MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments Video

Here is a new video about the MachineTruth™ Global Configuration Assessment offering. 

Check it out for more information about using our proprietary analytics, machine learning, and best practices engine to improve your security posture holistically, no matter the size of your network! 

Thanks. Drop us a line at or give us a call at 614-351-1237 to learn more.

Interview on MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments

Recently, Brent Huston, our CEO and Security Evangelist, was interviewed about MachineTruth™ Global Configuration Assessments and the platform in general. Here is part of that interview:

Q1: Could you explain what MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments are and their importance in cybersecurity?

Brent: MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments are part of a broader approach to enhancing cybersecurity through in-depth analysis and management of network configurations. They involve the passive, zero-deployment offline analysis of configuration files to model logical network architectures, changes, segmentation options, and trust/authentication patterns and provide hardening guidance. This process is crucial for identifying vulnerabilities within a network’s configuration that could be exploited by cyber threats, thus playing a pivotal role in strengthening an organization’s overall security posture.

Q2: How does the MachineTruth approach differ from traditional network security assessments?

Brent: MachineTruth takes a unique approach by focusing on passive analysis, meaning it doesn’t interfere with the network’s normal operations or pose additional risks during the assessment. Unlike traditional assessments that may require active scanning and potentially disrupt network activities, MachineTruth leverages existing configuration files and network data, minimizing operational disruptions. This methodology allows for a comprehensive understanding of the network’s current state without introducing the potential for network issues during the assessment process.

It also allows us to perform holistic assessments and mitigations across networks that can be as large as global in scale. You can ensure that standards, vulnerability mitigations, and misconfiguration issues are managed on every relevant device and application across the network, cloud infrastructure, and other exposures simultaneously. Since you get back reporting that includes root cause analysis, your executive and management team can use that data to fund projects, purchase tools, or increase vigilance. The technical details have identified issues and detailed mitigations for every single issue, allowing you to rapidly prioritize, distribute, and mitigate any shortcomings in the environment. Overall, clients find it a uniquely powerful tool to harden their security posture, regardless of the size and complexity of their network architectures.

Q3: In what way do Global Configuration Assessments contribute to an organization’s risk management efforts?

Brent: Global Configuration Assessments contribute significantly to risk management by providing detailed insights into the network’s configuration and architecture. This information enables organizations to identify misconfigurations, unnecessary services, and other vulnerabilities that could be leveraged by attackers. By addressing these issues, organizations can reduce their attack surface and mitigate risks associated with cyber threats, enhancing their overall risk management strategy.

Q4: Can MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments be integrated into an existing security framework or compliance requirements?

Brent: MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments can seamlessly integrate into security frameworks and compliance requirements such as ISO 27001, PCI DSS, NERC CIP, HIPAA, CIS CSC, etc. The insights and recommendations derived from these assessments can support compliance with various standards and regulations by ensuring that network configurations align with best practices for data protection and cybersecurity. This integration not only helps organizations maintain compliance but also strengthens their security measures in alignment with industry standards.

Q5: What is the future direction for MachineTruth in the evolving cybersecurity landscape?

Brent: The future direction for MachineTruth in the cybersecurity landscape involves continuous innovation and adaptation to address emerging threats and technological advancements. As networks become more complex and cyber threats more sophisticated, MachineTruth will evolve to offer more advanced analytics, AI-driven insights, and integration with cutting-edge security technologies. This ongoing development will ensure that MachineTruth remains at the forefront of cybersecurity, providing organizations with the tools they need to protect their networks in an ever-changing digital environment. MachineTruth has been in constant development and leveraged to perform security services for more than six years to date, and we feel confident that we are just getting started!

To learn more about MachineTruth, configuration assessments or the various compliance capabilities of MSI, just drop us a line to We look forward to working with you!

Securing Patient Data: The Essential Role of Firewall and Router Reviews in HIPAA Compliance

Firewall and router configuration reviews are pivotal in maintaining HIPAA compliance, safeguarding sensitive healthcare information from unauthorized access and potential cyber threats. Regular assessments of network infrastructure help organizations identify vulnerabilities, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of patient data. In this realm, leveraging advanced solutions like MachineTruth™ Global Configuration Assessment can significantly streamline and enhance this process.







MachineTruth, developed by MSI, employs proprietary analytics and machine learning to review device and application configurations on a global scale. It compares device configurations against industry-standard best practices, known vulnerabilities, and common misconfigurations, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of an organization’s network security posture. This methodology ensures not just the identification of potential security gaps but also promotes control homogeneity across the enterprise, a critical factor in adhering to HIPAA’s stringent requirements.

The process begins with the collection of textual configurations from relevant devices, which can be facilitated by MSI’s secure file transfer methods. Utilizing tools and the assistance of partners can make this step a breeze, eliminating the complexities often associated with gathering and preparing data for analysis. The configurations then undergo rigorous analysis via the MachineTruth platform, alongside manual reviews by security engineers. This dual-layered approach ensures a thorough assessment, highlighting significant issues or evidence of compromise. The outcome is a detailed report comprising executive summaries, technical findings, and actionable mitigation strategies for identified vulnerabilities and configuration findings.

For healthcare organizations, incorporating MachineTruth into their security assessment protocols not only aids in HIPAA compliance but also significantly enhances their overall security posture. By identifying and mitigating risks proactively, these entities can safeguard patient privacy more effectively while avoiding the severe penalties associated with non-compliance.

In conclusion, firewall and router configuration reviews are indispensable for HIPAA compliance. Incorporating MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessment into these reviews can offer organizations a comprehensive, scalable solution to enhance their security measures. For those interested in leveraging this cutting-edge technology to fortify their network security and ensure compliance, reaching out to MSI at is the next step. Engage with MSI today and ensure your organization’s network infrastructure is not only compliant with HIPAA regulations but is also secure against evolving cyber threats.


* AI tools were used in the research and creation of this content.

ISO/IEC 27001 Firewall Review Compliance With MachineTruth

Enhancing Information Security with MachineTruth™ Global Configuration Assessment

In the landscape of information security, ISO/IEC 27001 compliance is a cornerstone for safeguarding an organization’s digital assets. A critical aspect of adhering to these standards is the meticulous review of firewall configurations. The introduction of MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessment revolutionizes this vital process through a technologically advanced solution.



Understanding the Importance of Firewall Configuration Reviews

To align with ISO/IEC 27001, it’s essential for organizations to implement a robust process for reviewing and approving firewall configurations. MachineTruth enhances this process by employing proprietary analytics and machine learning algorithms to analyze device and application configurations globally, ensuring they meet industry standards while identifying potential vulnerabilities.

Features of MachineTruth Methodology

MachineTruth offers a systematic approach that includes:
– Gathering and analyzing configurations across devices and applications.
– Validating configurations against best practices and known vulnerabilities.
– Maintaining a comprehensive audit trail for accountability and compliance.
– Ensuring regular reviews and updates to stay in line with security policies.

This approach not only streamlines the review process but also significantly enhances an organization’s security posture through data-driven insights and recommendations.

Benefits of Integrating MachineTruth

MachineTruth provides detailed reports and suggested changes by security experts, enabling organizations to:
– Effectively address and remediate identified vulnerabilities.
– Stay updated with the latest firewall technology developments and threats.
– Enhance their information security framework with evidence-based strategies.

Getting Started with MachineTruth

To leverage the full potential of MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessment in your firewall configuration review process, consider the following steps:
1. Contact MSI at for an initial consultation.
2. Discuss your organization’s specific needs and requirements to tailor the assessment.
3. Integrate MachineTruth into your security processes with support from our experts.

Embracing MachineTruth not only optimizes the configuration review process but also empowers your organization with cutting-edge security enhancements. Start your journey towards robust information security by reaching out to us today.


* AI tools were used in the research and creation of this content.

Meeting PCI-DSS 1.1.7 with MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments

Explanation of PCI-DSS requirement 1.1.7

The process for reviewing firewall, router, and network device configurations and rule sets every six months involves several steps to ensure compliance with PCI DSS Requirement 1.1.7 and maintain network security controls and router configuration standards.

Organizations can effectively conduct these reviews by utilizing services such as MachineTruth™ Global Configuration Assessments to analyze the configuration settings of firewalls, switches, routers, applications, and other network devices. By conducting regular audits and involving key personnel from the IT and security teams in the review of the results, organizations can ensure that their network device configurations and rule sets comply with PCI DSS Requirement 1.1.7 and maintain strong network security controls.


Conequences for failing to meet PCI-DSS 1.1.7

Compliance with PCI-DSS is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of sensitive payment card information. Failing to meet the requirements of PCI-DSS can have significant implications for a company, including legal and financial consequences.

One specific requirement of PCI-DSS is 1.1.7, which addresses the need to test security systems and processes regularly. Failing to comply with this specific requirement can result in severe penalties, including hefty fines and potential legal action. Companies may also face damage to their reputation and loss of customer trust. In some cases, non-compliance with PCI-DSS requirements may lead to the inability to process payment card transactions, causing significant operational disruptions. Ultimately, the consequences of failing to meet PCI-DSS 1.1.7 can have far-reaching impacts on a company’s bottom line and long-term viability. Therefore, businesses must prioritize and invest in maintaining compliance with PCI-DSS to avoid these detrimental consequences.

Importance of securing inbound traffic

Securing inbound traffic is critical for maintaining the cardholder data environment’s security and integrity, as PCI DSS Requirement 1.2.1 mandates. Organizations can effectively prevent unauthorized access and potential security breaches by limiting inbound and outbound traffic to only what is necessary for the cardholder data environment. Traffic restrictions are crucial in controlling and monitoring data flow into the network, ensuring that only authorized and necessary sources and protocols are allowed entry. This helps to minimize the risk of unauthorized access and potential security breaches, as any unnecessary or unauthorized traffic is blocked from entering the network. By implementing and enforcing these traffic restrictions, organizations can significantly reduce the likelihood of data breaches and maintain compliance with PCI DSS standards. Therefore, organizations must prioritize and effectively secure their inbound traffic to safeguard their cardholder data environment.

Importance of securing outbound traffic

Securing outbound traffic is paramount for protecting an organization’s sensitive information and preventing potential risks such as data breaches, exposure to malware, and unauthorized access to critical data. Unsecured outbound traffic can lead to data leaks, theft of intellectual property, and compromise of confidential information, causing significant financial and reputational damage to the organization.

Implementing egress filtering, encryption, data loss prevention, and threat detection measures can help mitigate and/or minimize these risks. Egress filtering is the single most powerful tool in preventing data exfiltration. By implementing best practices around all network traffic leaving the network or segments, most data exfiltration can be disrupted. Encryption ensures that data transmitted outside the organization’s network is securely ciphered, preventing unauthorized access and data breaches. Data loss prevention tools enable organizations to monitor and control the transfer of sensitive data, thereby reducing the risk of data leaks and unauthorized access. In addition, threat detection methods allow real-time visibility into outbound traffic, enabling prompt detection and response to unauthorized or malicious activities.

By securing outbound traffic through these measures, organizations can significantly reduce the likelihood of data breaches, exposure to malware, and unauthorized access to sensitive information, thus safeguarding their critical assets and maintaining the trust of the card brands and customers.

Description of MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessment capabilities

This assessment leverages MicroSolved’s proprietary analytics and machine learning platform, MachineTruth, to review device and application configurations in mass at a global scale. The assessment compares device configurations against industry standard best practices, known vulnerabilities, and common misconfigurations. It also allows organizations to ensure control homogeny across the enterprise, regardless of using different vendors, products, and versions.

Adopted security standards and security policies can be used as a baseline, and configurations can be compared holistically and globally against these universal security settings. Compensating controls can be identified and cataloged as a part of the assessment if desired.

Various analytics can also be performed as a part of the review, including trusted host hierarchies, reputational analysis of various sources for configured rules and access control lists, flagging of insecure services, identification of deprecated firmware, log management settings, protocols, encryption mechanisms, etc. MachineTruth can hunt down, flag, and provide specific mitigation and configuration advice to ensure these issues are fixed across the enterprise, architectures, and various vendor products.

If needed, the MachineTruth platform can verify network segmentation and serve as proof of these implementations to reduce the compliance scope to a subset of the network and data flows.

How MachineTruth helps organizations meet PCI requirements

MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessments help organizations simplify the process of meeting PCI-DSS 1.1.7 and other relevant regulatory requirements. By working across vendor platforms, and reviewing up to several thousand device configurations simultaneously, even the most complex networks can be reviewed holistically and quickly. Work that would have taken several man-years to perform with traditional methods can be accomplished quickly and with a minimum of resources.

Multi-level reporting also provides for an easy, prioritized path to mitigation of the assessments, and if you need assistance, MicroSolved’s extensive partner network stands ready to help you make the changes across the planet. The output of the assessment includes technical details with mitigations for each finding, a technical manager report with root causes, and suggestions for improvement across the enterprise, as well as an executive summary report that is designed to help upper-level management, boards of directors, auditors, and even business partners performing due diligence, understand the assessment outcome and the state of security throughout the organization’s networks. The reporting is excellent for establishing the true state of network compliance, even on a global scale.

This not only allows organizations to easily and rapidly meet PCI-DSS 1.1.7, but also allows them to quickly harden their networks and increase their security posture at a rate that was nearly impossible in the past. Leveraging the power of AI, machine learning, and analytics, even the most complex organizations can make solving this compliance problem easy.

How to Engage with MicroSolved, Inc.

To learn more about a MachineTruth Global Configuration Assessment or the 30+ years of security expertise of MicroSolved, Inc., just drop us a line at You can also reach us at +1.614.351.1237. Our team of experts will be more than happy to walk through how the platform works and discuss the workflow and costs involved with this unique option for meeting PCI requirements and other relevant regulatory guidance. While MicroSolved is a small firm with more than 30 years in business, some clients prefer to work through our larger partners who are likely already on established vendor lists. This is also possible, and the protocols and contractual arrangements are already in place with a number of globally recognized professional services firms. Whether you choose to work with MicroSolved directly, or through our partner network, you will receive the same excellent service, leading-edge insights and benefit from our proprietary MachineTruth platform.

Navigating the Regulatory Terrain: Firewall Rule and Configuration Reviews

In the ever-evolving landscape of network security, the significance of firewall rules and configuration reviews stands paramount. For organizations, navigating through the complex web of industry standards and regulations is not just a matter of compliance but a cornerstone in safeguarding sensitive data and fortifying defenses against cyber threats. This discourse aims to demystify the regulatory frameworks governing firewall configurations, highlighting their pivotal role in sculpting a resilient network infrastructure.

The Imperative of Regulatory Adherence:

Navigating the labyrinth of regulations like PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is more than a compliance checkbox. It’s an integral strategy to thwart unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security loopholes. A meticulous alignment with these standards underpins your organization’s commitment to unwavering security and data protection.

  • PCI DSS Compliance: Regular firewall configuration reviews ensure alignment with PCI DSS mandates. These reviews should encompass comprehensive documentation and alert mechanisms to adhere to the security management controls and firewall rule examination requirements.
  • HIPAA Conformity: For organizations handling healthcare data, firewall configuration reviews are instrumental in aligning with HIPAA’s stringent requirements, ensuring the safeguarding of sensitive patient data.

International Standards: Aligning with ISO 27001

Embracing global benchmarks like ISO 27001 requires an exhaustive evaluation of firewall configurations. This process entails benchmarking current configurations against ISO standards and rectifying any discrepancies to achieve compliance. Key focus areas include access control, network segmentation, and adherence to security policies.

Understanding Firewall Configuration Reviews: A Deep Dive

The essence of firewall configuration reviews lies in scrutinizing settings, rules, and protocols to uncover vulnerabilities and threats. This thorough analysis enables IT professionals to bolster the firewall’s defense capabilities, enhancing the overall security fabric of the network.

Purpose and Benefits of Routine Firewall Configuration Reviews:

  • Risk Mitigation: Regular reviews unveil security vulnerabilities and compliance deviations, essential in maintaining a fortified network environment.
  • Optimizing Resources: Eliminating outdated or redundant rules enhances network efficiency and performance.
  • Compliance Assurance: These reviews are pivotal in meeting regulatory standards, averting fines, and sustaining a robust security posture.
  • Cost Savings: Proactive reviews and updates curtail the likelihood of breaches and associated financial repercussions.

Defining Firewall Configuration Review:

A firewall configuration review is a meticulous examination of firewall settings and rules. It’s aimed at ensuring optimal protection against unauthorized access and cyber threats. This process identifies potential security gaps and ensures adherence to best security practices.

Partner with MicroSolved for Expert Firewall Configuration and Analysis

At MicroSolved, we recognize the complexities and critical nature of firewall configuration reviews. Our MachineTruth™ service offers unparalleled expertise in firewall configuration and analysis, scalable to global operations. Our team of experts employs advanced methodologies, proprietary machine learning, analytics and custom-built private AI to ensure your firewall configurations are not only compliant with the latest regulations but also optimized for peak performance and security. Since we can analyze all of your firewalls, routers, switches and other network devices simultaneously, we can also ensure that your security posture is consistent everywhere you have a presence!

Embark on your journey towards a more secure and compliant network infrastructure with MicroSolved. Contact us today ( or +1-614-351-1237) to learn more about our MachineTruth™ services and how we can tailor them to meet your organization’s unique needs.


* Just to let you know, we used some AI tools to gather the information for this article, and we polished it up with Grammarly to make sure it reads just right!


Safeguarding Your SSH Configurations with ssh-audit

In the vast ocean of network security, SSH (Secure Shell) stands as a towering lighthouse guarding the data traffic to and from your servers. However, how do you ensure that this lighthouse is in optimal condition? Enter ssh-audit, a tool for auditing your SSH server and client configurations.

Ssh-audit supports SSH1 and SSH2 protocol servers, diving deep into the SSH configurations to grab banners, recognize the software and operating systems involved, and even detect compression settings. It gathers information on key exchanges, host keys, encryption, and message authentication code algorithms, providing a comprehensive report on their status.

Getting started with ssh-audit is a breeze. Clone the repository from GitHub, and with a few commands in your terminal, you’re on your way to auditing your SSH configurations. The tool fetches algorithm information, outputting details such as availability, removal or disabling status, and security strength (unsafe, weak, legacy, etc). Moreover, it provides algorithm recommendations based on the recognized software version, aligning your settings with industry standards.

The icing on the cake? Ssh-audit outputs security information, including related issues and assigned CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) list, offering you a clear picture of the security posture of your SSH setups.

With ssh-audit, not only do you get to audit your SSH configurations, but you also receive actionable insights to harden your SSH setups against potential threats. So, the next time you’re looking to bolster your network security, try ssh-audit and sail smoothly in the turbulent waters of cyber threats.

Note that MSI has no relationship with the tool or the authors. We just found the tool useful for infosec teams.

 * Just to let you know, we used some AI tools to gather the information for this article, and we polished it up with Grammarly to make sure it reads just right!

3 Essential Tips for Enhancing Site-to-Site VPN Security


Site-to-site VPNs are a crucial tool for securing communication between different network locations. To ensure the utmost security for your VPN connections, consider implementing these three key suggestions:

1. Select Strong Secrets or Secure Certificates

The foundation of any secure site-to-site VPN is the authentication mechanism. Opt for strong pre-shared keys or secure digital certificates when configuring your VPN. Using weak passwords or keys can leave your VPN vulnerable to attacks. Remember, a strong password should be lengthy, complex, and incorporate a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters. Alternatively, employing secure certificates provides an added layer of protection as they are difficult to intercept or guess.

2. Implement Modern, Peer-Reviewed Cryptography

Ensure that your site-to-site VPN employs modern encryption protocols have been rigorously reviewed by the security community. Protocols like IKEv2/IPsec are popular choices that offer robust encryption and authentication mechanisms. Peer-reviewed cryptography guarantees that the algorithms have undergone extensive scrutiny and are less likely to contain vulnerabilities or backdoors. Currently, AES is the suggested cryptographic mechanism for most VPNs. DES and 3DES should be eliminated wherever possible.

3. Create Proper Firewall Rules or ACLs

Managing traffic over your VPN connection is essential for maintaining a secure network environment. Utilize firewall rules or Access Control Lists (ACLs) to carefully regulate data flow between connected sites. You can prevent unauthorized access and potential breaches by explicitly defining what types of traffic are permitted and denied. Regularly review and update these rules to adapt to changing security requirements.

In Conclusion

Enhancing your site-to-site VPN’s security involves strong authentication, robust encryption, and intelligent traffic management. By selecting strong secrets or certificates, implementing modern cryptography, and creating well-defined firewall rules, you can significantly bolster the security of your VPN connections. Securing your network is an ongoing process, so staying updated on the latest security practices and adapting your configurations is essential.

Implement these tips today to build a resilient and secure site-to-site VPN that safeguards sensitive data and ensures seamless communication between your network locations.


* Just to let you know, we used some AI tools to gather the information for this article, and we polished it up with Grammarly to make sure it reads just right!


Leaking RFC1918 IP Addresses to the Internet

There has been a lot of conversation with clients about exposing internal DNS information to the public Internet lately. 

There are some security considerations, and a lot of the arguments often devolve into security by obscurity types of control discussions. My big problem with the leakage of internal DNS data to the Internet is that I hypothesize that it attracts attacker interest. That is, I know when I see it at a client company, I often immediately assume they have immature networking practices and wonder what other deeper security issues are present. It sort of makes me deeper attention to my pen-testing work and dig deeper for other subtle holes. I am guessing that it does the same for attackers. 

Of course, I don’t have any real data to back that up. Maybe someone out there has run some honeypots with and without such leakage and then measured the aggregate risk difference between the two scenarios, but I doubt it. Most folks aren’t given to obsess over modeling like I am, and that is likely a good thing.

It turns out though, that there are other concerns with exposed internal DNS information. Here are a few links to those discussions, and there are several more on the NANOG mailing list from the past several years.

Server fault, Quora, and, of course, the RFC1918 that says you shouldn’t leak them. 🙂 

So, you might wanna check and see if you have these exposures, and if so, and you don’t absolutely need them, then remove them. It makes you potentially safer, and it makes the Internet a nicer place. 🙂 

If you have an actual use for leaking them to the public Internet, I would love to hear more about it. Hit me up on Twitter and let me know about it. I’ll write a later post with some use scenarios if folks have them. 

Thanks for reading! 

Network Device Reviews, A Less Common Assessment

One of the less common assessments that MicroSolved performs for our clients is a Network Device Review (NDR). These assessments are aimed at helping clients assess the current state of specific devices or system configurations and improving them. 

Common devices assessed via this service include:

  • Firewalls
  • Routers and switches
  • IDS/IPS deployments and configurations
  • Load balancers
  • Workstation and server install and image baselines
  • ICS & SCADA devices from back end to customer premise

This type of assessment is performed using a combination of automated tools and manual time with our security engineers. The methodology leveraged to perform the assessment is very similar to our other assessments, with the engineers doing detailed analysis of attack surfaces and evaluation of relevant controls. Reports follow a more technical path for these services, with a technically focused report set and a small management level summary, keeping the cost of these services significantly less expensive than our deeper pen-testing and fuzzing assessments.

Customers often use these services to perform spot validation or as a part of an overall hardening project to improve their security posture organically. To learn more about the NDR service, get in touch with your account executive or contact us via info (at) micro solved (dot) com for a free conversation about how the NDR can help your organization.

As always, thanks for reading and stay safe out there!