Segmenting Administrative Activities: 4 Options to Meet CIS Control 12.8

As organizations work to strengthen their cybersecurity posture, the CIS Critical Security Controls provide an excellent framework to build upon. In the latest Version 8 of the Controls, Control 12 focuses on establishing, implementing, and actively managing network devices to prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerable access points.

Within Control 12, Safeguard 12.8 specifically calls for enterprises to “segment administrative activities to dedicated machines, accounts, and networks.” This is critical for reducing the risk of credential compromise and lateral movement if an admin account is breached. But how exactly can organizations go about meeting this Control? Let’s look at four potential approaches.

 1. Dedicated Admin Workstations

One straightforward option is to provision separate physical workstations that are used exclusively for administrative tasks. These admin workstations should be hardened with strict security configurations and have limited network access. Ideally, they would have no direct internet connectivity and be logically separated from the primary corporate network.

Activities like managing network devices, administering user accounts, and accessing sensitive databases should only be performed from these dedicated and secured admin workstations. This greatly reduces the attack surface and opportunity for threats to compromise admin credentials.[1][2][3][8]

 2. Privileged Access Workstations (PAWs)

A similar but more formalized approach is to implement Privileged Access Workstations (PAWs). These are specially-configured systems that admins must log into to perform their privileged duties.

PAWs enforce strong authentication requirements, have limited internet access, and are tightly restricted in what applications and activities are allowed. They are typically used for the most sensitive admin functions like domain administration, server management, and access to confidential data. Microsoft provides extensive guidance on designing and deploying PAWs.[2][8]

 3. Jump Servers / Bastion Hosts

Another architectural option to segment administrative activities is to deploy hardened “jump servers” or “bastion hosts.” These are intermediary servers that admins must first connect to before accessing infrastructure systems and devices.

All administrative connections and activities are proxied through these closely monitored jump servers. Admins authenticate to the jump host first, then connect to target devices from there. This allows strict control and audit of administrative access without directly exposing infrastructure to potential threats.[3]

 4. Virtual Admin Environments

Virtualization and cloud technologies provide additional opportunities to segment admin activities. Organizations can provision logically isolated virtual networks, VPCs, virtual desktops, and other environments dedicated to administrative functions.

These virtual admin environments allow strict control over configurations, access, and permissions. They can be dynamically provisioned and decommissioned as needed. Admin activities like server management, network device configuration, and database administration can be performed within these controlled virtual environments, separated from general user access and systems.[8]

 Choosing the Right Approach

The optimal approach to meeting CIS Control 12.8 will depend on each organization’s unique network architecture, admin use cases, and risk considerations. Larger enterprises may utilize a combination of PAWs, jump servers, and virtual admin networks, while a smaller organization may find that a simple deployment of dedicated admin workstations meets their needs.

The key is to analyze administrative activities, determine appropriate segmentation, and enforce strict controls around privileged access. By doing so, organizations can significantly mitigate the risk and potential impact of compromised admin credentials.

Proper administrative segmentation is just one of many important security considerations covered in the CIS Critical Security Controls. But it’s an area where many organizations have room for improvement. Assessing current admin practices and determining how to further isolate and protect those privileged functions is well worth the effort to strengthen your overall security posture.



* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.

Optimizing DNS and URL Request Logging


Organizations aiming to enhance their cybersecurity posture should consider optimizing their processes around DNS and URL request logging and review. This task is crucial for identifying, mitigating, and preventing cyber threats in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape. Here’s a practical guide to help organizations streamline these processes effectively.

 1. Establish Clear Logging Policies
Define what data should be collected from DNS and URL requests. Policies should address the scope of logging, retention periods, and privacy considerations, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations like GDPR.

 2. Leverage Automated Tools for Data Collection
Utilize advanced logging tools that automate the collection of DNS and URL request data. These tools should not only capture the requests but also the responses, timestamps, and the initiating device’s identity. Integration with existing cybersecurity tools can enhance visibility and threat detection capabilities.

 3. Implement Real-time Monitoring and Alerts
Set up real-time monitoring systems to analyze DNS and URL request logs for unusual patterns or malicious activities. Automated alerts can expedite the response to potential threats, minimizing the risk of significant damage.

 4. Conduct Regular Audits and Reviews
Schedule periodic audits of your DNS and URL logging processes to ensure they comply with your established policies and adapt to evolving cyber threats. Audits can help identify gaps in your logging strategy and areas for improvement.

 5. Prioritize Data Analysis and Threat Intelligence
Invest in analytics platforms that can process large volumes of log data to identify trends, anomalies, and potential threats. Incorporating threat intelligence feeds into your analysis can provide context to the data, enhancing the detection of sophisticated cyber threats.

 6. Enhance Team Skills and Awareness
Ensure that your cybersecurity team has the necessary skills to manage and analyze DNS and URL logs effectively. Regular training sessions can keep the team updated on the latest threat landscapes and analysis techniques.

 7. Foster Collaboration with External Partners
Collaborate with ISPs, cybersecurity organizations, and industry groups to share insights and intelligence on emerging threats. This cooperation can lead to a better understanding of the threat environment and more effective mitigation strategies.

 8. Streamline Incident Response with Integrated Logs
Integrate DNS and URL log analysis into your incident response plan. Quick access to relevant log data during a security incident can speed up the investigation and containment efforts, reducing the impact on your organization.

 9. Review and Adapt to Technological Advances
Continuously evaluate new logging technologies and methodologies to ensure your organization’s approach remains effective. The digital landscape and associated threats are constantly evolving, requiring adaptive logging strategies.

 10. Document and Share Best Practices
Create comprehensive documentation of your DNS and URL logging and review processes. Sharing best practices and lessons learned with peers can contribute to a stronger cybersecurity community.

By optimizing DNS and URL request logging and review processes, organizations can significantly enhance their ability to detect, investigate, and respond to cyber threats. A proactive and strategic approach to logging can be a cornerstone of a robust cybersecurity defense strategy.



* AI tools were used in the research and creation of this content.

High-Level Project Plan for CIS CSC Implementation


Implementing the controls and safeguards outlined in the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Security Controls (CSC) Version 8 is crucial for organizations to establish a robust cybersecurity framework. This article provides a concise project plan for implementing these controls, briefly describing the processes and steps involved.


1. Establish a Governance Structure:

– Define roles and responsibilities for key stakeholders.

– Develop a governance framework for the implementation project.

– Create a project charter to outline the project’s scope, objectives, and timelines.

2. Conduct a Baseline Assessment:

– Perform a comprehensive assessment of the organization’s existing security posture.

– Identify gaps between the current state and the requirements of CIS CSC Version 8.

– Prioritize the controls that need immediate attention based on the assessment results.

3. Develop an Implementation Roadmap:

– Define a clear timeline for implementing each control, based on priority.

– Identify the necessary resources, including personnel, tools, and technologies.

– Establish milestones for monitoring progress throughout the implementation process.

4. Implement CIS CSC Version 8 Controls:

– Establish secure configurations for all systems and applications.

– Enable continuous vulnerability management and patching processes.

– Deploy strong access controls, including multi-factor authentication and privilege management.

5. Implement Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response:

– Establish a comprehensive incident response plan.

– Deploy intrusion detection and prevention systems.

– Develop a continuous monitoring program to identify and respond to security events.

6. Engage in Security Awareness Training:

– Train employees on security best practices, including email and social engineering awareness.

– Conduct periodic security awareness campaigns to reinforce good cybersecurity hygiene.

– Provide resources for reporting suspicious activities and encouraging a culture of security.


Implementing the controls and safeguards outlined in CIS CSC Version 8 requires careful planning and execution. By establishing a governance structure, conducting a baseline assessment, developing an implementation roadmap, implementing the controls, continuous monitoring, and engaging in security awareness training, organizations can strengthen their security posture and mitigate cyber threats effectively. This concise project plan is a starting point for information security practitioners seeking a robust cybersecurity framework.

If you need assistance, get in touch. MSI is always happy to help folks with CIS CSC assessments, control design, or other advisory services. 


*This article was written with the help of AI tools and Grammarly.