Securing Patient Data: The Essential Role of Firewall and Router Reviews in HIPAA Compliance

Firewall and router configuration reviews are pivotal in maintaining HIPAA compliance, safeguarding sensitive healthcare information from unauthorized access and potential cyber threats. Regular assessments of network infrastructure help organizations identify vulnerabilities, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of patient data. In this realm, leveraging advanced solutions like MachineTruth™ Global Configuration Assessment can significantly streamline and enhance this process.







MachineTruth, developed by MSI, employs proprietary analytics and machine learning to review device and application configurations on a global scale. It compares device configurations against industry-standard best practices, known vulnerabilities, and common misconfigurations, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of an organization’s network security posture. This methodology ensures not just the identification of potential security gaps but also promotes control homogeneity across the enterprise, a critical factor in adhering to HIPAA’s stringent requirements.

The process begins with the collection of textual configurations from relevant devices, which can be facilitated by MSI’s secure file transfer methods. Utilizing tools and the assistance of partners can make this step a breeze, eliminating the complexities often associated with gathering and preparing data for analysis. The configurations then undergo rigorous analysis via the MachineTruth platform, alongside manual reviews by security engineers. This dual-layered approach ensures a thorough assessment, highlighting significant issues or evidence of compromise. The outcome is a detailed report comprising executive summaries, technical findings, and actionable mitigation strategies for identified vulnerabilities and configuration findings.

For healthcare organizations, incorporating MachineTruth into their security assessment protocols not only aids in HIPAA compliance but also significantly enhances their overall security posture. By identifying and mitigating risks proactively, these entities can safeguard patient privacy more effectively while avoiding the severe penalties associated with non-compliance.

In conclusion, firewall and router configuration reviews are indispensable for HIPAA compliance. Incorporating MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessment into these reviews can offer organizations a comprehensive, scalable solution to enhance their security measures. For those interested in leveraging this cutting-edge technology to fortify their network security and ensure compliance, reaching out to MSI at is the next step. Engage with MSI today and ensure your organization’s network infrastructure is not only compliant with HIPAA regulations but is also secure against evolving cyber threats.


* AI tools were used in the research and creation of this content.

A Quick Expert Conversation About Gap Assessment

Gap Assessment Interview with John Davis

What follows is a quick interview session with John Davis, who leads the risk assessment/policy/process team at MicroSolved. We completed the interview in January of 2020, and below are the relevant parts of our conversation.

Brent Huston: “Thanks for joining me today, John. Let’s start with what a gap assessment is in terms of HIPAA or other regulatory guidance.”

John Davis: “Thanks for the chance to talk about gap assessment. I have run into several HIPAA concerns such as hospitals and health systems who do HIPAA gap analysis / gap assessment in lieu of HIPAA risk assessment. Admittedly, gap assessment is the bulk of risk assessment, however, a gap assessment does not go to the point of assigning a risk rating to the gaps found. It also doesn’t go to the extent of addressing other risks to PHI that aren’t covered in HIPAA/HITECH guidance.”

BH: “So, in some ways, the gap assessment is more of an exploratory exercise – certainly providing guidance on existing gaps, but faster and more affordable than a full risk assessment? Like the 80/20 approach to a risk assessment?”

John Davis: “I suppose so, yes. The price is likely less than a full blown risk assessment, given that there is less analysis and reporting work for the assessment team. It’s also a bit faster of an engagement, since the deep details of performing risk analysis aren’t a part of it.”

BH: “Should folks interested in a gap assessment consider adding any technical components to the work plan? Does that combination ever occur?”

JD: “I can envision a gap assessment that also includes vulnerability assessment of their networks / applications. Don’t get me wrong, I think there is immense value in this approach. I think that to be more effective, you can always add a vulnerability assessment to gauge how well the policies and processes they have in place are working in the context of the day-to-day real-world operations.”

BH: “Can you tie this back up with what a full risk assessment contains, in addition to the gap assessment portion of the work plan?”

JD: “Sure! Real risk assessment includes controls and vulnerability analysis as regular parts of the engagement. But more than that, a complete risk assessment also examines threats and possibilities of occurrence. So, in addition to the statement of the gaps and a roadmap for improvement, you also get a much more significant and accurate view of the data you need to prioritize and scope many of the changes and control improvements needed. In my mind, it also gets you a much greater view of potential issues and threats against PHI than what may be directly referenced in the guidance.” 

BH: “Thanks for clarifying that, John. As always, we appreciate your expert insights and experience.”

JD: “Anytime, always happy to help.”

If you’d like to learn more about a gap assessment, vulnerability assessment or a full blown risk assessment against HIPAA, HITECH or any other regulatory guidance or framework, please just give us a call at (614) 351-1237 or you can click here to contact us via a webform. We look forward to hearing from you. Get in touch today!