About Brent Huston

I am the CEO of MicroSolved, Inc. and a security evangelist. I have spent the last 20+ years working to make the Internet safer for everyone on a global scale. I believe the Internet has the capability to contribute to the next great leap for mankind, and I want to help make that happen!

Columbus OWASP Meeting Presentation

Last week, I presented at the Columbus OWASP meeting on defensive fuzzing, tampering with production web applications as a defensive tactic and some of the other odd stuff we have done in that arena. 

The presentation was called “Hey, You Broke My Web Thingee :: Adventures in Tampering with Production” and I had a lot of fun giving the talk. The crowd interaction was excellent and a lot of folks have asked for the slide deck from the talk, so I wanted to post it here

If you missed the talk in person, feel free to reach out on Twitter (@lbhuston) and engage with me about the topics. I’d love to discuss them some more. Please support OWASP by joining it as a member. These folks do a lot of great work for the community and the local chapter is quite active these days! 

Ask The Experts: Online Banking

This time we asked the experts one of the most common questions we get when we are out speaking at consumer events:

Q: Hey Security Experts, do you do your banking online? If so, what do you do to make it safe for your family? If not, why not?

John Davis explained:

I’ve been banking online for many years now and have always loved the convenience and ability it gives you to monitor your accounts anywhere and any time. There are a few simple things I do to keep myself secure. I do all the usual stuff like keeping a well configured fire wall and anti-virus software package always running. I also ensure that my wireless network is as secure as possible. I make sure the signal is tuned so as to not leak much from the house, I use a long and strong password and ensure I’m using the strongest encryption protocol available. I also monitor my accounts often and take advantage of my banks free identity theft service. One final tip; instead of using your actual name as your login, why not use something different that is hard to guess and doesn’t reveal anything about your identity? It always pays to make it as tough on the cyber-criminals as possible!

Phil Grimes chimed in with:

I do almost all my banking online. This, however, can be a scary task to undertake and should always be done with caution on the forefront! In order to bank safely on line, the first thing I do is to have one machine that was built in my house for strictly that purpose. My wife doesn’t play facebook games on it. My kids don’t even touch it or know it exists. This machine comes online only to get updated and to handle the “sensitive” family business functions like bill payment or banking.  The next thing I’ve done to protect this surface was to use a strong password. I used a password generator and created a super long password with every combination of alpha, numeric, and special characters included to reduce the risk of a successful brute force attack. This password is set to expire every 30 days and I change it religiously! Then finally, using Firefox, I install the NoScript plugin to help defend against client side attacks.

Adam Hostetler added:

Yes, I do my banking online. I also pay all of my bills online and shop online. I think the biggest thing that you can do for safety is just to be aware of things like phishing emails, and other methods that fraudsters use to try to compromise your credentials. I also always use dual factor authentication when possible, or out of band authentication, most banks and credit unions support one of these methods these days. Checking all of my accounts for suspicious activity is also a regular occurrence. 

There are also the malware threats. These are mostly mitigated by having up to date software (all software, not just the OS), up to date anti-virus software, and treating social networking sites like a dark alley. Be wary of clicking on any links on social networks, especially ones that are apps that claim they will do something fun for you. Social networks are probably the largest growing vector of malware currently, and a lot of times people install it willingly!

If you’re really paranoid, just have a dedicated PC or virtual machine for online banking.

Got a question for the Experts? Send it to us in the comments, or drop us a line on Twitter (@microsolved or @lbhuston). Thanks for reading! 

Ask The Experts: Favorite Tools

This question came in via Twitter:
“Hey Security Experts, what are your favorite 3 information security tools?” –@614techteam

John Davis responds:

I’m in the risk management area of information security; I don’t know enough about technical information security tools to give an informed opinion about them. However, my favorite information security ‘tool’ is the Consensus Audit Group’s Twenty Critical Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense (which is very similar to MicroSolved’s own 80/20 Rule of Information Security). The ‘CAG’ as I call it gives me as a risk manager clearer, more proactive, and detailed information security guidance than any of the other standards such as the ISO or NIST. If you’re not familiar with it, you can find it on the SANS website. I highly recommend it, even (and especially) to technical IT personnel. It’s not terribly long and you’ll be surprised how much you get out of it.

Adam Hostetler adds:

I’ll do some that aren’t focused on “hacking”

OSSEC – Monitor all the logs. Use it as a SIEM, or use it as an IPS (or
any other number of ways). Easy to write rules for, very scalable and
it’s free.
Truecrypt – Encrypt your entire hard drive, partition, or just make an
encrypted “container” to hold files. Again, it’s free, but don’t be
afraid to donate.
OCLhashcat-plus – Chews through password hashes, cracking with GPU
accelerated speed. Dictionary based attacks, and also has a powerful
rule set to go after non-dictionary based passwords.

And Phil Grimes wrote:

NMap is probably one of my favorite tools of all time. It’s veristile and very good at what it does. Using some of the available scripts have also proven to be more than useful in the field.

NetCat – This tool is extremely well rounded. Some of my favorite features include tunneling mode which allows also special tunneling such as UDP to TCP, with the possibility of specifying all network parameters (source port/interface, listening port/interface, and the remote host allowed to connect to the tunnel. While NMap is my go to port scanner, there is built-in port-scanning capabilities, with randomizer, and dvanced usage options, such as buffered send-mode (one line every N seconds), and hexdump (to stderr or to a specified file) of trasmitted and received data. 

Wireshark – Sharking the wires is one of my favorite things to do. It allows you to examine data from a live network or from a capture file on disk. You can interactively browse the capture data, delving down into just the level of packet detail you need.

What’s your favorite tool? Let us know in the comments or via Twitter (@lbhuston). Thanks for reading! 

OWASP Talk Scheduled for Sept 13 in Columbus

I have finally announced my Columbus OWASP topic for the 13th of September (Thursday). I hope it turns out to be one of the most fun talks I have given in a long while. I am really excited about the chance to discuss some of this in public. Here’s the abstract:

Hey, You Broke My Web Thingee! :: Adventures in Tampering with Production

The speaker will tell a few real world stories about practical uses of his defensive fuzzing techniques in production web applications. Examples of fighting with things that go bump in the web to lower deployment costs, unexpected application errors and illicit behavior will be explained in some detail. Not for the “play by the book” web team, these techniques touch on unconventional approaches to defending web applications against common (and not so common) forms of waste, fraud and abuse. If the “new Web” is a thinking admin’s game, unconventional wisdom from the trenches might just be the game changer you need.

You can find out more about attending here. Hope to see you in the crowd!

PS – I’ll be sharing the stage with Jim Manico from White Hat Security, who is always completely awesome. So, come out and engage with us!

See you at the Central Ohio BBB Torch Awards

Today, our team will be pleased to accept the BBB Center for Character Ethics’ Torch Award! We first announced our selection by the committee back in June, and today we are thrilled to spend an afternoon with the fellow winners, our customers, our families and the Central Ohio Community. We are greatly humbled and excited by our selection for the award and we look forward to continuing to live by the same organizational ethics and dedication to customer service in the coming years.

Special thanks today to our families and mentors who taught us to “do the right thing, even when no one is looking” and to all of the customers and clients that have placed their faith in us over the last (soon to be) 20 years. Without all of you, none of this would be possible.

If you can join us for the luncheon today, we look forward to seeing you. If you can’t, we understand, and we’ll be back to work later today, once again laser focused on protecting you and our critical infrastructure. (We’re still leaving the ISOC in capable hands while we gather for the ceremony… :))

As always, thanks so much for reading and for supporting MicroSolved. We love helping you keep your business, your business… 🙂

[UPDATE] – Much love and thanks to those who attended. What a great event! The best part was meeting the young students who wrote essays about ethics, leadership and engagement. Congrats to all of the winners!



Quick & Dirty Plan for Critical Infrastructure Security Improvement


I was recently engaged with some critical infrastructure experts on Twitter. We were discussing a quick and dirty set of basic tasks that could be used an approach methodology for helping better secure the power grid and other utilities.

There was a significant discussion and many views were exchanged. A lot of good points were made over the course of the next day or so.

Later, I was asked by a couple of folks in the power industry to share my top 10 list in a more concise and easy to use manner. So, per their request, here it is:

@LBHuston’s Top 10 Project List to Help Increase Critical Infrastructure “Cyber” Security

1. Identify the assets that critical infrastructure organizations have in play and map them for architecture, data flow and attack surfaces

2. Undertake an initiative to eliminate “low hanging fruit” vulnerabilities in these assets (fix out of date software/firmware, default configurations, default credentials, turn on crypto if available, etc.)

3. Identify attack surfaces that require more than basic hardening to minimize or mitigate vulnerabilities

4. Undertake a deeper hardening initiative against these surfaces where feasible

5. Catalog the surfaces that can’t be hardened effectively and perform fail state analysis and threat modeling for those surfaces

6. Implement detective controls to identify fail state conditions and threat actor campaigns against those surfaces

7. Train an incident investigation and response team to act when anomalous behaviors are detected

8. Socialize the changes in your organization and into the industry (including regulators)

9. Implement an ongoing lessons learned feedback loop that includes peer and regulator knowledge sharing

10. Improve entire process organically through iteration

The outcome would be a significant organic improvement of the safety, security and trust of our critical infrastructures. I know some of the steps are hard. I know some of them are expensive. I know we need to work on them, and we better do it SOON. You know all of that too. The question is – when will WE (as in society) demand that it be done? That’s the 7 billion people question, isn’t it?

Got additional items? Wanna discuss some of the projects? Drop me a line in the comments, give me a call at (614) 351-1237 or tweet with me (@lbhuston). Thanks for reading and until next time, stay safe out there!

PS – Special thanks to @chrisjager for supporting me in the discussion and for helping me get to a coherent top 10 list. Follow him on Twitter, because he rocks!

Ask The Experts: Important SCADA Security Tips

This time the question comes from an online forum where we were approached about the MSI Expert’s Opinions on an interesting topic. Without further ado, here it is:

Question: In your opinion, what is the single most important question that security teams should be discussing with SCADA asset owners?

Adam Hostetler (@adamhos) replies:

Do your SCADA managers and IT have a culture of security? It’s still found that many SCADA industries still have a weak culture. This needs to be changed through ongoing education and training (like the DHS training). This will help engineers and IT develop and deploy stronger network architectures and technologies to combat increasing SCADA risks in the future.

John Davis also weighed in: 

I would say the most important question to discuss with SCADA asset owners is this: do you have short term, mid term and long term plans in place for integrating cyber-security and high technology equipment into your industrial control systems? Industrial concerns and utilities have been computerizing and networking their SCADA systems for years now. This has allowed them to save money, time and manpower and has increased their situational awareness and control flexibility. However, industrial control systems are usually not very robust and also very ‘dumb’. They often don’t have the bandwidth or processing power built into them for mechanisms like anti-virus software, IPS and event logging to work, and these systems are usually made to last for decades. This makes most industrial control systems extremely vulnerable to cyber-attack. And with these systems, availability is key. They need to work correctly and without interruption or the consequences vary from loss of revenue to personal injury or death. So, it behooves those in charge of these systems to ensure that they are adequately protected from cyber-attack now and in the future. They are going to have to start by employing alternate security measures, such as monitoring, to secure systems in the short term. Concerns should then work closely with their SCADA equipment manufacturers, IT specialists, sister concerns and information security professionals to develop mid term and long term plans for smoothly and securely transitioning their industrial control systems into the cyber-world. Failure to do this planning will mean a chaotic future for manufacturers and utilities and higher costs and inconveniences for us all.

What do you think? Let us know on Twitter (@microsolved) or drop us a line in the comments below.

Terminal Services Attack Reductions Redux

Last week, we published a post about the high frequency of probes, scans and attacks against exposed Windows Terminal Services from the Internet. Many folks commented on Twitter to me about some of the things that can be done to minimize the risk of these exposures. As we indicated in the previous post, the best suggestions are to eliminate them altogether by placing Terminal Services exposures behind VPN connections or through the implementation of tokens/multi-factor authentication. 

Another idea is to implement specific firewall rules that block access to all but a specific set of IP addresses (such as the home IP address range of your admins or that of a specific jump host, etc.) This can go a long way to minimizing the frequency of interaction with the attack surfaces by random attacker tools, probes and scans. It also raises the bar slightly for more focused attackers by forcing them to target specific systems (where you can deploy increased monitoring).

In addition, a new tool for auditing the configuration of Terminal Services implementations came to our attention. This tool, called “rdp-sec-check”, was written by Portcullis Security and is available to the public. Our testing of the tool showed it to be quite useful in determining the configuration of exposed Terminal Services and in creating a path for hardening them wherever deployed. (Keep in mind, it is likely useful to harden the Terminal Services implementations internally to critical systems as well…)

Note that we particularly loved that the tool could be used REMOTELY. This makes it useful to audit multiple customer implementations, as well as to check RDP exposures during penetration testing engagements. 

Thanks to Portcullis for making this tool available. Hopefully between this tool to harden your deployments and our advice to minimize the exposures, we can all drive down some of the compromises and breaches that result from poor RDP implementations.

If you would like to create some threat metrics for what port 3389 Terminal Services exposures might look like for your organization, get in touch and we can discuss either metrics from the HITME or how to use HoneyPoint to gather such metrics for yourself

PS – Special thanks to @SecRunner for pointing out that many cloud hosting providers make Terminal Server available with default configurations when provisioning cloud systems in an ad-hoc manner. This is likely a HUGE cause for concern and may be what is keeping scans and probes for 3389/TCP so active, particularly amongst cloud-hosted HITME end points.

PSS – We also thought you might enjoy seeing a sample of the videos that show entry level attackers exactly how to crack weak passwords via Terminal Services using tools easily available on the Internet. These kinds of videos are common for low hanging fruit attack vectors. This video was randomly pulled from the Twitter stream with a search. We did not make it and are not responsible for its content. It may not be safe for work (NSFW), depending on your organization’s policies. 


Yandex.ru Indexing Crawler Issues

The yandex.ru crawler is an indexing application that spiders hosts and puts the results into the yandex.ru search engine. Like Google, Bing and other search engines, the system searches out new contents on the web continually and adds the content to the search engine database. Usually, these types of activities cause little issues for those whose sites are being indexed, and in fact, over the years an etiquette system based on rules placed in the robots.txt file of a web site has emerged.

Robots.txt files provide a rule set for search engine behaviors. They indicate what areas of a site a crawler may index and what sections of the site are to be avoided. Usually this is used to protect overly dynamic areas of the site where a crawler could encounter a variety of problems or inputs that can have either bandwidth or application issues for either the crawler, the web host or both. 

Sadly, many web crawlers and index bots do not honor the rules of robots.txt. Nor do attackers who are indexing your site for a variety of attack reasons. Given the impacts that some of these indexing tools can have on bandwidth, CPU use or database connectivity, other options for blocking them are sometimes sought. In particular, there are a lot of complaints about yandex.ru and their aggressive parsing, application interaction and deep site inspection techniques. They clearly have been identified as a search engine that does not seem to respect the honor system of robots.txt. A Google search for “yandex.ru ignores robots.txt” will show you a wide variety of complaints.

In our monitoring of the HITME traffic, we have observed many deep crawls by yandex.ru from a variety of IP ranges. In the majority of them, they either never requested the robots.txt file at all, or they simply ignored the contents of the file altogether. In fact, some of our HITME web applications have experienced the same high traffic cost concerns that other parts of the web community have been complaining about. In a couple of cases, the cost for supporting the scans of yandex.ru represent some 30+% of the total web traffic observed by the HITME end point. From our standpoint, that’s a pain in the pocketbook and in our attention span, to continually parse their alert traffic out of our metrics.

Techniques for blocking yandex.ru more forcibly than robots.txt have emerged. You can learn about some of them by searching “blocking yandex.ru”. The easiest and what has proven to be an effective way, is to use .htaccess rules. We’ve also had some more modest success with forcibly returning redirects to requests with known url parameters associated with yandex.ru, along with some level of success by blocking specific IPs associated with them via an ignore rule in HoneyPoint.

If you are battling yandex.ru crawling and want to get some additional help, drop us a comment or get in touch via Twitter (@lbhuston, @microsolved). You can also give an account representative a call to arrange for a more technical discussion. We hope this post helps some folks who are suffering increased bandwidth use or problems with their sites/apps due to this and other indexing crawler issues. Until next time, stay safe out there!

Exposed Terminal Services Remains High Frequency Threat

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Quickly reviewing the HITME data gathered from our global deployment of HoneyPoint continues to show that exposed Terminal Services (RDP) on port 3389 remains a high frequency threat. In terms of general contact with the attack surface of an exposed Terminal Server connection, direct probes and attacker interaction is seen on an average approximately two times per hour. Given that metric, an organization who is using exposed Terminal Services for remote access or management/support, may be experiencing upwards of 48 attacks per day against their exposed remote access tool. In many cases, when we conduct penetration testing of organizations using Terminal Services in this manner, remote compromise of that service is found to lead to high levels of access to the organization’s data, if not complete control of their systems.

Many organizations continue to use Terminal Services without tokens or VPN technologies in play. These organizations are usually solely dependent on the security of login/password combinations (which history shows to be a critical mistake) and the overall security of the Terminal Services code (which despite a few critical issues, has a pretty fair record given its wide usage and intense scrutiny over the last decade). Clearly, deploying remote access and remote management tools is greatly preferred behind VPN implementations or other forms of access control. Additionally, upping Terminal Services authentication controls by requiring tokens or certificates is also highly suggested. Removing port 3389 exposures to the Internet will go a long way to increasing the security of organizations dependent on RDP technology.

If you would like to discuss the metrics around port 3389 attacks in more detail, drop us a line or reach out on Twitter (@microsolved). You can also see some real time metrics gathered from the HITME by following @honeypoint on Twitter. You’ll see lots of 3389 scan and probe sources in the data stream.

Thanks for reading and until next time, stay safe out there!