Financial Organizations Struggle with Out of Band Authentication

Many of our client financial organizations have been working on implementing out of band authentication (OOBA) mechanisms for specific kinds of money transfers such as ACH and wires.

 A few have even looked into performing OOBA for all home and mobile banking access. While this authentication method does add some security to the process, effectively raising the bar for credential theft by the bad guys, it does not come without its challenges.

For starters, the implementation and integration of some of the software designed for this purpose has been a little more difficult than expected by many of the teams working on the projects. We are hearing that in some cases, the vendors are having difficulty integrating into some of the site platforms, particularly those not using .NET. Other platforms have been successful, but over time (and many over budget), the lesson learned is this: communicate clearly about the platforms in use when discussing implementations with potential vendors.
Other problems we have been hearing about include: availability issues with the number of outbound phone connections during peak use periods, issues with cellular carriers “losing” SMS messages (particularly a few non-top tier carriers), and integrating solutions into VoIP networks and old-style traditional PBX systems.
In many cases, these telephonic and cellular issues have caused the systems to be withdrawn during pilot, even turned off for peak periods during use and other “fit and start” approaches as the rough patches were worked out. The lesson in this area seems to be to design for peak use as a consideration, or at least understand and communicate acceptable delays, outages or round-robin processes, and make sure that your systems properly communicate these parameters to the user.
In the long run, proper communication to the users will lower the impact of the onslaught some of these systems call to the customer support and help desk folks.
It is getting better though. Vendors are learning to more easily and effectively develop and implement these solutions. The impact on account theft has been strong so far and customers seem to have a rapid adjustment curve. In fact, a few of our clients have shared that they have received kudos from their members/customers for implementing these new tools when they were announced, documented, and explained properly to the user base.
If your organization is considering this technology and has struggled with it, or has emerged victorious in the mastery of it; please drop me a line on Twitter (@lbhuston) and let me know your thoughts. The more we share about these tools, the better we can all get at making the road less bumpy for the public.
As always, thanks for reading and stay safe out there!

Credit Unions and Small Banks Need Strong Security Relationships

With all of the attention in the press these days on the large banks, hacking, and a variety of social pressures against the financial institutions, it’s a good time to remember that credit unions and small banks abound around the world, too. They may offer an alternative to the traditional big banking you might be seeking, but they sometimes offer an alternative to the complex, well staffed information security teams that big banks have to bear against attackers and cyber-criminals, too.
While this shouldn’t be a worry for you as a consumer (in that your money is secure in a properly licensed and insured institution), it should be a concern for those tasked with protecting the data assets and systems of these organizations.
That’s where strong vendor relationships come in. Partnerships with good solution providers, security partners, virtual security teams and monitoring providers can be very helpful when there are a small number of technical resources at the bank or credit union. Ongoing training with organizations like SANS, CUISPA and our State of the Threat series is also very likely to assist the resources they do have in being focused against the current techniques used by attackers. Whether with peers or vendors, relationships are a powerful tool that help security admins in the field.
Smaller organizations need to leverage simple, effective and scalable solutions to achieve success. They simply won’t have the manpower to manage overwhelming alerts, too many log entries or some of the other basic mechanisms of infosec. They either must invest in automation or strategically outsource some of those high resource functions to get them done. If your bank has a single IT person who installs systems, manages software, secures the network, helps users, and never goes on vacation; you have one overwhelmed technician. Unfortunately, this all too common. Even worse is that many times, the things that can’t be easily done sometimes end up forgotten, pushed off or simply ignored. 
In some cases, where some of the security balls may have been dropped, attackers take advantage. They use malware, bots, social engineering and other techniques to scout out a foothold and go to work on committing fraud. That’s a bad way to learn the lessons of creating better security solutions.
So, the bottom line is if you are one of these smaller organizations, or one of the single technicians in question, you need to find some relationships. I suggest you start with your peers, work with some groups in your area (ISSA, ISACA, ISC2, etc.) and get together with some trusted vendors who can help you. Better to get your ducks in a row ahead of time than to have your ducks in the fire when attackers come looking for trouble. 

Deeper Than X-Ray Vision: Device Configuration Reviews

Many of our assessment customers have benefitted in the last several years from having their important network devices and critical systems undergo a configuration review as a part of their assessments. However, a few customers have begun having this work performed as a subscription, with our team performing ongoing device reviews of one to three devices deeply per month, and then working with them to mitigate specific findings and bring the devices into a more trusted and deeply hardened state.

From credit unions to boards of elections and from e-commerce to ICS/SCADA teams, this deep and focused approach is becoming a powerful tool in helping organizations align better with best practices, the 80/20 Rule of Information Security, the SANS CAG and a myriad of other guidance and baselines.

The process works like this:
  1. The organization defines a set of systems to be reviewed based on importance, criticality or findings from vulnerability assessments.
  2. The MSI team works with the organization to either get the configurations delivered to MSI for testing or to access the systems for local assessments in the case of robust systems like servers, etc.
  3. The MSI team performs a deep-level configuration assessment of the system, identifying gaps and suggested mitigations.
  4. The MSI team provides a technical level detail report to the organization and answers questions as they mitigate the findings.
  5. Often, the organization has the systems re-checked to ensure mitigations are completed, and MSI provides a memo of our assertions that the system is now hardened.
  6. Lather, rinse and repeat as needed to continually provide hardening, trust and threat resistance to core systems.
Our customers are also finding this helpful as a separate service. Some smaller credit unions and IT departments may simply want to identify their critical assets and have this deep-level review performed against them in advance of a regulatory audit, to prepare for the handling of new sensitive data or important business process or simply to harden their environment overall.
Deep-dive device configuration reviews are affordable, easy to manage, and effective security engagements. When MSI works with your team to harden what matters most, it benefits your team and your customers. If you want to hear more about these reviews, engage with MSI to perform them; or to hear more about device/application or process focused assessments, simply drop us a line or give us a call. We would be happy to discuss them with you and see how we can help your organization get clarity with a laser-focus on testing the systems, devices and processes that you value most.
As always, thanks for reading and stay safe out there! 

Know Who’s Out to Hack Your Credit Union

One of the biggest questions we get when we talk to Credit Unions is about threats. They often want to know who might be targeting Credit Unions and how they might get attacked. Based on these questions and how often we hear them, we have come up with a way for you to actually get some metrics and intelligence around your own threat postures.
I am proud to introduce a new short-term service for Credit Unions that leverages our patent-pending HoneyPoint technology in a useful, powerful, easy and affordable way.  The MSI Threat Posture Analysis is a new service that does just that. The service is comprised of the following phases:
1. Initial consultation – our teams work together to plan for a quick, safe and easy deployment of our HoneyPoint technology; this initial discussion helps us decide if we are going to leverage a HoneyPoint hardware, software or combined deployment and exactly what we want to emulate for metrics gathering; the length of the metrics gathering mission is also determined (usually 90 days).
2. Pricing and contracts – based on our work together, fixed bid pricing is provided for the analysis and monitoring.
3. Delivery of technology – our teams work together to deliver and install the technology; MSI monitors the deployment remotely back at our NOC.
4. Analysis – MSI performs analysis of the data gathered; generating a set of reports that details sources of attacks, general estimated capabilities, attack frequency and other metrics designed to feed real world threat data into the Credit Union’s information security program.
5. Decommission and return of the technology – our teams work together to uninstall the technology and return any hardware to MSI. 
6. Follow on Q&A – for 3 months, MSI will continue to be available to answer questions or discuss the data and metrics identified in the analysis.
It’s that easy. You can quickly, easily, safely and affordably, move from blunt estimations of threats to real world data and intelligence. If you would like that intelligence as an ongoing basis, give us a call and we can discuss our managed services with you as well. 
So, if you’re tired of doing risk assessments without real numbers to back up your data or if your team has hit the maturity point where they can use real world metrics and threat source data to create firewall rules, black holes and other dynamic defenses, this approach can give them the data they are hungry for.
If you would like to discuss the analysis or hear more about it, give your account executive a call or reach out to me on Twitter (@lbhuston). I look forward to talking with you about the successes we are seeing.
As always, thanks for reading and stay safe out there!