TigerTrax Monitoring vs Professional Sports & Business


By now, you may have heard about our new TigerTrax™ powered services. We formally announced them this week and the interest in them has been very high. Today, I wanted to provide a bit more context to the last year or so, especially around a particular use case for TigerTrax that is pretty unique and intriguing.

We originally developed the TigerTrax platform to super charge our threat intelligence activities against real bad guys in the world. It grew out of our need to better manage and explore the vast amounts of data we get from the HoneyPoint Internet Threat Monitoring Environment (HITME), but even as we leveraged it against cyber-crime, other use cases quickly emerged.

One of these use cases was developed by engaging directly with an NFL team. The team worked with us over a number of months as we tweaked out the capabilities of the system and adapted it to more of a social focus than a crime focus for their needs. Today, the system provides ongoing monitoring of a number of social media sites and their content, continually providing for both positive examples of expected behavior, as well as identifying violations of the player code of conduct. With all of the press and public media attention to some high profile examples of athlete misconduct, the teams are now taking this very seriously.

MSI has developed TigerTrax into a modular platform that easily scales to monitoring all of the player, cheerleader, coaching, back-office and ownership staff against the code of conduct. The social media content is gathered in near real time, and an analytics engine provides advanced techniques to flagging potential behavioral issues. The system is also continually adapted to new forms of behavior, shifting social issues (bullying, homophobic and racial issues, etc.) and the evolving concerns of the team management. Combining the TigerTrax technology with a team of deeply skilled human analysts, strong player skill development expertise and social media education focused on personal branding and social leadership was a natural fit for the evangelical approaches that MSI has practiced for more than 20 years in our information security engagements.

In addition, one of the key differentiators of TigerTrax, is not just the analysis of the key parties’ (players, cheerleaders, coaches, etc.) content, but also the global content from the social media sphere around specific events and actors. Using this crowd-sourced sensor approach, we have been able to identify misbehaviors and code of conduct violations, simply by capturing the data and correlating/validating it from observers in the public. The same techniques have also allowed us to use the public data to defend players and other parties against grossly exaggerated or completely false accusations against their character. Indeed, for some players, TigerTrax has made an excellent tool in DEFENDING their reputations!

Over the last few years, we have taken the initial platform developed for threat intelligence against cyber-crime, and adapted it to a variety of professional sports, business applications, investigative and forensic activities. We have expanded the platform beyond simple keyword analytics and are beginning to actuate on sentiment, data flow anomalies and deeper content analytical problem solving. In the years to come, we view TigerTrax as a very capable core business empowerment platform for MSI, just as impactful as HoneyPoint has been since 2006. We are still developing use cases for TigerTrax and the service offerings it has empowered for our clients. If you have a potential new use case that you would like to discuss, or if you would like to hear more about reputational threat intelligence and monitoring, please give us a call.

MSI is also seeking a handful of key business partners interested in helping us grow the TigerTrax platform adoption by bringing these unique capabilities to their clients, or by adapting the capabilities into new service offerings. If your business has an idea for how to leverage the TigerTrax capabilities, give us a call. We will be happy to explore new solutions with you.

As always, thanks for reading and thanks for partnering with MSI!

MSI Announces TigerTrax Reputational Threat Services

TigerTrax™ is MSI’s proprietary platform for gathering and analyzing data from the social media sphere and the overall web. This sophisticated platform, originally developed for threat intelligence purposes, provides the team with a unique capability to rapidly and effectively monitor the world’s data streams for potential points of interest.


The uses of the capability include social media code of conduct monitoring, rapid “deep dive” content gathering and analysis, social media investigations & forensics, organizational monitoring/research/profiling and, of course, threat intelligence.


The system is modular in nature, which allows MSI to create a number of “on demand” and managed services around the platform. Today the platform is in use in some of the following ways:

  • Sports teams are using the services to monitor professional athletes for potential code of conduct and brand damaging behaviors
  • Sports teams are also using the forensics aspects of the service to help defend their athletes against false behavior-related claims
  • Additionally, sports teams have begun to use the service for reputational analysis around trades/drafts, etc.
  • Financial organizations are using the service to monitor social media content for signs of illicit behavior or potential legal/regulatory violations
  • Talent agencies are monitoring their talent pools for content that could impact their public brands
  • Law firms are leveraging the service to identify potential issues with a given case and for investigation/forensics
  • Companies have begun to depend on the service for content monitoring during mergers and acquisitions activities, including quiet period monitoring and pre-offer intelligence
  • Many, many more uses of the platform are emerging every day

 If your organization has a need to understand or monitor the social media sphere and deep web content around an issue, a reputational concern or a code of conduct, discuss how TigerTrax from MSI can help meet your needs with an account executive today.


At a glance call outs:

  • Social media investigation/forensics and monitoring services
  • Customized to your specific concerns or code of conduct
  • Can provide deep dive background information or ongoing monitoring
  • Actionable reporting with direct support from MSI Analysts
  • Several pricing plans available

Key Differentiators:

  • Powerful, customizable, proprietary platform
  • Automated engines, bleeding edge analytics & human analysts to provide valuable insights
  • No web portal to learn or analytics software to configure and maintain
  • No heavy lifting on customers, MSI does the hard work, you get the results
  • Flexible reporting to meet your business needs

January CMHSecLunch is Monday (1/13)

Just a reminder that Monday’s CMHSecLunch is this Monday (1/13/14) at 11:30am Eastern at the Easton Mall food court. Come on out and see your friends. 

If you are unable to attend in person, and you would like to take part in the Google Hangout, bring your lunch to your laptop and ping me (lbhuston (at) gmail -dot- com) or send me a Twitter message at @lbhuston and I will add you. Hope to see you then! 

As always, you can learn more and RSVP (not required, but appreciated) here. 

Seeking Topics for 2014 Webinars

Got an idea for a webinar you would like to see us tackle in 2014? If so, drop us a line via the comments or give me a shout on Twitter (@lbhuston) and share it with us. We are looking to build a set of monthly webinars and would love to hear what you want to hear more about.

Currently in the idea hopper are:

  • ICS/SCADA/Smart Grid security topics
  • Online crime trends
  • Use cases for HoneyPoint and ProtoPredator
  • Using free or low cost tools to increase your security team’s capability (Thanks @icxc)
  • Persistent Penetration Testing Strategies
  • Scoping and focusing penetration tests for real world business results
  • Ideas for security intelligence operations
  • Many, many more!

Drop me a line with a topic and I’ll enter you into a drawing to win a free copy of HoneyPoint Personal Edition! 

Thanks for reading and for sharing your interests. We want to 2014 to be your most successful information security year to date!

CMHSecLunch is Monday & a Quick Question

Just a reminder that CMHSecLunch is Monday, December 9th at North Market. The party starts at 11:30am Eastern and will run through about 1pm Eastern. Come on out and hang with us! 

We usually eat upstairs on the side nearest High Street and the end near the elevator. Look for a group of security geeks hanging out in that area and sit down for a snack and a chat.

Hope to see you then!

And now for the quick question. What would you think of also having a webex during the same period of time for those who are unable to attend physically or who are friends who have moved away? If that would interest you and you might enjoy it, drop me a line on Twitter and let me know (@lbhuston). I am considering this, but I won’t pouch forward unless at least 10 people ping me on Twitter or some other way. 

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you on the 9th!

** You can find out more about the event or RSVP by visiting our eventbrite site here

CMHSecLunch for December is the 9th

Just a reminder that the CMHSecLunch for December will be on the 9th at North Market. As always, admission is free and everyone is welcome. Come on out and see your friends.

As usual, to RSVP and let others know you are attending, or to view more information about the event, you can visit the eventbrite site here.

See you there! Or, on Twitter with the hashtag #CMHSecLunch if you can’t make it or are out of the Columbus area. The more the merrier!

Brent Huston to Lead ICS/SCADA Honeypot Webinar with SANS

Our Founder and CEO, Brent Huston (@lbhuston) will be leading a SANS webinar on ICS/SCADA honeypots. The webinar is scheduled for November, 25th, 2013 and you can find more information and register by visiting this page.

The webinar will cover when honeypots are and are not useful, basic deployment strategies and insights into using them for detection in field deployments and control environments. 

Check it out, tune in and give Brent a shout out on Twitter. Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy the webinar.

SANS ICS Summit & Training in Singapore

SANS Asia Pacific ICS Summit and Training 2013 – Singapore

If you have any responsibility for security of control systems – policy, engineering, governance or operations you won’t want to miss the Asia Pacific ICS Security Summit taking place 2-8 December 2013 where you will:

Learn all about the new Global ICS Professional Security Certification

Gain the most current information regarding Industrial Control System threats and learn how to best prepare to defend against them

Hear what works and what does not from peer organizations. 

Network with top individuals in the field of Industrial Control Systems security and return from the Summit with solutions you can immediately put to use in your organization. 

Listen to 15+ speakers from a variety of companies who will cover exceptional content throughout the two-day Summit.

Earn CPE credits for the summit and course you attend


ICS410: ICS Cyber Security Essentials, (Brand New course) – 4-8 December taught by SANS Faculty Fellow Dr. Eric Cole will provide a standardized foundational set of skills, knowledge and abilities for Industrial Cyber Security professionals. This course is designed to ensure that the workforce involved in supporting and defending Industrial Control Systems is trained to perform work in a manner that will keep the operational environment safe, secure and resilient against current and emerging cyber threats.

Agenda highlights for the summit include:

A Community Approach to Securing the Cyberspace to Enhance National Resilience

The Good, Bad and the Ugly: Certification of People, Processes and Devices 

SCADA Security Assessment Methodology: The Malaysia Experience  

The State of Critical Control System Security in Japan 

Smart Security : Strengthening Information Protection in Your ICS


To learn more about the Summit and Training, or register now and save 5% on your registration with code SANSICS_MSI5, please visit: http://www.sans.org/info/142537

CMHSecLunch is Monday, November 11th

Mark your calendars now!!!!

The next CMHSecLunch is Monday, November 11th at the Tuttle Mall food court! Starts at 11:30 and runs to about 1 PM.

Come out and see your old friends, make some new ones and generally have a little InfoSec FUN!!!!!!

This is even a great food court, with COFFEE and ICE CREAM!!!! Fun and dessert!!!! mmmmmmmmmm 🙂

Sign up here, or just drop by and surprise us all! 🙂 

See ya then!