ChatGPT: A Valuable Ally for Your Information Security Team

One of the best ways to learn to use ChatGPT and other systems is to simply ask them how they can help you. Here is an example:


Please write a blog post with some examples of things that ChatGPT could do to help an information security team. For each thing, write one or more sample prompts that they could use to get started. Please output in plain text without any markup or specialized formatting.


Title: ChatGPT: A Valuable Ally for Your Information Security Team

In a digital age where threats to information security are ever-evolving, having a well-rounded defense strategy is crucial. Among the plethora of tools and resources available, ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, emerges as a valuable ally for information security teams. Here are some ways ChatGPT could assist in bolstering your organization’s cybersecurity measures, along with sample prompts to kickstart these initiatives:

1. Threat Intelligence Analysis
– Sample Prompt: “Identify recent cyber threats relevant to our industry and summarize their characteristics and potential impact.”

2. Phishing Detection Training
– Sample Prompt: “Generate examples of phishing emails related to our company, and explain how to distinguish them from legitimate communications.”

3. Automated Reporting of Security Incidents
– Sample Prompt: “Develop a script for collecting and formatting data related to security incidents for easier analysis and reporting.”

4. Policy and Compliance Documentation
– Sample Prompt: “Help draft a comprehensive Acceptable Use Policy that aligns with industry standards and regulatory requirements.”

5. Security Awareness Training Material Development
– Sample Prompt: “Create engaging training materials to educate employees about cybersecurity best practices and organizational policies.”

6. Log Analysis and Anomaly Detection
– Sample Prompt: “Analyze these system logs to identify any unusual activities and potentially malicious behavior.”

7. Password Policy Enforcement
– Sample Prompt: “Develop a communication to educate employees about our new password policy and the importance of strong, unique passwords.”

8. Incident Response Plan Development
– Sample Prompt: “Assist in drafting an Incident Response Plan outlining the steps to be taken in the event of a security breach.”

9. Vulnerability Assessment
– Sample Prompt: “Provide a checklist for conducting a vulnerability assessment of our network and systems.”

10. Security Tool Evaluation
– Sample Prompt: “Research and compare different cybersecurity solutions to help us decide which tools would best meet our security needs.”

ChatGPT can be a remarkable asset for information security teams, aiding in a multitude of tasks ranging from threat intelligence analysis to policy documentation. By integrating ChatGPT into your cybersecurity strategy, you stand to not only enhance your defense against cyber threats but also free up valuable time for your security personnel to focus on more complex, critical aspects of your organization’s security posture.


Learning to use these AI tools is easy if you ask them for help. Learning to use them properly will go a long way toward increasing your productivity. 


* Just to let you know, we used some AI tools to gather the information for this article, and we polished it up with Grammarly to make sure it reads just right!

What to Look For in a DHCP Log Security Audit

Examining the DHCP logs

In today’s ever-evolving technology landscape, information security professionals face numerous challenges in ensuring the integrity and security of network infrastructures. As servers and devices communicate within networks, one crucial element to consider is DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) logs. These logs provide valuable insights into network activity, aiding in identifying security issues and potential threats. Examining DHCP logs through a thorough security audit is a critical step that can help organizations pinpoint vulnerabilities and effectively mitigate risks.

Why are DHCP Logs Important?

DHCP servers are central in assigning IP addresses and managing network resources. By constantly logging activities, DHCP servers enable administrators to track device connections, detect unauthorized access attempts, and identify abnormal network behavior. Consequently, DHCP logs clarify network utilization, application performance, and potential security incidents, making them a vital resource for information security professionals.

What Security Issues Can Be Identified in DHCP Logs?

When analyzing DHCP logs, security professionals should look for several key indicators of potential security concerns. These may include IP address conflicts, unauthorized IP address allocations, rogue DHCP servers, and abnormal DHCP server configurations. Additionally, DHCP logs can help uncover DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, attempts to bypass network access controls, and instances of network reconnaissance in some circumstances.

In conclusion, conducting a comprehensive security audit of DHCP logs is an essential practice for information security professionals. By leveraging the data contained within these logs, organizations can identify and respond to potential threats, ensuring the overall security and stability of their network infrastructure. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog posts, where we will delve deeper into the crucial aspects of DHCP log analysis and its role in fortifying network defenses.

Parsing the List of Events Logged

When conducting a DHCP log security audit, information security professionals must effectively parse the list of events logged to extract valuable insights and identify potential security issues.

To parse the logs and turn them into easily examined data, obtain the log files from the DHCP server. These log files are typically stored in a default logging path specified in the server parameters. Once acquired, the logs can be examined using various tools, including the server management console or event log viewer.

Begin by analyzing the log entries for critical events such as IP address conflicts, unauthorized IP address allocations, and abnormal DHCP server configurations. Look for any indications of rogue DHCP servers, as they can pose a significant security risk.

Furthermore, pay close attention to entries related to network reconnaissance, attempts to bypass network access controls and DoS attacks. These events can potentially reveal targeted attacks or malicious activities within the network.

By effectively parsing the list of events logged, information security professionals can uncover potential security issues, identify malicious activities, and take necessary measures to mitigate risks and protect the network infrastructure. It is crucial to remain vigilant and regularly conduct DHCP log audits to ensure the ongoing security of the network.

Heuristics that Represent Malicious Behaviors

When conducting a DHCP log security audit, information security professionals should look for specific heuristics representing potentially malicious behaviors. These heuristics can help identify security issues and prevent potential threats. It’s essential to understand what these heuristics mean and how to investigate them further.

Some examples of potentially malicious DHCP log events include:

1. Multiple DHCP Server Responses: This occurs when multiple devices on the network respond to DHCP requests, indicating the presence of rogue DHCP servers. Investigate the IP addresses associated with these responses to identify the unauthorized server and mitigate the security risk.

2. IP Address Pool Exhaustion: This event indicates that all available IP addresses in a subnet have been allocated or exhausted. It could suggest an unauthorized device or an unexpected influx of devices on the network. Investigate the cause and take appropriate actions to address the issue.

3. Unusual DHCP Lease Durations: DHCP lease durations outside the normal range can be suspicious. Short lease durations may indicate an attacker attempting to maintain control over an IP address. Long lease durations could suggest an attempt to evade IP address tracking. Investigate these events to identify any potential malicious activities.


A DHCP log security audit is crucial for information security professionals to detect and mitigate potential threats within their network. By analyzing DHCP log events, security teams can uncover malicious activities and take appropriate actions to protect their systems.

In this audit, several DHCP log events should be closely examined. One such event is multiple DHCP server responses, indicating the presence of rogue DHCP servers. Investigating the IP addresses associated with these responses can help identify unauthorized servers and address the security risk.

Another event that requires attention is IP address pool exhaustion. This event suggests the allocation of all available IP addresses in a subnet or an unexpected increase in devices on the network. Identifying the cause of this occurrence is vital to mitigate any potential security threats.

Unusual DHCP lease durations are also worth investigating. Short lease durations may suggest an attacker’s attempt to maintain control over an IP address, while long lease durations could indicate an effort to evade IP address tracking.

By conducting a thorough DHCP log security audit, security teams can proactively protect their networks from unauthorized devices, rogue servers, and potential malicious activities. Monitoring and analyzing DHCP log events should be an essential part of any organization’s overall security strategy.

* Just to let you know, we used some AI tools to gather the information for this article, and we polished it up with Grammarly to make sure it reads just right!

Safeguarding Your SSH Configurations with ssh-audit

In the vast ocean of network security, SSH (Secure Shell) stands as a towering lighthouse guarding the data traffic to and from your servers. However, how do you ensure that this lighthouse is in optimal condition? Enter ssh-audit, a tool for auditing your SSH server and client configurations.

Ssh-audit supports SSH1 and SSH2 protocol servers, diving deep into the SSH configurations to grab banners, recognize the software and operating systems involved, and even detect compression settings. It gathers information on key exchanges, host keys, encryption, and message authentication code algorithms, providing a comprehensive report on their status.

Getting started with ssh-audit is a breeze. Clone the repository from GitHub, and with a few commands in your terminal, you’re on your way to auditing your SSH configurations. The tool fetches algorithm information, outputting details such as availability, removal or disabling status, and security strength (unsafe, weak, legacy, etc). Moreover, it provides algorithm recommendations based on the recognized software version, aligning your settings with industry standards.

The icing on the cake? Ssh-audit outputs security information, including related issues and assigned CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) list, offering you a clear picture of the security posture of your SSH setups.

With ssh-audit, not only do you get to audit your SSH configurations, but you also receive actionable insights to harden your SSH setups against potential threats. So, the next time you’re looking to bolster your network security, try ssh-audit and sail smoothly in the turbulent waters of cyber threats.

Note that MSI has no relationship with the tool or the authors. We just found the tool useful for infosec teams.

 * Just to let you know, we used some AI tools to gather the information for this article, and we polished it up with Grammarly to make sure it reads just right!

5 Fun-tastic Fall Activities for Information Security Teams


Fall is in the air, and along with pumpkin spice lattes and cozy sweaters, it’s also the perfect time for information security teams to step out of their digital shells and engage with other departments in their organizations. While security is serious business, there’s no harm in adding a dash of fun to foster better collaboration and understanding. Here are five light-hearted yet factual activities to spice up your information security team’s fall:

1. Cybersecurity Pumpkin Carving Contest

Unleash your inner artist and host a cybersecurity-themed pumpkin carving contest. Encourage teams from all departments to carve out their favorite security tools, icons, or even infamous cyber villains. Not only does this activity tap into everyone’s creative side, but it also sparks conversations about the importance of protecting the digital realm while having a gourd time!

2. “Escape the Phishing” Maze

Turn the concept of an escape room into an interactive cybersecurity challenge. Create a “phishing” maze where participants need to navigate through a series of puzzles and scenarios related to online security. This activity not only educates participants about the dangers of phishing attacks but also gets them working together to solve problems, fostering team spirit.

3. Crypto Treasure Hunt

Transform your office space into a treasure hunting ground by organizing a crypto-themed treasure hunt. Provide clues related to encryption, decryption, and security best practices that lead teams from one clue to another. Not only does this activity promote learning about cryptography, but it also encourages friendly competition among departments.

4. Security Awareness Fair

Set up a “Security Awareness Fair” in your office’s common area. Each department can have its own booth showcasing their approach to security. From IT’s “Spot the Vulnerability” game to HR’s “Password Strength Analyzer,” everyone gets to display their security prowess in a fun and informative way. This fair promotes cross-departmental engagement and ensures that everyone learns a thing or two about cybersecurity.

5. Cyber Movie Night

Host a cybersecurity-themed movie night with popcorn and cozy blankets. Screen movies like “Hackers,” “WarGames,” or even cybersecurity documentaries. After the movie, encourage lively discussions about what’s accurate and what’s exaggerated in the portrayal of hacking and security. It’s a laid-back way to bridge the gap between tech-savvy and non-technical teams.

Remember, the goal of these activities isn’t just to have fun, but to build bridges between information security teams and other departments. By approaching cybersecurity engagement with a light-hearted touch, you’re more likely to break down barriers, share knowledge, and create a culture of collaboration that lasts beyond the fall season. So, gear up for a season of learning, laughter, and interdepartmental camaraderie!


* Just to let you know, we used some AI tools to gather the information for this article, and we polished it up with Grammarly to make sure it reads just right!


3 Essential Tips for Enhancing Site-to-Site VPN Security


Site-to-site VPNs are a crucial tool for securing communication between different network locations. To ensure the utmost security for your VPN connections, consider implementing these three key suggestions:

1. Select Strong Secrets or Secure Certificates

The foundation of any secure site-to-site VPN is the authentication mechanism. Opt for strong pre-shared keys or secure digital certificates when configuring your VPN. Using weak passwords or keys can leave your VPN vulnerable to attacks. Remember, a strong password should be lengthy, complex, and incorporate a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters. Alternatively, employing secure certificates provides an added layer of protection as they are difficult to intercept or guess.

2. Implement Modern, Peer-Reviewed Cryptography

Ensure that your site-to-site VPN employs modern encryption protocols have been rigorously reviewed by the security community. Protocols like IKEv2/IPsec are popular choices that offer robust encryption and authentication mechanisms. Peer-reviewed cryptography guarantees that the algorithms have undergone extensive scrutiny and are less likely to contain vulnerabilities or backdoors. Currently, AES is the suggested cryptographic mechanism for most VPNs. DES and 3DES should be eliminated wherever possible.

3. Create Proper Firewall Rules or ACLs

Managing traffic over your VPN connection is essential for maintaining a secure network environment. Utilize firewall rules or Access Control Lists (ACLs) to carefully regulate data flow between connected sites. You can prevent unauthorized access and potential breaches by explicitly defining what types of traffic are permitted and denied. Regularly review and update these rules to adapt to changing security requirements.

In Conclusion

Enhancing your site-to-site VPN’s security involves strong authentication, robust encryption, and intelligent traffic management. By selecting strong secrets or certificates, implementing modern cryptography, and creating well-defined firewall rules, you can significantly bolster the security of your VPN connections. Securing your network is an ongoing process, so staying updated on the latest security practices and adapting your configurations is essential.

Implement these tips today to build a resilient and secure site-to-site VPN that safeguards sensitive data and ensures seamless communication between your network locations.


* Just to let you know, we used some AI tools to gather the information for this article, and we polished it up with Grammarly to make sure it reads just right!


5 Tips for User Access Auditing in Linux

User access auditing is a critical aspect of maintaining a secure and efficient computing environment. It provides a detailed record of user activities, helping administrators identify potential security risks, ensure compliance with access control policies, and detect any unauthorized or suspicious activities. Regular user access audits can also aid in troubleshooting, system optimization, and forensic investigations. In essence, user access auditing is not just about security, but also about gaining insights into user behavior and system usage, which are invaluable for improving system reliability and performance.

1. Understand the Basics of Linux Permissions: Linux permissions are the first line of defense in securing your system. They determine who can read, write, and execute files. The three types of Linux permissions are User (u), Group (g), and Others (o). Familiarize yourself with the `chmod` command to modify these permissions and the `ls -l` command to view them.

2. Use the `last` Command: The `last` command in Linux provides a list of the last logged-in users on your system. This is a great tool for auditing user access as it allows you to see who has been accessing your system and when. Regularly check this log to keep track of user activity.

3. Audit User Accounts with `cat /etc/passwd`: This command will display a list of all user accounts on your Linux system. Regularly auditing this list can help you identify any unauthorized or inactive accounts that should be removed or disabled to enhance system security.

4. Monitor User Activity with `w` and `who` Commands: The `w` command displays who is currently logged in and what they are doing, while the `who` command shows who is currently logged in. Regularly monitoring user activity can help you identify any suspicious behavior.

5. Leverage Linux Auditing System (Auditd): Auditd is a powerful tool that allows you to monitor almost any event on your Linux system. You can use it to track security-related events, record system calls, and log any changes to your system files. Regularly review the logs generated by Auditd to ensure there are no unauthorized changes or activities on your system.

Regular monitoring and auditing of user activities are crucial to maintaining a secure Linux environment.


*This article was written with the help of AI tools and Grammarly.

High-Level Project Plan for CIS CSC Implementation


Implementing the controls and safeguards outlined in the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Security Controls (CSC) Version 8 is crucial for organizations to establish a robust cybersecurity framework. This article provides a concise project plan for implementing these controls, briefly describing the processes and steps involved.


1. Establish a Governance Structure:

– Define roles and responsibilities for key stakeholders.

– Develop a governance framework for the implementation project.

– Create a project charter to outline the project’s scope, objectives, and timelines.

2. Conduct a Baseline Assessment:

– Perform a comprehensive assessment of the organization’s existing security posture.

– Identify gaps between the current state and the requirements of CIS CSC Version 8.

– Prioritize the controls that need immediate attention based on the assessment results.

3. Develop an Implementation Roadmap:

– Define a clear timeline for implementing each control, based on priority.

– Identify the necessary resources, including personnel, tools, and technologies.

– Establish milestones for monitoring progress throughout the implementation process.

4. Implement CIS CSC Version 8 Controls:

– Establish secure configurations for all systems and applications.

– Enable continuous vulnerability management and patching processes.

– Deploy strong access controls, including multi-factor authentication and privilege management.

5. Implement Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response:

– Establish a comprehensive incident response plan.

– Deploy intrusion detection and prevention systems.

– Develop a continuous monitoring program to identify and respond to security events.

6. Engage in Security Awareness Training:

– Train employees on security best practices, including email and social engineering awareness.

– Conduct periodic security awareness campaigns to reinforce good cybersecurity hygiene.

– Provide resources for reporting suspicious activities and encouraging a culture of security.


Implementing the controls and safeguards outlined in CIS CSC Version 8 requires careful planning and execution. By establishing a governance structure, conducting a baseline assessment, developing an implementation roadmap, implementing the controls, continuous monitoring, and engaging in security awareness training, organizations can strengthen their security posture and mitigate cyber threats effectively. This concise project plan is a starting point for information security practitioners seeking a robust cybersecurity framework.

If you need assistance, get in touch. MSI is always happy to help folks with CIS CSC assessments, control design, or other advisory services. 


*This article was written with the help of AI tools and Grammarly.

FAQ on Software Inventory

1 What is software inventory?

Software inventory refers to keeping track of all software applications and operating systems installed on devices within a network.

2. Why is software inventory important for organizations?

Maintaining an accurate software inventory is essential for any organization. Without proper monitoring and control, unauthorized software and unmanaged devices can pose potential security risks for networks and sensitive data. Knowing which software applications and operating systems are being used can help organizations identify potential vulnerabilities and develop appropriate defense strategies.

3. How can organizations maintain an accurate software inventory?

Organizations can maintain an accurate software inventory by conducting a detailed inventory, implementing controls for unmanaged software, taking continuous inventory, establishing access controls, securing service accounts, maintaining audit logs, and conducting risk assessments.

4. What are the risks of not maintaining an accurate software inventory?

The risks of not maintaining an accurate software inventory include unauthorized software and potential security breaches, difficulty in incident response planning, and non-compliance with regulatory requirements.

5. What are the best practices for software inventory?

The best practices for software inventory include conducting a detailed inventory, implementing controls for unmanaged software, taking continuous inventory, establishing access controls, securing service accounts, maintaining audit logs, and conducting risk assessments.

6. How often should organizations conduct a software inventory?

Organizations should conduct a software inventory regularly (at least monthly) to ensure that all new software and changes to existing software are recorded and tracked.


*This article was written with the help of AI tools and Grammarly.

Software Inventory

Background on Software Inventory and CIS CSC Version 8 Safeguards

Software inventory refers to keeping track of all software applications and operating systems installed on devices within a network. This process is crucial for ensuring all systems are updated and secure against potential security risks.

To help organizations maintain accurate inventories of software assets, the Center for Internet Security (CIS) has developed the Critical Security Controls (CSC) Version 8, which includes specific safeguards for software inventory.

These safeguards are designed to help organizations implement effective procedures for creating and maintaining an accurate inventory of all software assets. By following these best practices and safeguards, organizations can reduce their risk of security incidents and potential security breaches.

Why Software Inventory is Essential

Maintaining an accurate software inventory is essential for any organization. Without proper monitoring and control, unauthorized software and unmanaged devices can pose potential security risks for networks and sensitive data. Knowing which software applications and operating systems are being used can help organizations identify potential vulnerabilities and develop appropriate defense strategies.

A detailed inventory can also assist in incident response planning and audits. In the event of a security breach or threat, a comprehensive software inventory can provide a better understanding of the potential impact and how to mitigate it. Furthermore, audits require accurate documentation of assets, including software applications and versions, as this information is critical for compliance and risk management purposes. Overall, investing in a software inventory constitutes an essential aspect of cyber hygiene, serving as a foundational piece for defending against potential security threats.

In sum, maintaining an accurate inventory of software and hardware assets is critical for organizations. It can help reduce the risk of unauthorized software and potential security breaches, support incident response planning, and aid compliance and risk management efforts. By following industry-standard best practices, such as the CIS Critical Security Controls Version 8, organizations can ensure that software inventory procedures are implemented effectively and continuously monitored through ongoing assessment and continuous monitoring.

Best Practices for Software Inventory

Keeping an accurate and up-to-date software inventory is one of the most important steps to protect your organization from security breaches and cyber threats. The following are best practices for software inventory based on CIS CSC version 8 and industry-standard safeguards:

1. Conduct a detailed inventory: Identify all your software applications, versions, and supporting systems. This information should be organized in a way that is easy to access and understand and can be updated regularly.

2. Implement controls for unmanaged software: Unauthorized software poses a significant risk to your organization’s security. Ensure you have controls to prevent employees from installing unapproved software without your knowledge.

3. Take continuous inventory: Your software inventory should be ongoing. Regular checks ensure that all new software and changes to your existing software are recorded and tracked.

4. Establish access controls: Make sure that software applications are accessible only to individuals with a business need. This will help you minimize risks associated with uncontrolled access to software.

5. Secure service accounts: Service accounts have elevated privileges and access to your organization’s assets. Ensuring these accounts are managed and controlled to minimize potential risks is essential.

6. Maintain audit logs: Enable audit trails to track changes to your software inventory. Audit logs should be stored securely and only accessible to authorized personnel.

7. Conduct risk assessments: Regular risk assessments can help you identify vulnerabilities in your software inventory. This information can then be used to minimize risks and strengthen your security posture.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that you keep your software inventory up-to-date and secure. It is essential in preventing cyber threats and protecting your organization’s assets.

Software Inventory Sample Policy

Software inventory is a critical aspect of an organization’s security posture. It helps identify potential vulnerabilities and reduce an organization’s attack surface. This policy is designed to help organizations maintain an accurate software inventory and comply with the CIS Critical Security Controls.

1. Purpose

This policy aims to ensure that all software applications are identified, tracked, and continuously monitored to minimize the risk of unauthorized software and potential security incidents.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all software applications used within the organization and all individuals with access to these applications.

3. Policy

3.1 Software Inventory

An accurate inventory of all software applications and their versions must be maintained by the organization. This inventory must be updated regularly to reflect any changes to the software used by the organization.

3.2 Controls for Unmanaged Software

The installation of unapproved software on organization-owned devices is strictly prohibited. An approval process must be established to ensure that all software applications the organization uses are appropriately vetted, tested, and approved by authorized personnel.

3.3 Continuous Inventory

The software inventory must be continuously monitored to ensure new applications are promptly identified and logged. This process must include a review of access controls to minimize potential risks associated with unauthorized devices and software applications.

3.4 Access Controls

Access to software applications must be restricted to individuals who require the software to perform their job functions. Users must be adequately identified and authorized before granting access to any software application based on their job responsibilities.

3.5 Secure Service Accounts

Service accounts must be carefully monitored and controlled to minimize the risk of unauthorized access to organizational assets. Passwords for service accounts must be complex and changed regularly to maintain the account’s security.

3.6 Audit Logs

Audit logs must be implemented to track changes to the software inventory. These logs must be stored securely and accessible only to authorized personnel.

3.7 Risk Assessments

Regular risk assessments must be conducted to identify potential vulnerabilities in the software inventory. The results of these assessments must be used to develop appropriate controls to minimize risk.

4. Enforcement

Failure to comply with this policy could result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

5. Review

This policy will be reviewed and updated annually to ensure compliance with industry best practices and changing security requirements. Any changes to the policy must be approved by the organization’s security team.

Software Inventory Sample Procedures

Software Inventory Sample Procedures:

I. Identify and Classify Software:

a. Review organizational assets and identify software applications that are in use.

b. Classify software applications based on their level of security risk.

c. Assign each software application a unique identifier code.

II. Create a Software Inventory Database:

a. Develop a database to store the information gathered in step I.

b. The database must include the software application’s name, version, unique identifier code, and level of security risk.

c. Ensure access controls are in place for the database.

III. Create a Review Schedule:

a. Establish a schedule for continuously monitoring the software inventory.

b. Include a review of access controls during the review schedule.

IV. Perform Regular Audits:

a. Perform software inventory audits regularly.

b. Ensure unauthorized software is removed or approved according to the organization’s procedures.

V. Assess Risk:

a. Regularly assess risks associated with software in the inventory.

b. Identify potential vulnerabilities and determine appropriate controls.

VI. Implement Security Controls for Software:

a. Based on the risk assessment, implement security controls for the software in the inventory.

b. Monitor these controls regularly to ensure effectiveness.

VII. Document Changes and Updates:

a. Document all changes and updates to the software inventory database.

b. Assign a tracking number to the change or update.

c. Ensure that documentation is accessible only to authorized personnel.

VIII. Establish an Incident Response Plan:

a. Develop an incident response plan for potential security incidents.

b. Ensure the incident response plan includes software inventory control and management procedures.

IX. Conduct Regular Training:

a. Provide regular training to employees on the importance of software inventory management.

b. Ensure employees are aware of the organization’s policies and procedures related to software inventory control.

X. Continuously Monitor:

a. Continuously monitor the software inventory to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date.

b. Implement a system for reporting and tracking anomalies or changes found during monitoring.

By following these procedures, your organization will be able to comply with the CIS Critical Security Controls and industry-standard best practices for software inventory management. Regular review and monitoring of the inventory will reduce the risk of unauthorized software installations and potential security incidents.


*This article was written with the help of AI tools and Grammarly.

ChatGPT and other AI Tools Corporate Security Policy Template

As artificial intelligence continues to advance, organizations are increasingly integrating AI tools, such as ChatGPT for content and code generation, into their daily operations. With these technologies’ tremendous potential come significant risks, particularly regarding information security and data privacy. In the midst of this technological revolution, we are introducing a high-level Information Security and Privacy Policy for AI Tools. This comprehensive template is designed to provide a clear, practical framework for the secure and responsible use of these powerful tools within your organization.

About the policy template

The purpose of this policy template is to protect your organization’s most critical assets—proprietary corporate intellectual property, trade secrets, and regulatory data—from possible threats. It emphasizes the principles of data privacy, confidentiality, and security, ensuring that data used and produced by AI tools are appropriately safeguarded. Furthermore, it sets forth policy statements to guide employees and stakeholders in their interactions with AI tools, ensuring they understand and adhere to the best practices in data protection and regulatory compliance.

Why is this important?

The importance of such a policy cannot be overstated. Without proper guidelines, the use of AI tools could inadvertently lead to data breaches or the unauthorized dissemination of sensitive information. An effective Information Security and Privacy Policy provides a foundation for the safe use of AI tools, protecting the organization from potential liabilities, reputational damage, and regulatory sanctions. In an era where data is more valuable than oil, ensuring its security and privacy is paramount—and our policy template provides the roadmap for achieving just that.

More information

If you have questions or feedback, or if you wish to discuss AI tools, information security, and other items of concern, just give us a call at 614.351.1237.  You can also use the chat interface at the bottom of the page to send us an email or schedule a discussion. We look forward to speaking with you.

Template download link

You can get the template from here as a PDF with copy and paste enabled.

*This article was written with the help of AI tools and Grammarly.