FAQ for the End of SMS Authentication

Q: What is the end of SMS authentication?

A: SMS authentication verifies user identity by sending a one-time code via text message to a user’s mobile phone number. With the rise of potential security risks, many financial websites, applications, and phone apps are phasing out SMS-based authentication and transitioning to authenticator apps that reside on user devices and smartphones.

Q: What are some of the potential security risks associated with SMS authentication?

A: Attackers have a variety of means of intercepting SMS text messages, thus defeating this type of authentication. This increases the risk of interception and misuse of the codes in question and decreases the security of the user’s account with the financial institution.

Q: What is an authenticator app?

A: An authenticator app is an application that resides in encrypted storage on the user’s device and, when prompted, provides a one-time password (“OTP”) just like the code sent in the text message. The difference is, through a variety of cryptographic techniques, once the application is set up and the settings configured, it doesn’t need to communicate with the financial platform and thus is significantly more difficult for attackers to compromise.

Q: What are the steps for organizations to switch from SMS authentication to authenticator apps?

A: Here is a quick overview of what is needed:

1. Research and decide on an authenticator app that meets your organization’s needs. Most of the time, users can select their own apps, and the firm selects the libraries needed to support them. Open source and commercial solutions abound in this space now.

2. Update user accounts in each application and authentication point with the new authentication protocol and provide instructions for downloading and setting up the authenticator app.

3. Educate users on using the authenticator app, including generating one-time passwords (OTPs), scanning QR codes, etc.

4. Monitor user feedback and usage data over time to ensure a successful switch from SMS authentication to an authenticator app.


PS – Need a process for cataloging all of your authentication points? Here you go.

Inventorying Organization Authentication Points

Are you looking for threat-proactive ways to secure your enterprise? One of the best ways to do this is by inventorying all of the points of authentication within your organization. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the steps you need to take to properly inventory and secure your Internet-facing authentication points. While you should have a complete and accurate inventory of these exposures, starting the process with a focus on critical systems is a common approach.

Inventory Process

1. Identify the different types of authentication used by the organization for remote access (e.g. passwords, two-factor authentication). If possible, use vendor data to include cloud-based critical services as well.

2. List all of the systems and applications that require remote access within the organization. External vulnerability scanning data and Shodan are both useful sources for this information.

3. For each system/application, document the type of authentication used and any additional security measures or policies related to remote access (e.g., password complexity requirements). Vendor management risk data can be useful here, if available.

4. Check with user groups to ensure that they use secure authentication methods and follow security policies when accessing systems/applications remotely.

5. Monitor access logs for signs of unauthorized access attempts or suspicious activity related to remote access authentication.

6. Regularly review and update existing remote access authentication processes as necessary to ensure the continued security of organizational resources over the Internet.

Why This Is Important – Credential Stuffing & Phishing

Inventorying all of the points of authentication within an enterprise is essential as protection against credential stuffing and phishing attacks. Credential stuffing is a type of attack where malicious actors use stolen credentials to gain access to different accounts, while phishing attacks are attempts to acquire confidential information through deceptive emails or websites. In both cases, it is important that organizations have proper authentication measures in place to prevent unauthorized access. Inventorying all of the points of authentication within an organization can ensure that the right security protocols are in place and that any suspicious activity related to authentication can be quickly identified and addressed.

In addition, having a detailed inventory of all points of authentication can help organizations identify any weak spots in their security measures. This allows them to take steps to strengthen those areas and further protect themselves from potential credential stuffing or phishing attacks. By regularly reviewing and updating their authentication processes, organizations can ensure that their resources remain secure and protected from any malicious actors.

Lastly, ensure that you feed this inventory and the knowledge gained into your enterprise risk assessment processes, incident response team, and other security control inventories. Make a note of any security gaps identified during the inventory process and ensure complete coverage of the logs and other intrusion detection systems at each potential point of authentication. By following these steps, you can ensure that your enterprise remains secure and protected from any potential threats associated with credential stuffing and credential theft associated with common phishing attacks.


Vendor Risk Assessment for Small and Medium Concerns

In my last paper I discussed the high level of risk that third-party service providers and vendors pose to organizations. If vendors have a connection to your internal network, or are trusted implicitly by organizational staff, they are a potential risk to private information and services at your business. Because of this danger, it is becoming increasingly important to conduct vendor risk assessments. In addition, vendor risk assessments will produce information valuable to increasing the accuracy of the organization’s business impact analysis. For small to medium size businesses, the goal is producing a useful vendor risk assessment without expending inordinate amounts of time and resources. I will outline below the basic methodology for conducting such a risk assessment.

The first step is formulating questionnaires for both internal employees and for the services providers being assessed. For the internal questionnaires, it is best to question application/vendor owners and subject matter experts. It is also valuable to have the input of IT and security personnel. Some of the information you may want to gain from this effort includes:

  • What data and systems does the vendor have access to? How critical to the business are these systems and data? Is the data regulated or sensitive (i.e. PPI, PHI)?
  • How does the vendor access these assets (i.e. via VPN, 2FA, simple user name/password)? Is access automatic or must it be enabled before access is granted? Is vendor access logged and monitored? Is there a shared access account used to communicate with the vendor, or is access individual to the employee?
  • How critical is the availability of this vendor to business processes? Is the vendor really necessary (Are there other vendors used by the organization that provide similar services to other lines of business, and is it possible to a number of vendors with just one)?
  • Has a review of vendor contracts and agreements been performed to see if they meet the organizations security policy and functional requirements?
  • Are there periodic reviews of the vendor performed to check on their status in the industry (i.e. financial status, reputation)?

For the external questionnaires, the goal is to gain information about and from the vendor. This information can be gleaned from publicly available sources, user groups, the Better Business Bureau, or you can contact the vendor itself. Some of the information you may wish to collect includes:

  • Does the vendor have a SOC 2, PCI DSS, ISO certification in place, or is there other evidence of a risk management program in place?
  • Does the vendor support multi-factor authentication mechanisms such as hard tokens, Okta, etc.?
  • Is the vendor financially sound?
  • Does the vendor have a good reputation in the industry and among users of the vendor service or application?
  • Does the vendor have a documented information security program in place that is compliant with the organization security program? Does the vendor perform logging and monitoring of their systems? Do they have an incident response program in place? Etc.
  • Does the vendor have a history of security compromises or data breaches?

Once you have the information about the vendors you need, you can apply the regular risk assessment paradigm to them; what threats may menace the vendor, what impacts would the business suffer if the vendor were compromised, how likely is compromise of the vendor? From this you assign the vendor a risk rating, usually stated as high, medium or low.

After the risk ratings have been assigned to all of the organization’s vendors, the risk treatment process can be undertaken. For example:

  • Should additional security controls be put in place around the vendor?
  • Should a replacement be found for the vendor?
  • Is there a way to avoid the risk posed by the vendor to the organization?
  • Does the benefit derived from using the vendor outweigh the risk posed to the organization by the vendor?
  • Can agreements with the vendor be renegotiated in order to meet the organization’s security and functionality needs?

Although this process is relatively simple, the organization can derive great benefit from undertaking it. In the present business climate, information security cannot be taken too seriously.

Don’t Trust Third Party Apps and Services to Provide Perfect Security

We all are a little overwhelmed by the complexity and difficulty of securing our private information against attackers such as cybercriminals and nefarious nation states. It seems that attacks come at us from all sides on a regular basis. One way we cope with this is to outsource our cybersecurity needs to third-party organizations that have staff who perform such services as network monitoring or security patching for a number of client organizations. Another way is to employ third-party security applications that provide such services as email security and data loss protection. We trade our money for their time and expertise.

And there is nothing wrong with that in a lot of ways. The people that form and work for these organizations are able to concentrate their efforts on specific aspects of information security, and often have a great depth of understanding of their particular subjects. Using them or their applications certainly will save you time and can also save you money. However, it is ironic that the very act of allowing such organizations and applications to connect to your networks is a great risk to your private information and systems in and of itself. So, in a way, by trying to simplify your risk management problems, you are actually increasing the attack surface available to cybercriminals, thereby making your cybersecurity problems even more complex and unwieldy.

A big problem is that, despite our best efforts, risk can never be totally eradicated; risk can only be lessened. This is the result of Order and Chaos and the very nature of reality. So even when a cyber-service provider is conscientious and diligent in their security efforts, they can still be compromised. And when they are, there is a good chance that their clients will be compromised as well. Unfortunately, no matter who was responsible for the compromise, you or your organization have the ultimate responsibility for the security of your own information or assets. This creates a no-win situation; you lose, your customers lose, and the service provider loses.

A current example of this is the LastPass hack that occurred sometime in August according to the company. Although details are sketchy, the latest information shows that the breach was massive and exposed encrypted password vaults as well as other user data. The company announced that hackers were able to copy a backup of customer vault data from the encrypted storage container. This means that these hackers have had months to try to guess the master passwords for these vaults. With time, cracking these passwords becomes more and more likely. This creates a huge hassle for clients who now have to change all their passwords and ensure that two-factor authentication is enabled wherever possible. It also has created a huge reputational hit for LastPass. Many information security professionals are even recommending that their clients dump LastPass.

So, what can we do to protect ourselves from the dangers of service provider compromise? The answer is that there is no perfect solution. The best thing we can do is be constantly aware of the situation and put no trust in our hope that the service providers we employ will not be compromised. We need to examine each service provider we use and ask ourselves if we really need the app or service. If we can get by without, then dump that provider. The less service providers we have, the smaller the attack surface we present to the outside world. We also need to do risk assessment of our current and prospective service providers to see how competent and stable they are, and to determine the impact we would experience if compromise did occur. In addition, we need to develop incident response procedures to help us minimize negative impacts that we can foresee, and practice our responses so that we are quick and competent if the incident occurs. Forewarned is forearmed!

What Is a Honeypot?

What is a Honeypot in Cyber Security?

A honeypot is a security system that creates a fake trap to attract attackers so that organizations can detect and protect against harmful digital activity.

How Does a Honeypot Work?

A honeypot acts as a decoy system or server that is deployed alongside production systems within a network. It is designed to look attractive to attackers by containing vulnerable data, luring them in, and then detecting their attempts, providing organizations with valuable insights into the threats they face.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Honeypot?

Honeypots can provide an organization with real-time information about the threats they face, including the techniques used by attackers and the types of attacks they are targeting. Additionally, honeypots can act as an early warning system by alerting an organization when an attack is detected.

What Are Some Examples of Different Types of Honeypots?

There are different types of honeypots available, such as low-interaction honeypots, which simulate vulnerable services but are not actually connected to networks; high-interaction honeypots, which contain full operating systems; and virtual honeypots, which use virtual machines to simulate the behavior of real systems.

Does MSI Make a Honeypot Product?

We sure do! We have a unique, patented platform for creating, managing, and monitoring distributed honeypots across your environment or in the cloud. You can learn more about it here. To schedule a discussion about the platform and its capabilities, drop us an email or give us a call.

Seek Out and Remove End-Of-Life Components

Just a quick reminder, at some point during each quarter, it is a good idea to enact a process to seek out and remove any end-of-life products in your environment. This is not only a best practice but a significant risk reduction measure as well. Make it an ongoing periodic process, and you’ve got a powerful weapon against threats and emerging issues stemming from end-of-life hardware, firmware, and software in your networks.

How to Search for End-Of-Life Products In Your Environment

The first step is to identify the devices, applications, and firmware that are no longer supported by their vendors. You can do this manually or with a tool. The next step is to determine which of those devices have been deployed in your network. Once you know where they are, you need to find them. There are several ways to search for these devices:

Use Network Inventory Tools

Network inventory tools such as Nmap and Nessus will allow you to scan your entire network to locate all of the devices on your network. These tools will also tell you what operating systems and versions of software/firmware are running on the device. If you’re using a vendor-specific tool, you’ll be able to see if there are any known vulnerabilities associated with the product in many cases.

Talk to Device and Application Owners

If you don’t already have a relationship with the owners of the devices and applications, then you should start building one now. It’s important to get to know the people who own the devices and applications so that you can ask questions about how they use the devices and applications. You may even want to consider getting an end-of-life security policy together for the organization so that you can make sure everyone understands the risks of end-of-life components.

Once you have discussed the issues with the owner, remove the component if possible. Otherwise, add it to a list of components to look for workarounds or replacements. Many organizations that can’t manage to replace an end-of-life component either place it in a low trust network zone, front-end it with firewalls or ACLs, and increase monitoring and detection of the assets involved. Of course, the component should be reviewed quarterly until it can be removed from service.

Doing this process every quarter will increase your networks’ overall stability and trust worthiness, plus reduce risk and management headaches. It’s well worth your time and an effective part of an overall risk management strategy.

Workstation Logging Best Practices

Why Workstation Logging Matters

Workstations are important components of any IT infrastructure, and they’re also one of the most overlooked. Often seen as expendable, many organizations fail to see the value of workstation logs, and how they can add to the visibility and detection capabilities of the security team. Workstations are quite likely to be early indicators of attack and malware infections. They are also often super useful in identifying manual attacker behaviors and performing adequate forensics.

Organizations that don’t maintain and organize workstation logs are usually missing out on some essential data and falling short of having across-the-enterprise visibility. This is especially true if you have a decentralized work environment. Simply enabling, configuring, and properly aggregating workstation logs can give you a huge forensic advantage. Adding real-time or near real-time log parsing and event alerting makes that advantage a superpower.

What to Log

The security events an organization captures on their workstations depend largely on industry-specific needs and relevant legal requirements. However, best practices call for several events that must be recorded and logged to ensure user accountability and to help organizations detect, understand, and recover from malicious events. These events include:

  • Authentication successes and failures for all users and services
  • Access control successes and failures for all users and services
  • Session activity, including files and applications used, especially system utilities and Powershell, if applicable
  • Changes in user access rights or privileges

The Bottom Line

Get busy logging on workstations. Make sure the logs are properly configured, aggregated, and processed as a part of your detection capabilities. Don’t view workstation logs as throw-aways. Instead, see them as a powerful lens for early detection, forensics, and attack recovery.


Thanks to @TheTokenFemale for pointing out that the logs should be sent somewhere off the system. I meant that by aggregation, but to clarify, the logs should be sent, processed, and archived using a log aggregation system or toolset that includes proper chain of evidence handling, alerting, and heuristics. It should also store and archive the relevant logs according to best practices and legal and regulatory guidance. 

Data Protection Becoming More Important all the Time

Data is the mountain of unorganized fact that inhabits our computer systems and networks. It is analogous to unrefined ore in mining: we mine ore and then process it until we end up with useful metals. Similarly, we mine our computer networks for raw data and process it until we end up with useful information.

It is amazing what information we can glean from seemingly innocent and unrelated facts! People can combine bits of data and deduce who we are, where we live, how we shop, how many kids we have and a plethora of other information that we don’t really want to be common knowledge. This is true not only on the personal level, but on the business and government levels as well. Hence the rise of laws like GDPR, the California Consumer Privacy Act, the Utah Consumer Privacy Act, the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act and the Colorado Privacy Act. We can expect more privacy and data protection laws from more states and countries in the future. To address these problems, it is very important for organizations to develop and maintain a data management policy and the processes necessary to carry it out.

Among the most important of these processes is data inventorying. A data inventory (or data map) should fully describe the data asset and should include such information as the data’s name, contents, ownership, classification (sensitivity level), retention factors, origin, and other considerations that are important to the organization. Setting up such an inventory may be a daunting task, but once in place, will greatly simplify complying with regulatory requirements and other data management tasks. Along with data inventorying, it recommended that data flows should be tracked. Knowing what data you have and where and how it flows across the network is vital to protecting it.

Another important consideration in data protection is ensuring access to specific data is limited to only those individuals with a legitimate need for that access. This is where access control lists come into play. Access control lists should be strictly maintained and reviewed regularly. It is important to adjust these lists immediately when individuals change jobs within the organization, quit or are terminated. It is also highly desirable to employ strong access controls such as MFA to ensure that the person who is accessing protected data is indeed the person they claim to be.

Another way to protect data is through the use of encryption. Encryption is highly effective in protecting data if it is implemented correctly. Data should be encrypted when at rest and when it is being transmitted across networks. This is especially important in keeping ransomware attacks from becoming devastating. Even if attackers gain access to private data on your system, encryption means they can’t actually read it. This limits their attack to availability only, and eliminates compromise of confidentiality, which can save the organization from regulatory and legal penalties. Strong encryption algorithms should be employed, and a usable and secure key management system should be employed. Encryption keys should be among the most highly protected data assets you have, and ideally should be air-gapped from the rest of the network.

Data backups should be made regularly depending on business requirements of the organization. Backups should be stored in more than one location and should be protected as diligently as information on your production network. Backups of sensitive data should be encrypted and tested on a regular basis.

In addition, access to sensitive data, it’s modification and disposal should be logged and monitored. This should include access to encryption keys and security logs themselves. Protecting and managing data is not easy, but will provide your organization with a bounty of advantages that could help your reputation and save you time and money in the long run.

About the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022

The Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022 (CIRCIA) was adopted in March of 2022 and is an outgrowth of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) that has been around since 2013. What this means to organizations that are covered critical infrastructure entities it that they will be required to report cyber incidents and ransomware attacks to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in a very short time frame. Specifically, these organizations must:

  • Report any “covered cyber incident” within 72 hours of determining that the incident has occurred to the CISA
  • Report issuance of a ransomware payment to the CISA within 24 hours
  • Provide CISA with supplemental information when substantial or new information regarding the incident becomes available to the entity

A question that immediately occurs to one upon reading these requirements is, what is a “covered cyber incident” under CIRCIA? Covered cyber incident under this law must meet any one or all of the following criteria. A covered cyber incident causes or creates:

  • “Substantial loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability” in information systems or “serious impact on the safety and resiliency” of operations
  • “Disruption of business or industrial operations,” including service denials, ransomware attacks, or exploitation of “zero-day vulnerabilities)”
  • “Unauthorized access or disruption of business or industrial operations” from the loss of services facilitated through or caused by a third-party data hosting provider or supplier

What business sectors are considered critical infrastructure in the U.S.? Critical infrastructure includes the following 16 sectors:

  1. The Chemical sector
  2. The Commercial Facilities sector
  3. The Communications sector
  4. The Critical Manufacturing sector
  5. The Dams sector
  6. The Defense Industrial Base sector
  7. The Emergency Services sector
  8. The Energy sector
  9. The Financial Services sector
  10. The Food and Agriculture sector
  11. The Government Facilities sector
  12. The Healthcare and Public Health sector
  13. The Information Technology sector
  14. The Nuclear Reactors, Materials and Waste sector
  15. The Transportation Systems sector
  16. The Water and Wastewater Systems sector

So, how are you to know if your organization is included under this new law? That is being determined now by the CISA. To define a covered entity under the law, they are considering three factors:

  1. The consequences that a particular cyber incident might have on national or economic security, public health and safety
  2. The likelihood that the entity could be targeted for attack
  3. The extent to which an incident is likely to disrupt the reliable operation of critical infrastructure

These criteria not only cover critical infrastructure organizations, they cover organizations that support the security and resiliency of critical infrastructure.

Luckily, organizations in this sector will have some time to get ready for these new requirements. The deadline for the publication of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is not until March 15, 2024, and the deadline for issuance of the Final Rule is slated for September 15, 2025. My advice is to take advantage of this time and prepare!

Why You Should Support CS2AI

What is Control Systems Cyber Security Association International (CS2AI.org)?

The mission of the Control Systems Cyber Security Association, Inc. (CS2AI) is to promote and advance cyber security education, research, and practice to protect critical infrastructure and ensure the safety and reliability of our nation’s control systems.

What does that mean? It means we are here to help you understand how to keep your control system safe from hackers, malware, and other threats. We want to ensure you know what to look for in a good cybersecurity program and how to find it.

We also want to ensure you have access to the best resources available to help you stay up-to-date on current trends and technologies.

Why does MSI support it?

Because we believe in its mission. We believe in making sure everyone has access to the information they need to make informed decisions about their own cybersecurity programs, especially when it comes to ICS.

We believe in helping people learn more about cybersecurity so they can take steps toward protecting themselves and their organizations.

We believe in supporting those who share our passion for improving the world through technology. CS2AI supports the core mission of MSI – making the online world a safer place for all of us.

How do I get involved?

It’s simple – click here to learn more about joining and the benefits of supporting the ongoing efforts to improve global cyber security.