Heads Up, ICS & SCADA Folks, Especially!

Remotely exploitable vulnerabilities have been identified & published in NTP (network time protocol). This is often a CRITICAL protocol/instance for ICS environments and can be widely located in many control networks. 

The fix currently appears to be an upgrade to 4.2.8 or later.

This should be considered a HIGH PRIORITY for critical infrastructure networks. Exploits are expected as this is an unauthenticated remotely triggered buffer overflow, which should be easily implemented into existing exploit kits.

Please let us know if we can assist you in any way. Stay safe out there! 

Update: 12/19/14 2pm Eastern – According to this article, exploits are now publicly available.

Remember, Log Analysis is Important, Especially Now

Remember, during the holiday season, attacks tend to increase and so do compromises. With vacations and staff parties, monitoring the logs and investigating anomalies can quickly get forgotten. Please make sure you remain vigilant during this time and pay close attention to logs during and just after holiday breaks.

As always, thanks for reading and we wish you a safe and happy holiday season!

Newsletter Issues for November’s Take Five

Dear readers of Take Five with MSI,

Due to a problem with the mail delivery system for the newsletter, we are unable to send out the monthly newsletter before the end of the month. We have opened a trouble ticket with the provider, but they will not be available to assist us until next week, due to the holiday. 

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you, in advance, for you patience. We love that you enjoy our newsletter and we hope to have it delivered to you shortly.

Please feel free to follow us on Twitter (@microsolved) for the latest security news, blog announcements and conversations.

Thanks again! 

Using TigerTrax to Analyze Device Configurations & Discover Networks

One of the biggest challenges that our M&A clients face is discovering what networks look like, how they are interconnected and what assets are priorities in their newly acquired environments. Sure, you bought the company and the ink is drying on the contracts — but now you have to fold their network into yours, make sure they meet your security standards and double check to make sure you know what’s out there.

That’s where the trouble begins. Because, in many cases, the result is “ask the IT folks”. You know, the already overworked, newly acquired, untrusted and now very nervous IT staff of the company you just bought. Even if they are honest and expedient, they often forget some parts of the environment or don’t know themselves that parts exist…

Thus, we get brought in, as a part of our Information Security Mergers & Acquisitions practice. Our job is usually to discover assets, map the networks and perform security assessments to identify gaps that don’t meet the acquiring company’s policies. Given that we have had to do this so often, we have designed a great new technique for performing these type of mapping and asset identification engagements. For us, instead of asking the humans, we simply ask the machines. We accumulate the router, switch, firewall and other device configurations and then leverage TigerTrax’s unique analytics capabilities to quickly establish network instances, interconnections, prioritized network hosts & segments, common configuration mistakes, etc. “en masse”. TigerTrax  then outputs that data for the MSI analysts, who can quickly perform their assessments, device reviews and inventories — armed with real-world data about the environment!

This approach has been winning us client kudos again and again!

Want to discuss our M&A practice and the unique ways that TigerTrax and MSI can help you before, during and after a merger or acquisition? Give us a call at (614) 351-1237 or drop us a line at info (at) microsolved /dot/ com. We’d be happy to schedule a FREE, no commitment & no pressure call with our Customer Champions & our security engineers.

ICS/SCADA Security Symposium 2014 Announced

For those of you who were wondering about our yearly event, the 4th annual ICS/SCADA Security Symposium has been announced!

The date will be Thursday, December 11, 2014 and the entire event will be virtual! Yes, that’s right, no travel & no scheduling people to cover the control room. YOU can learn from right there! 

To learn more about the event, the schedule and to register, click here!

Tor Video from Derbycon 4 Available

Thanks to Iron Geek and the Derbycon staff for making my presentation from this year available. 

The talk covered discussions about Tor Hidden Nodes and how crime works inside of the Tor network. Check the talk out here.

There is a lot of good stuff here, and they turned people away from the talk because we over-filled the room. Now, you can actually sit comfortably and watch it. 🙂

Message me on Twitter (@lbhuston) if you want to discuss. Thanks for reading and for watching!

Save The Date: 2014 ICS/SCADA Security Symposium Dec. 11

This year’s ICS/SCADA Security Symposium will be held on Thursday, December 11, 2014. This year’s event will be a little different, in that we are opening it up to any organizations who are asset owners or manufacturers of ICS/SCADA components. That includes utilities, manufacturing companies, pharma, etc. If you are interested in ICS security, you can sign up for the event.

This year’s event will also be virtual. It will be a series of Webinars held on the same day in 45 minute blocks, with time for follow-on questions. We will also hold a Twitter Q&A Hour from 1pm – 2pm Eastern, and we will attempt to make all speakers available for the Q&A!

In addition, we plan to stand up a supporting website for the event, and release a number of materials, including podcasts, interviews and other surprises the day of the event!

We will be tracking attendance in the webinars and providing notes of attestation for attendees for the purpose of CPE credits. We hope this new format will allow folks who wanted to attend in the past, but either couldn’t make the physical trip to Columbus or couldn’t leave their positions to attend training the ability to join us.

More details, including speakers and topics, as well as schedules, hashtags and other info will be released shortly. Thanks for reading, and we hope to see you on 12/11/14!

Twitter Games from MicroSolved

If you haven’t followed us on Twitter (@microsolved) yet, be sure to do so. Here are a few reasons why you should look to our Twitter feed for more great content from MSI:

  • Ongoing curated news feeds of some of the most interesting and best information security news & event coverage
  • Discussions of emerging threats and significant issues around InfoSec
  • Pointers to free tools & resources to help your team protect your data & systems
  • Easy way to talk to us & engage in pro-bono Q&A sessions
  • AND NOW – 2 New Games a week:
    • Mondays will feature the “Hacker Challenge” – a weekly technically-focused fun activity or challenge (decrypt a secret, solve a puzzle, find something specific  across the net, etc.)
    • Thursdays will feature the “Throw Back Thursday Hacker Trivia” – weekly trivia contest focused on hacker, InfoSec and technology; with occasional prizes for the winners!

So, grab an account on Twitter or follow us there, and don’t just keep up to date, but talk to us. We want to hear your thoughts, the security challenges you are facing and anything that will help us serve your information security needs. Plus, we know reading log files and patching systems can get tedious, so we will try to mix in a little fun along the way! See you there!

MSI Risk Assessments and Policy/Process Reviews

MSI still has a few engagement slots open for Enterprise or Application-focused Risk Assessments for the 4th quarter. Avoid the end of the year rush, and give Allan Bergen (513-300-0194, abergen (at) microsolved<dot>com) a call today to discuss booking risk engagements with the team before the end of the year. We have some special incentives for clients who book these engagement slots, so touch base with Allan to hear about them.

Our team has had a wonderfully successful year doing application focused risk assessments. We can tear into the policy/processes and exposures of systems like accounting, CRM, EDI processing and/or industrial control. These assessments can be performed with or without technical components such as vulnerability assessment and penetration testing.

If you would like to close the year with a close look at one of your specific systems or critical processes, give Allan and a call and arrange for a scoping discussion with our risk team. As always, thanks for reading, and we appreciate you choosing MSI as your security partner!