CMHSecLunch is Monday August 9th

This month’s CMHSecLunch is Monday, August 9th, 2013 at 11:30am. The location for this month is the Easton Mall food court. You can register here, or just show up. ADMISSION IS FREE!!!!!

Imagine hanging out with your infosec bestys, or meeting a new infosec connection that takes your career to the next level. Ever wondered what infosec experts eat, drink or why some of them only wear pastel shirts? This is YOUR chance to find out! 

We hope to see you there! 

Save The Date: August 12 is CMHSecLunch

Just a heads up, mainly because it seems late this month, but the next CMHSecLunch is Monday, August 12, 2013. Location is the North Market, beginning at 11:30am. 

You can find out more here, as well as sign up for reminders and such.

Thanks to all who make it out, we always enjoy seeing you and the amazing conversations that happen there! 

Audio Blog Post: Derbycon 3.0 & Sexism at Cons

Check out this audio blog post between Brent Huston and Victoria Loewengart as they discuss this year’s Derbycon. There is a special segment towards the end of the conversation where they discuss females attending Derbycon, what to expect and attempt to counter some of the bad news about sexism at conferences going around these days. 

Download the m4a here.

See You At EPRI Event in Chicago

Next Monday, June 17th, I’ll be presenting at the EPRI conference in Chicago. My topic is a threat update on what attackers are targeting and what kind of value future state designs and other research/planning data has on the attacker market. If you’re going to be at the event, please join me for my presentation. If you’d like to grab a coffee or the like, let me know. I’ll be around all day. 

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you there! 

Save The Date: June 10 is CMHSecLunch

Save the date of June 10th for the next CMHSecLunch. This month’s event is at the Polaris Mall food court. It’s 11:30 to 1pm.

As usual, you can sign up here. You can also talk to @cahnee about it on Twitter if you would prefer. She can help you find folks wherever we meet.

The event is FREE, open to anyone interested in IT and InfoSec. You can brown bag it, or get food from the vendors. But, the conversations are amazing. You get to see old friends and make some new ones. Check it out! 

MicroSolved Announces International CyberThreat Intel Briefing

MicroSolved, Inc. is proud to announce a unique event for those interested in information security.

The 2013 International Cyber Threat Intelligence Briefing, featuring internationally recognized author William Hagestad, is an executive level briefing on the latest cyber threat intelligence from around the world. This briefing will provide a unique opportunity for C-Level decision makers to understand the cyber threat to their organizations through the loss of intellectual property via the determined use of cyber espionage. Attendees will be presented with two commercial case studies focusing on Global 50 companies. Recommendations, Short & Long Term Moves will accompany this interactive cyber threat intelligence briefing.

This is an opportunity for your management team to participate in a frank, focused discussion about the international cyber threats organizations face today in the global marketplace.

To learn more or sign up to participate, please register by clicking here.

Save the Date: Next CHMSecLunch is April 8th

Just a quick reminder that the next #CMHSecLunch is April 8th, 11:30 – 1 pm Eastern at North Market. (Second Monday of each month with a rotating location..)

Join us for what seems to resemble a “hallway con”, except with better food! Friends, good chats, lots of conversation and camaraderie, all can be found here. Open to all interested folks, admission is FREE – but you buy your own vittles. 😉

See you there! 

Pssst: For those interested, May will be at Easton and June will be at Polaris mall food courts.

We also now have a new Eventbrite page for the event, with a schedule through the end of 2013 – sign up or find out more by clicking here!

CMHSecLunch for February


This month’s CMHSecLunch is February 11th, at the Polaris Mall food court. It starts at 11:30 am Eastern and goes to 1pm Eastern. The Twitter chat runs at the same time if you can’t join in person – use the hashtag #CMHSecLunch to get in on the virtual event.

This is a great opportunity to meet with friends, peers and folks you may not have gotten to hang out with in a while. It is open to the public, there is no cost or registration hassles. You just go to the mall food court for lunch and sit down with friends to talk or maybe even make some new friends.

Turn outs have been great and the group of folks participating is growing. Each month, on the second Monday, we rotate between mall food courts around town so everyone gets a chance to be “close to home”. Seriously, it’s worth coming out. Think of this as the best part of security conferences (the chance to hang out and chat in the hallways), without the con flu or need to travel on an airplane.

Hopefully, the Twitter hashtag will grow as well and we can use it for folks that are/were in our community, but can’t get to the physical event for whatever reason. 

As always, thanks for reading StateOfSecurity and engaging with MicroSolved. We love the CMH infosec community and organizing this event is just another way we hope to give back for all you have done for us over the last two decades! Thanks!!!