Unlock Top-Tier Cybersecurity Expertise with a Virtual CISO: The Smart Choice for Modern Businesses


In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, robust cybersecurity is no longer optional—it’s essential. However, hiring a full-time Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) can be financially out of reach for many organizations, especially small to medium-sized enterprises. That’s where a virtual CISO (vCISO) program comes in, offering a game-changing solution that brings world-class security leadership within reach of businesses of all sizes.



Let’s explore the key benefits of partnering with a vCISO:

  1. Access to Unparalleled Expertise: A vCISO brings a wealth of knowledge and experience gained from tackling diverse cybersecurity challenges across multiple industries. This broad perspective enables them to navigate complex security landscapes, anticipate emerging threats, and ensure your organization stays ahead of the curve.
  2. Cost-Effective Security Leadership: By opting for a vCISO, you gain access to top-tier security expertise without the substantial overhead of a full-time executive position. This flexibility allows you to allocate your budget more efficiently while still benefiting from strategic security guidance.
  3. Tailored Strategic Direction: Your vCISO will work closely with your team to develop and implement a comprehensive information security strategy aligned with your specific business objectives. They ensure your cybersecurity initiatives are not just robust, but also support your overall business goals.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility: As your business evolves, so do your security needs. A vCISO service model offers the flexibility to scale services up or down, allowing you to adapt quickly to new challenges, regulatory requirements, or changes in your business environment.
  5. Objective, Independent Insights: Free from internal politics and biases, a vCISO provides an unbiased assessment of your security posture. This independent perspective is crucial for identifying vulnerabilities and recommending effective risk mitigation strategies.
  6. Compliance and Best Practices: Stay on top of ever-changing regulatory requirements with a vCISO who understands the intricacies of compliance across various industries and regions. They’ll ensure your security practices not only meet but exceed industry standards.
  7. Knowledge Transfer and Team Empowerment: A key aspect of the vCISO role is mentoring your existing team. By transferring knowledge and best practices, they help grow your internal capabilities, boosting your team’s skills, confidence, and overall effectiveness.
  8. Continuous Improvement: The cybersecurity landscape never stands still, and neither should your security posture. A vCISO continually adjusts your security initiatives to address emerging threats, changing business needs, and evolving global regulations.


Don’t let cybersecurity challenges hold your business back. Embrace the power of a virtual CISO program and take your organization’s security to the next level.

Ready to revolutionize your cybersecurity strategy? The time to act is now.

More Information

Contact MicroSolved today for a no-pressure discussion about how our vCISO program can transform your security posture. With flexible engagement options tailored to your needs, there’s never been a better time to invest in your organization’s digital future.

Call us at 614-351-1237 or email info@microsolved.com to schedule your consultation. Don’t wait for a security breach to realize the importance of expert guidance—secure your business today with MicroSolved’s vCISO program.


* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.



Choosing the Right vCISO Solution for Your Company

Companies today face increasingly complex cybersecurity challenges that call for expert guidance and comprehensive strategies. Navigating through the myriad of cyber threats without a dedicated security leader is a risk few businesses can afford. However, for startups and mid-sized businesses, where resources are often limited, appointing a full-time Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) might be infeasible. This is where a vCISO, or virtual/fractional CISO, becomes a game-changer.

A vCISO offers flexibility and cost-effectiveness, presenting a practical choice for organizations that require expert guidance but have budgetary constraints. With a vCISO, you get the benefits of a chief information security officer’s expertise without the overhead costs associated with a full-time executive. By offering hourly rates or project-based fees, vCISO services provide budget-friendly options tailored to your company’s specific needs.

Startups and medium-sized enterprises can particularly benefit from the rich, diversified experience a vCISO brings—insights forged from working with multiple companies across various industries. For businesses aiming to strengthen their existing security teams or to define security policies and risk assessments, a vCISO can provide valuable support. They can guide the development of effective security strategies tailored to an organization’s risk profile and operational scale.

For organizations in dynamic threat environments or heavily regulated industries where security requirements are stringent, a vCISO’s expertise can be of paramount importance. Moreover, a vCISO can become a valuable asset to your executive team by ensuring that security practices comply with the latest regulations and industry standards.

Overall, if you’re looking to enhance your cybersecurity posture and efforts without committing to a full-time executive, a vCISO could be the key to achieving your long-term strategic security goals.

Factors to Consider When Selecting a vCISO Provider

Identifying the right vCISO provider necessitates a thorough evaluation of several crucial factors:

  • Industry Experience: It’s vital to choose a vCISO with experience relevant to your sector. Familiarity with industry-specific challenges and compliance mandates ensures the vCISO will devise security solutions apt for your unique landscape.
  • Expertise and Track Record: Scrutinize the vCISO’s range of skills and their history with past clients. A well-rounded security expert with a proven record in risk management and security operations adds significant value.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Consider the pricing model carefully. Whether it’s an hourly rate or project-based fee, the vCISO services should align with your financial constraints while delivering high-quality expertise.
  • Company Culture Fit: A vCISO should be able to integrate seamlessly with your organization, communicating across various departments effectively and influencing a robust security culture.
  • Peer Recommendations: Leverage your network to get insights into potential vCISOs. References from other business leaders and cybersecurity professionals can guide you to a provider that will offer the best balance of quality and cost.

Evaluating the Experience and Expertise of Potential vCISOs

The proficiency of a vCISO is underpinned by extensive experience and expertise in the cybersecurity domain. Potential vCISOs should have a wealth of knowledge in constructing and managing a cybersecurity program robust enough to shield against evolving threats. Here’s what to assess:

  • Program Development: Gauge whether the vCISO has experience in developing cybersecurity programs that are both strategic and practical in application.
  • Risk Management: It’s critical that a vCISO can identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks, ensuring your organization is prepared for potential security incidents.
  • Compliance Knowledge: A competent vCISO needs to be abreast of legal standards like GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS, guaranteeing your business meets necessary regulatory demands.
  • Specialized Training and Resources: Look for certifications and training that verify their expertise, such as CISSP, CISM, or CCISO.
  • Being meticulous during the evaluation process will help you find a vCISO who not only possesses the right skills but can also translate complex security matters into strategic business decisions effectively.

Aligning Your Company’s Security Requirements with a vCISO’s Skill Set

The ultimate goal of hiring a vCISO is to address your company’s specific security needs through strategic, informed guidance. Here are the steps to ensure a vCISO’s skills align with your requirements:

  • Certifications and Business Acumen: Ensure the vCISO has relevant certifications coupled with a deep understanding of business strategies and objectives.
  • Availability and Communication: The vCISO should be accessible and possess the communication skills necessary to articulate complex security issues across all levels of the company.
  • Industry-specific Knowledge: Confirm the vCISO’s experiences dovetail with your sector’s demands, delivering cybersecurity advice that is both applicable and actionable.

Choosing the right vCISO involves careful consideration of these factors, ultimately finding someone who will be a formidable inner defense against potential security risks while also helping to grow and mature your company’s overall cybersecurity efforts.

To learn more about MicroSolved’s vCISO offerings, capabilities, and options, drop us a line (info@microsolved.com) or give us a call (614.351.1237). We look forward to speaking with you! 



* AI tools were used in the research and creation of this content.

3 Lessons From 30 Years of Penetration Testing

I’ve been doing penetration tests for 30 years and here are 3 things that have stuck with me.

I’ve been doing penetration testing for around 3 decades now. I started doing security testing back when the majority of the world was dial-up access to systems. I’ve worked on thousands of devices, systems, network and applications – from the most sensitive systems in the world to some of the dumbest and most inane mobile apps (you know who you are…) that still have in-game purchases. 

Over that time, these three lessons have stayed with me. They may not be the biggest lessons I’ve learned, or the most impactful, but they are the ones that have stuck with me in my career the longest. 

Lesson 1: The small things make or break a penetration test. The devil loves to hide in the details.

Often people love to hear about the huge security issues. They thrill or gasp at the times when you find that breathtaking hole that causes the whole thing to collapse. But, for me, the vulnerabilities that I’m most proud of, looking back across my career are the more nuanced ones. The ones where I noticed something small and seemingly deeply detailed. You know the issues like this, you talk about them to the developer and they respond with “So what?” and then you show them that small mistake opens a window that allows you to causally step inside to steal their most critical data…

Time and time again, I’ve seen nuance vulnerabilities hidden in encoded strings or hex values. Bad assumptions disguised in application session management or poorly engineered work flows. I’ve seen developers and engineers make mistakes that are so deeply hidden in the protocol exchanges or packet stream that anyone just running automated tools would have missed it. Those are my favorites. So, my penetration testing friend, pay attention to the deep details. Lots of devils hide there, and a few of those can often lead to the promised land. Do the hard work. Test every attack surface and threat vector, even if the other surfaces resisted, sometimes you can find a subtle, almost hidden attack surface that no one else noticed and make use of it.

Lesson 2: A penetration test is usually judged by the report. Master report writing to become a better penetration tester. 

This is one of the hardest things for my mentees to grasp. You can geek out with other testers and security nerds about your latest uber stack smash or the elegant way you optimized the memory space of your exploit – but customers won’t care. Save yourself the heartbreak and disappointment, and save them the glazed eyes look that comes about when you present it to them. They ONLY CARE about the report.

The report has to be well written. It has to be clear. It has to be concise. It has to have make them understand what you did, what you found and what they need to do about it. The more pictures, screen shots, graphs and middle-school-level language, the better. They aren’t dumb, or ignorant, they just have other work to do and need the information they need to action against in the cleanest, clearest and fastest way possible. They don’t want to Google technical terms and they have no patience for jargon. So, say it clear and say it in the shortest way possible if you want to be the best penetration tester they’ve seen. 

That’s hard to swallow. I know. But, you can always jump on Twitter or Slack and tell us all about your L33T skillz and the newest SQL technique you just discovered. Even better, document it and share it with other testers so that we all get better.

Lesson 3: Penetration tests aren’t always useful. They can be harmful.

Lastly, penetration tests aren’t always a help. They can cause some damage, to weak infrastructures, or to careers. Breaking things usually comes with a cost, and delivering critical failure news to upper management is not without its risks. I’ve seen CIOs and CISOs lose their jobs due to a penetration test report. I’ve seen upper management and boards respond in entirely unkind and often undeserved ways. In fact, if you don’t know what assets your organization has to protect, what controls you have and/or haven’t done some level of basic blocking and tackling – forget pen-testing altogether and skip to an inventory, vulnerability assessment, risk assessment or mapping engagement. Save the pen-testing cost and dangerous results for when you have more situational awareness. 

Penetration testing is often good at finding the low water mark. It often reveals least resistant paths and common areas of failure. Unfortunately, these are often left open by a lack of basic blocking and tackling. While it’s good news that basics go a long way to protecting us and our data, the bad news is that real-world attackers are capable of much more. Finding those edge cases, the things that go beyond the basics, the attack vectors less traveled, the bad assumptions, the short cut and/or the thing you missed when you’re doing the basics well – that’s when penetration tests have their biggest payoffs.

Want to talk more about penetration testing, these lessons or finding the right vulnerability management engagement for your organization? No problem, get in touch and I’ll be happy to discuss how MicroSolved can help. We can do it safely, make sure it is the best type of engagement for your maturity level and help you drive your security program forward. Our reports will be clean, concise and well written. And, we’ll pay attention to the details, I promise you that. 🙂 

To get in touch, give me a call at (614) 351-1237, drop me a line via this webform or reach out on Twitter (@lbhuston). I love to talk about infosec and penetration testing. It’s not just my career, but also my passion.

Podcast Episode 2 is Now Available

In this episode we sit down with Mark Tomallo, from Panopticon Labs, and RSA’s Kevin Flanagan. We discuss mentoring, online crime, choosing infosec as a career and even dig out some tidbits from Mark about online gaming fraud and some of the criminal underground around the gaming industry. I think this is a very interesting and fun episode, so check it out and let us know what you think on Twitter (@microsolved, or @lbhuston). Thanks for listening! 

Listen Here:

Podcast Episode 1 is Now Available

This episode is about 45 minutes in length and features an interview with Dave Rose (@drose0120) and Helen Patton (@OSUCISOHelen) about ethics in security, women in STEM roles and career advice for young folks considering Infosec as a career. Have feedback, let me know via Twitter (@lbhuston).

As always, thanks for listening and reading stateofsecurity.com!
Listen here: 
PS – We decided to restart the episode numbers, move to pod bean.com as a hosting company and make the podcast available through iTunes. We felt all of those changes, plus the informal date-based episode titles we were using before made the change a good idea.

Young IT Professionals, Cybercrime, Script Kiddies & CyberWarriors, OH MY!

Recently I came across a couple of articles that both centered on the potential roles that young people entering into the IT Security field may face. Some of them, for example, may be lured away from legitimate IT security jobs and into the world of cybercrime. Others may follow the entrepreneurial role and fight cybercrime alongside myself and other professionals.

I suppose such dichotomies have existed in other professions for quite some time. Chemists could enter the commercial or academic world or become underground drug cartel members, ala Breaking Bad. Accountants could build CPA tax practices or help bad guys launder money. Doctors could work in emergency rooms or perform illegal operations to help war lords recover from battle. I suppose it is an age old balancing act.

I am reminded of Gladwell’s Outliers though, in that we are experiencing a certain time window when IT security skills are valuable to both good and bad efforts, and a war for talent may well be waging just beyond the common boundary of society. Gladwell’s position that someone like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates could only emerge within a specific time line of conditions seems to apply here. Have we seen our IT security Bill Gates yet? Maybe, maybe not….

It is certainly an interesting and pivotal time isn’t it? These articles further solidified my resolve to close a set of podcast interviews that I have been working on. In the next couple of months I will be posting podcast interviews with teams of IT and Infosec leaders to discuss their advice to young people just entering our profession. I hope you will join me for them. More importantly, I hope you will help me by sharing them with young people you know who are considering IT security as a career. Together, maybe we can help keep more of the talent on the non-criminal side. Maybe… I can always hope, can’t I? 🙂

Until next time, thanks for reading, and stay safe out there! If you have questions or insights about advice for young security professionals, hit me up on Twitter (@lbhuston). I’ll add them to the questions for the podcast guests or do some email interviews if there is enough interest from the community.