About Brent Huston

I am the CEO of MicroSolved, Inc. and a security evangelist. I have spent the last 20+ years working to make the Internet safer for everyone on a global scale. I believe the Internet has the capability to contribute to the next great leap for mankind, and I want to help make that happen!

Three Sources to Help You Understand Cybercrime

Cybercrime is a growing threat. I thought I would take a few moments and point you to three recent news articles that discuss U.S. Government views on just how information security is proceeding, how we are doing, and how we should think about the future of infosec. They are all three interesting points of view and represent a wide variety of data seen at high levels:

These three links are interesting perspectives on how infosec is changing from a focus on compliance and prevention techniques to fully embracing the need for cross-platform, security-focused initiatives. In addition, more emphasis is on threats and risk while balancing prevention, detection capability, and effective responses when things go wrong.
Long term, this change is an important one if we are to protect ourselves and the data of our customers in the future. Cybercrime won’t go away, but if we can approach security with proactive strategies, we may minimize its effectiveness. 

Mobile Apps Shouldn’t Roll Their Own Security

An interesting problem is occurring in the mobile development space. Many of the applications being designed are being done so by scrappy, product oriented developers. This is not a bad thing for innovation (in fact just the opposite), but it can be a bad thing for safety, privacy and security.

Right now, we are hearing from several cross platform mobile developers that the API sets across iOS, Android and others are so complex, that they are often skipping some of the APIs and rolling their own code methods for doing some of this work. For example, take crypto from a set of data on the device. In many cases, rather than using standard peer-reviewed routines and leveraging the strength of the OS and its controls, they are saying the job is too complex for them to manage across platforms so they’ll embed their own code routines for doing what they feel is basic in-app crypto. 

Problems (like those with the password vault applications), are likely to emerge from this approach toward mobile apps. There is a reason crypto controls require peer review. They are difficult and often complex mechanisms where mistakes in the logic or data flows can have huge impacts on the security of the data. We learned these lessons long ago. Home-rolled crypto and other common security routines were a big problem in the desktop days and still remain so for many web applications, as well. Sadly, it looks like we might be learning those lessons again at the mobile application development layer as well.
Basically, the bottom line is this; if you are coding a mobile application, or buying one to access critical data for your organization, make sure the developers use the API code for privacy, trust and security functions. Stay away from mobile apps where “roll your own/proprietary security code” is in use. The likelihood of getting it right is a LOT less than using the APIs, methods and code that the mobile OS vendors have made accessible. It’s likely that the OS vendors are using peer-reviewed, strongly tested code. Sadly, we can’t say that for all of the mobile app developer code we have seen.
As always, thanks for reading and stay safe out there!

Disagreement on Password Vault Software Findings

Recently, some researchers have been working on comparing password vault software products and have justifiably found some issues. However, many of the vendors are quickly moving to remediate the identified issues, many of which were simply improper use of proprietary cryptography schemes.

I agree that proprietary crypto is a bad thing, but I find fault with articles such as this one where the researchers suggest that using the built in iOS functions are safer than using a password vault tool.

Regardless of OS, platform or device, I fail to see how depending on simple OS embedded tools versus OS embedded tools, plus the additional layers of whatever mechanisms a password vault adds, reduces risk to the user. It would seem that the additional layers of control (regardless of their specific vulnerability to nuanced attacks against each control surface), would still add overall security for the user and complexity for the attacker to manage in a compromise.
I would love to see a model on this scenario where the additional controls reduce the overall security of the data. I could be wrong (it happens), but in the models I have run, they all point to the idea that even a flawed password vault wrapped in the OS controls are stronger and safer than the bare OS controls alone.
In the meantime, while the vendors work on patching their password vaults and embracing common crypto mechanisms, I’ll continue to use my password vault as is, wrapped in the additional layers of OS controls and added detection mechanisms my systems enjoy. I would suggest you and your organization’s users continue to do the same.

Information Security Is More Than Prevention







One of the biggest signs that an organization’s information security program is immature is when they have an obsessive focus on prevention and they equate it specifically with security.

The big signs of this issue are knee-jerk reactions to vulnerabilities, a never-ending set of emergency patching situations and continual fire-fighting mode of reactions to “incidents”. The security team (or usually the IT team) is overworked, under-communicates, is highly stressed, and lacks both resources and tools to adequately mature the process. Rarely does the security folks actually LIKE this environment, since it feeds their inner super hero complex.

However, time and time again, organizations that balance prevention efforts with rational detection and practiced, effective response programs perform better against today’s threats. Evidence from vendor reports like Verizon DBIR/Ponemon, law enforcement data, DHS studies, etc. have all supported that balanced program work much better. The current state of the threat easily demonstrates that you can’t prevent everything. Accidents and incidents do happen. 
When bad things do come knocking, no matter how much you have patched and scanned, it’s the preparation you have done that matters. It’s whether or not you have additional controls like enclaving in place. Do you have visibility at various layers for detection in depth? Does your team know how to investigate, isolate and mitigate the threats? Will they do so in a timely manner that reduces the impact of the attacker or will they panic, knee-jerk their way through the process, often stumbling and leaving behind footholds of the attacker?
How you perform in the future is largely up to you and your team. Raise your vision, embrace a balanced approach to security and step back from fighting fires. It’s a much nicer view from here. 

Secure Networks: Remember the DMZ in 2012

Just a quick post to readers to make sure that everyone (and I mean everyone), who reads this blog should be using a DMZ, enclaved, network segmentation approach for any and all Internet exposed systems today. This has been true for several years, if not a decade. Just this week, I have talked to two companies who have been hit by malicious activity that compromised a web application and gave the attacker complete control over a box sitting INSIDE their primary business network with essentially unfettered access to the environment.

Folks, within IT network design, DMZ architectures are not just for best practices and regulatory requirements, but an essential survival tool for IT systems. Punching a hole from the Internet to your primary IT environment is not smart, safe, or in many cases, legal.
Today, enclaving the internal network is becoming best practice to secure networks. Enclaving/DMZ segmentation of Internet exposed systems is simply assumed. So, take an hour, review your perimeter, and if you find internally exposed systems — make a plan and execute it. In the meantime, I’d investigate those systems as if they were compromised, regardless of what you have seen from them. At least check them over with a cursory review and get them out of the business network ASAP.
This should go without saying, but this especially applies to folks that have SCADA systems and critical infrastructure architectures.
If you have any questions regarding how you can maintain secure networks with enclaving and network segmentation, let us know. We’d love to help!

Threat and Vulnerability: Pay Attention to MS12-020

Microsoft today released details and a patch for the MS12-020 vulnerability. This is a remotely exploitable vulnerability in most current Windows platforms that are running Terminal Server/RDP. Many organizations use this service remotely across the Internet, via a VPN, or locally for internal tasks. It is a common, prevalent technology, and thus the target pool for attacks is likely to make this a significant issue in the near future. 

Please identify your exposures to this vulnerability. Exploits are likely currently being developed. We have not yet (3/13/12 – 2.15pm Eastern) seen exploitation or an increase in probes for port 3389, but both are expected to occur shortly.
Please let us know if you have any questions or if we may be of any assistance with this issue.
This article makes reference to a potential worm attack vector, which we see as increasingly likely. Our team believes the exploitation development time to be significantly less than 30 days and more like 1-3 days for resourced attackers. As such, PLEASE TREAT THIS AS A SIGNIFICANT INTERNAL VULNERABILITY as well. Certainly, IMMEDIATE consideration is needed for Internet exposed systems, but INTERNAL systems should be patched as soon as manageable as well.
This confirms the scope and criticality of this issue.
Just a quick note – we are seeing vast work on the MS12-020 exploit. Some evidence points to 2 working versions. Not public, yet, but PATCH NOW. Internal & protected networks too.
MSI is proud to announce the immediate availability of a FREE version of HoneyPoint, called HPRDP2012 to help organizations monitor for ongoing scans and potential future worm activity. The application listens on port 3389/TCP and is available for OS X (Intel), Windows & Linux. This application is similar to our releases for Conficker & Morto, in that it will be operational for a set time (specifically until October 1, 2012). Simply unzip the application to where you would like to run and execute it. We hope this helps organizations manage this vulnerability and detect impacts should scans, probes or a worm emerge. Traditional HoneyPoint customers can use Agent and/or Wasp to listen for these connections and report them centrally by dilating TCP listener HoneyPoints on port 3389. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Audio Interview with a CIO: Dual Control of Computers for Security

Recently, Brent Huston, CEO and Security Evangelist for MicroSolved, had the opportunity to sit down with Dave, a CIO who has been working with dual control for network security. 

Brent and Dave talk about intrusion detection, dual control, and a few other information security topics, including these questions:

  • What is collusion and how can it pay off?
  • How does it work with dual control?
  • What are some dual control failures?

Click here to listen in and let us know what you think. Are you using dual control?

Reflections on a Past Vulnerability, Kind Of…

 Recently, someone asked me about a vulnerability I had found in a product 15 years ago. The details of the vulnerability itself are in CVE-1999-1141 which you can read for yourself here.

Apparently, some of these devices are still around in special use cases and some of them may not have been updated, even now, 15 years after this issue came to light and more than 13 years after Mitre assigned it a 7.5 out of 10 risk rating and an associated CVE id. That, in itself, is simply shocking, but is not what this post is about.

This post is about the past 15 years since I first made the issue public. At that time, both the world of infosec and I were different. I still believed in open disclosure, for example. However, shortly after this vulnerability research experience, I started to choke back on that belief. Today, I still research and discover vulnerabilities routinely, but I handle them differently.
I work with the vendor directly, consult with their developers and project teams as much as they let me, and then allow them to work through fixing their products. Some of these fixes take a very, very long time and some of them are relatively short. Sometimes the vendors/projects give me or MicroSolved public credit, but often they do not. Both are OK under the right circumstances, and I am much happier when the vendors ask us if we want to be credited publicly, but I am content if they fix the problems we find in many cases. We do our very best to be non-combative and rational with all of them in our discussions. I think it is one of the reasons why application and device testing in our lab is so popular — better service and kindness go a long way toward creating working relationships with everyone.
Now, I don’t want to dig into the debate about open disclosure and non-disclosure. You may have different opinions about it than I do, and I am perfectly fine with that and willing to let you have them. I choose this path in vulnerability handling because in the end, it makes the world a safer place for all of us. And make no mistake, that’s why I do what I do nearly every day and have done what I have done for more than 20 years now in information security.
That’s really what this post is about. It’s about change and commitment. I’m not proud of releasing vulnerability data in 1997, but I’m not ashamed of it either. Times have changed and so have I. So has my understanding of the world, crime and security. But at the bottom of all of that change, what remains rock solid is my commitment to infosec. I remain focused, as does MicroSolved, on working hard every day to make the world a safer place for you and your family.
In November of 2012, MSI will enter its 20th year in business. Twenty years of laser focus on this goal, on the work of data protection, and on our customers. It’s an honor. There is plenty of tradition, and plenty of change to reflect on. Thanks to all of you for giving me the opportunity to do so.
Now that I have nostalgia out of the way, if you are still using those old routers (you know who you are), replace those things! 
As always, thanks for reading and stay safe out there! 

Credit Unions and Small Banks Need Strong Security Relationships

With all of the attention in the press these days on the large banks, hacking, and a variety of social pressures against the financial institutions, it’s a good time to remember that credit unions and small banks abound around the world, too. They may offer an alternative to the traditional big banking you might be seeking, but they sometimes offer an alternative to the complex, well staffed information security teams that big banks have to bear against attackers and cyber-criminals, too.
While this shouldn’t be a worry for you as a consumer (in that your money is secure in a properly licensed and insured institution), it should be a concern for those tasked with protecting the data assets and systems of these organizations.
That’s where strong vendor relationships come in. Partnerships with good solution providers, security partners, virtual security teams and monitoring providers can be very helpful when there are a small number of technical resources at the bank or credit union. Ongoing training with organizations like SANS, CUISPA and our State of the Threat series is also very likely to assist the resources they do have in being focused against the current techniques used by attackers. Whether with peers or vendors, relationships are a powerful tool that help security admins in the field.
Smaller organizations need to leverage simple, effective and scalable solutions to achieve success. They simply won’t have the manpower to manage overwhelming alerts, too many log entries or some of the other basic mechanisms of infosec. They either must invest in automation or strategically outsource some of those high resource functions to get them done. If your bank has a single IT person who installs systems, manages software, secures the network, helps users, and never goes on vacation; you have one overwhelmed technician. Unfortunately, this all too common. Even worse is that many times, the things that can’t be easily done sometimes end up forgotten, pushed off or simply ignored. 
In some cases, where some of the security balls may have been dropped, attackers take advantage. They use malware, bots, social engineering and other techniques to scout out a foothold and go to work on committing fraud. That’s a bad way to learn the lessons of creating better security solutions.
So, the bottom line is if you are one of these smaller organizations, or one of the single technicians in question, you need to find some relationships. I suggest you start with your peers, work with some groups in your area (ISSA, ISACA, ISC2, etc.) and get together with some trusted vendors who can help you. Better to get your ducks in a row ahead of time than to have your ducks in the fire when attackers come looking for trouble. 

HoneyPoint Tales: Conficker Still Out There

I had an interesting conversation this week over email with a security admin still fighting Conficker.

If you haven’t recalled Conficker in a while, take a moment and read the wikipedia entry here: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conficker). Back in 2008, this nasty bugger spread across the net like wild fire. It was and is, quite persistent. 

Back in those days, we even put out a free version of HoneyPoint called HPConficker to act as a scatter sensor for detecting infected hosts on networks around the world. That tool expired eventually, and to be honest, we stopped really tracking Conficker back in 2010 to move on to studying other vectors and exploits. I hadn’t even thought about the HPConficker tool since then, until this week. 
In order to help this admin out as they battled the worm, I came in on a vacation day, dug the old code out of the source vault and updated it to run through the end of 2012. I then built a quick compile, zipped it (in my hurry forgetting to remove the OS X file noise) and sent it on to the sales person who was helping the client directly. When I heard that the zip file with OS X noise was a problem, I quickly cleaned the zip and sent it back up to the server for them to re-download, install and use. Sadly, I haven’t yet had time to build a readme file or the like, but the tool is pretty easy to use. Unzip it with folder extraction enabled, execute it and follow the GUI instructions. I haven’t heard back from my new security admin friend, but I hoped it helped them fight the good fight.
I took a couple of key points from this: 1) Conficker is still around and causing trouble; and 2) Helping people with HoneyPoint is still one of the core reasons I do what I do.
I may not say it often enough, but, thanks to all of you for playing with my toys. Since 2006, the knowledge gained, the insights and the outright chance to help people with my software has been a great joy. I look forward to pursuing it for many years to come. 
Keep playing with HoneyPoint. Keep talking to us. We want to engage, and we want to help YOU solve YOUR problems. At the core, that’s what MSI is all about. As always, thanks for reading and stay safe out there!
PS – We haven’t decided if we are going to release the tool again. If you want it and it can help you, drop me a line in the comments, send me a tweet (@lbhuston) or get in touch. Even if we don’t push it out in public on the site, it’s here if you need it…