After the powerful launch of TigerTrax last week, we have put together a webinar for those folks looking to learn more about our TigerTrax™ services and offerings. If you want to hear more about social media code of conduct monitoring, passive analysis and assessments, investigation/forensics and threat intelligence enabled by the new platform, please RSVP.
Our webinar will cover why we built TigerTrax, what it does and how it can help you organization. We will discuss real life engagements using the TigerTrax platform across a variety of verticals and looking at social, technological and trust issues. From data mining threat actors to researching supply chain business partners and from helping pro-sports players defend themselves against accusations to monitoring social media content of key executives, the capabilities and examples are wide ranging and deeply compelling.
Register for the webinar by clicking here. Our team will get you registered and on the way to leveraging a new, exciting, powerful tool in understanding and managing reputational risk on a global scale.
The webinar will be held Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 3 PM Eastern time. Please RSVP for an invitation. Spots are limited, so please RSVP early.
As always, thanks for reading. And, if you would prefer a private briefing or discussion about TigerTrax, give us a call at (614) 351-1237 x206 and we will get a specialist together with you to help identify how MSI can help your organization.