network Information Center


Address: 03B3 – 3rd Floor – Ebene Cyber Tower

Address: Cyber City

Address: Ebene

Address: Mauritius

City: Ebene


PostalCode: 0001

Country: MU

ReferralServer: whois://

NetRange: –


NetName: NET41

NetHandle: NET-41-0-0-0-1


NetType: Allocated to AfriNIC






RegDate: 2005-04-12

Updated: 2005-07-12

OrgAbuseHandle: GENER11-ARIN

OrgAbuseName: Generic POC

OrgAbusePhone: +230 4666616


OrgTechHandle: GENER11-ARIN

OrgTechName: Generic POC

OrgTechPhone: +230 4666616


# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2008-12-29 19:10

# Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN’s WHOIS database.

Starting Nmap 4.68 ( ) at 2008-12-30 xxx AST

Interesting ports on


21/tcp open ftp

22/tcp open ssh

23/tcp filtered telnet

25/tcp closed smtp

79/tcp closed finger

80/tcp filtered http

110/tcp closed pop3

135/tcp filtered msrpc

136/tcp closed profile

137/tcp closed netbios-ns

138/tcp closed netbios-dgm

139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn

443/tcp closed https

445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds

1433/tcp closed ms-sql-s

3389/tcp closed ms-term-serv

5800/tcp closed vnc-http

5801/tcp closed vnc-http-1

5900/tcp closed vnc

5901/tcp closed vnc-1

6666/tcp closed irc

6667/tcp closed irc

6668/tcp closed irc

6669/tcp closed irc

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.330 seconds

This output is kind of fun (at least to me) to watch. I get real time info about where scans and probes are coming from. I also get real time port info from the scanning hosts. Over time, this gives me some pretty interesting insight into common postures of hosts that appear to be compromised or infected.

In this case, this particular host was interesting because of the source. Our global HoneyPoint deployments don’t see too many offending hosts from this particular region. Over time, if I see more activity originating from there or the like, then I can decide if the threat levels in that area are increasing, but none the less, even this first one is interesting. A quick review of the host shows a likely vulnerable ssh deployment, which may indicate that the host is compromised and/or bot-net infected. Of course, this is all supposition, but interesting (to me) anyway.

Now you know how I spend my time. I love to watch the ebb and flow of attacks, probes and scans. I like to know the sources and virtual “look and feel” of the victim systems. I suppose that is where many of the capabilities in HoneyPoint come from. I think they are just toys that I would like to play with, thus they end up in the product. Do you have some plugins you would like to see or some new HoneyPoint toys or functions you would enjoy? If so, drop me a line. We are working on the plans for HPSS 3.xx as we speak, so now would be a great time to hear a want list from the public!

Thanks for reading!

New Twitter Feed of “Bad Touches” Available

For those of you interested in security, black listing or HoneyPoint stuff, check this out.

I used the TweetCLI tool I blogged about earlier to write a HoneyPoint Security Server plugin. The plugin fires for each event and tweets the attacker IP and source port that the deployed HoneyPoints covered by this console saw.

There are several hosts and networks reporting HoneyPoint alerts to this console. All of these HoneyPoints are Internet exposed, so you should be able to see some basic sources of scans, probes and malware attacks.

I am not presently publishing the payloads, though I may in other ways in the future or show aggregate data in some manner.

The basis for the “bad touches” is that these are hosts and ports not truly offering any services, thus any interaction with them could be considered suspicious at best and malicious at worst. An IP address will only be tweeted once per 24 hour period currently, regardless of the amount of interaction it has with HoneyPoints reporting to this console.

You can watch the stream via the web at or by following @honeypoint on twitter. There could be a lot of tweets depending on attack trafffic, so know that up front.

Please let me know if you like the feed, any plans or ways you can think of that it might be helpful to you or other feedback. We are offering this up to the community and we hope that it is helpful to those interested in HoneyPoints, security trending and/or black list generation.

Let me know your thoughts and thanks for reading!

Be Aware: Twitter API Uses Basic Authentication and a Twitter Toy

For those of you who have embraced the web movement that has become known as Twitter, be aware that the widely used Twitter API employs only web-based Basic Authentication. The credentials (login and password) are sent to the web API with only a simple HTTP POST and are unencrypted. I could not locate a means of even using HTTPS when sending tweets to the API.

The credentials are sent over the web in the standard form of “login:email”. They are base64 encoded first, so they are not exactly in plain sight, but base64 is far from cryptography and is beyond trivial to identify. Any attacker with a sniffer or sitting at a proxy in the stream can easily capture and decode those credentials.

The moral of the story is, if you use Twitter, make sure you use a password uniquely created for that service, since it will be trivial for an attacker to expose. Be aware that most, if not all, existing clients and twitter extensions use this same mechanism.

While twitter is proving to be a popular and useful mechanism for micro-blogging, it also comes with some inherent risks that include exposure of information that could lead to social engineering attacks and password exposure issues. Use twitter with some caution and all should be well, but without common security sense, twitter (like many other things) may be sharper than expected.

You can find a ton of information about the Twitter API here.

You can follow me on twitter here.

You can download the tool, twittercli, that I was writing when I saw this from the following locations (Not endorsed by MicroSolved, Inc. — Just a personal project!):

TwitterCLI will let you send tweets from a command line, schedule them with at/cron/iCal or call them from scripts, etc. Freeware from L. Brent Huston (NOT MSI!)




Thanks for reading!

Hackers Hate HoneyPoint


We have been getting so much great feedback and positive response to our HoneyPoint products that Mary Rose, our marketing person, crafted this logo and is putting together a small campaign based on the idea.

We are continuing to work on new capabilities and uses for HoneyPoint. We have several new tricks up our sleeve and several new ways to use our very own “security swiss army knife”. The capabilities, insights and knowledge that the product brings us is quickly and easily being integrated into our core service offerings. Our assessments and penetration testing brings this “bleeding edge” attack knowledge, threat analysis and risk insight to our work. We are routinely integrating the attack patterns and risk data from our deployed HoneyPoints back into the knowledge mix. We are adding new tools, techniques and risk rating adjustments based on the clear vision we are obtaining from HoneyPoint.

This is just one of the many ways that HoneyPoint and the experience, methodology and dedication of MSI separate us from our competitors. Clients continue to love our rapport, reporting formats, flexibility and deep knowledge – but now, thanks to HoneyPoint, they also enjoy our ability to work with them to create rational defenses to bleeding edge threats.

You can bet that you will see more about HoneyPoint in the future. After all, hackers hate HoneyPoint, and in this case, being hated is fine with us!

Spam Bots

We are continuing to see more and more spam bots. Spammers are not letting up and are still actively researching and breaking “captchas”. We have seen several of them broken within the past few weeks. It seems it’s about time to adopt a new system of anti-bot measures for registration forms, or increase the complexity of the captcha (while also increasing user frustration).

That reminds me of a study I was reading about spam though. The researchers in this study found that only about 1 in 12.5 million spams result in a sale of whatever was being spammed about. However, even with this atrocious rate, the spammers are estimated to be generating around $7,000 a day!

MS08-067 – The Worm That Wasn’t – Wait… Might Be?

So, the worm based on MS08-067 was rumored last week and now SANS confirms that the worm is spreading from at least one host. SANS is blaming We also have seen scans from,,,,,,,,,, and a ton more. Those started to increase dramatically starting this morning around 9:25 am Eastern and have continued throughout the day.

HoneyPoints on consumer bandwidth networks and commercial ISP’s alike are picking up a spike in 445 scans and traffic.

Obviously, given the metasploit framework’s improvement of the exploit in the last week or so and the myriad of proof of concept tools that have been filtering around the underground, the threat of a worm is a reality. Worm code was first announced several days ago, but seemed to fail to propagate likely due to the lack of port 445 being available on most Internet connections. However, it appears that some victims have been found and have been slowly accumulating.

While we are not yet seeing the massive scans and probes associated with the worms of the past, we are beginning to see traffic levels that indicate increasing worm behaviors.

Obviously, if you have not yet ensured that port 445 is blocked at your Internet connection, you should immediately do so. HoneyPoint users can also setup TCP listeners or basic TCP HornetPoints to discover and attempt to “defensive fuzz” the worm code. Mixed results of causing termination have been shown so far, but our lab is working on a HornetPoint configuration to cause exceptions in the worm code in a stable manner.

HoneyPoint TCP listeners can be deployed on Linux boxes and other platforms where port 445 is undialated and used to identify hosts performing 445 scans and probes. This is an excellent approach to finding laptops and portable devices that might be infected on the internal network.

Microsoft Patches Now Have an Exploitability Rating

Microsoft patches now include a new exploitability index. This new rating attempts to quantify when/if an exploit is likely to become available for a given vulnerability. The rating also attempts to take into consideration how stable a given exploit is likely to be.

Personally, I think this is a good idea, especially if they keep their methods for rating issues consistent and transparent. Already, a number of vendors have said that they will be adding support for the new index value in their tools and software. As might be expected, reaction has been mixed from the community, though, I have yet to see any response that included how such information could be truly harmful.

You can read Microsoft’s published information here.

I hope more vendors embrace this seemingly small detail. I think it is helpful for more than a few organizations overwhelmed by patch cycles. It may not be the “holy grail of patch risk”, but it is likely better than what we have now.

How does your organization plan to use this new information, if at all? Drop us a comment and let us know!