China’s Report on US Military Cyber Troop Strength

(紅龍) Red Dragon’s statement: If you think you are paying too much for cyber threat intelligence and your current provider DID NOT SHOW this Chinese article to youthen you have paid too much for the incorrect type of Chinese Cyber Threat Intelligence…

Contact the Red Dragon (紅龍) @ MicroSolved, save money, stay better informed – find a capable cyber intelligence authority for less, much less….



People’s Republic of China Report: U.S. network warfare unit’s equivalent to 7 over 8 million people equal to the 101st Airborne Division

At 08:49 on August 15, 2013 Source: Phoenix

Core Tip : According to Sing Tao Global Network reported that the U.S. share of global 29% of the number of hackers, the U.S. military about 3000-5000 information warfare experts, and 50000-70000 cyberwar soldiers, together with the original electronic warfare officer , the U.S. network warfare units should have eighty-eight thousand seven hundred people, the scale is equivalent to seven 101st Airborne Division, which will burden future wars weakened the enemy four into combat missions.

Phoenix August 14 “military observation room”, the following is the text Record:

Commentary: Snowdon event causes a foreign media speculation, in fact, the United States first established the largest network warfare units, the development of the world’s most advanced network warfare equipment, and bringing it to actual combat. Recently, the Sing Tao Global Network reported that the U.S. share of global 29% of the number of hackers, the U.S. military about 3000-5000 information warfare experts, and 50000-70000 cyberwar soldiers, together with the original electronic warfare officer, U.S. Army network warfare units should have eighty-eight thousand seven hundred people, the scale is equivalent to seven 101st Airborne Division, which will burden future wars to weaken the enemy four combat missions.

U.S. network army of four thousand people, the world’s top computer experts and hackers, including the CIA, NSA, FBI and other sector experts, all members of the average IQ of 140 or more, known as 140 troops from American four-star general Alexander lasted eight single-handedly built his independent command of the Tenth Fleet, including the Navy, the Air Force 24th Air Force and the Army Second Army, responsible for the training of the academic elite spy technology centers, as well as specialized eavesdropping embassies around the world special data collection center, the United States is being set up forty network security forces, including 13 as offensive forces, the main development network warfare weapons, another 27 troops mainly to protect DoD computer systems and data, all 40 teams will branch to be completed before the autumn of 2015.

“Military observation room” program broadcast in the Phoenix Chinese Channel ] [Program Area

Moderator: Dong Jiayao Moderator Zone]

First time: (Wednesday) 21:50-22:30

Playback time: (Thursday) 04:10-04:50,15:15-15:55

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 美國網路戰部隊逾8萬人 相當於7101空降師20130815 08:49











Cyber SA…Global Perspectives

Good Monday Folks;

Much news from Cyber~Land today – and thus, you may enjoy the most recent Global Perspectives of Cyber Situation Awareness (SA)…
Of particular note – information loss in the People’s Republic of China…now a crime bubbling to the service…Kenyan PC’s with Chinese malware and so much more in the China Section below, including missing US CBP & China cooperation posts; Iran’s Cyber Motivations & Actions…and of course, German and French Governments respond to PRISM…

All the cyber SA you might want in one dose!

中國人民共和國 – People’s Republic of China….

Infosecurity – Report: China Uses Taiwan as Test-Bed for US Cyber-Espionage Attacks

People’s Republic of China: 1,213 arrested for personal information trafficking – People’s Daily Online
“… 468 gangs and arrested 1,213 people for suspected personal information trafficking, according to a statement released Sunday by the Ministry of Public Security.”
Stronger laws urged to protect personal information – People’s Daily Online
People’s Republic of China ‘top source’ of malicious software in Kenyan computers
People’s Republic of China New York Times hackers strike again with evolved malware

Censorship, external authentication, and other social media lessons from China’s Great Firewall

China’s Xiaomi sells 100,000 units of new $130 phone in 90 seconds, chalks up 7.45m reservations |
Xiaomi Beats Samsung To Top China’s Smartphone Charts | TechCrunch

CBP – U.S. Customs and Border Protection / U.S., China Announce Results of First Joint Intellectual Property Operation
This original CBP Press relaese was removed from the web here:

Also removed from South China Morning Post:
U.S., People’s Republic of China team up to seize counterfeit goods in joint operation


Intelligence: People’s Republic of China Dodges Accusations
Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturer Huawei continues to be dogged by accusations that it is acting as an economic and military espionage agent for the Chinese military.
People’s Republic of China’s Economy Slows but Its Influence Rises
People’s Republic of China Rising, Huawei Team For Secure Virtualization Solutions – ChinaTechNews
People’s Republic of China’s Huawei partners w/Telematics to bolster Unified Communications capabilities in UAE, Qatar –
Serbian Railways Opts for People’s Republoc of China’s Huawei Solutions
People’s Republic of China Blames Cisco for Huawei’s U.S. Woes

It’s Not Just the People’s Republic of China: Indian Hacker Group Spied On Targets In Pakistan, U.S. And Europe – Forbes
Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI hacks India’s largest telco BSNL Systems by Social Engineering

Escalation Cause: How the Pentagon’s new strategy could trigger war with the People’s Republic of China
“…according to Air-Sea Battle, U.S. forces would launch physical attacks and cyberattacks against the enemy’s “kill-chain” of sensors and weaponry in order to disrupt its command-and-control systems, wreck its launch platforms (including aircraft, ships, and missile sites), and finally defeat the weapons they actually fire. The sooner the kill-chain is broken, the less damage U.S. forces will suffer — and the more damage they will be able to inflict on the enemy.”
A Future Without War for the People’s Republic of China & the US |
People’s Republic of China among top five countries on US’ surveillance list – TruthDive
“…the list of NSA’s spying targets, China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan and North Korea are of prime importance for surveillance, Der Spiegal reports.

According to the report, the US is especially interested in gathering intelligence related to the countries’ foreign policy, international trade and economic stability along with topics related to new technology and energy security which score low level priority.”
H-6K bombers used by PLA capable of reaching Hawaii: Kanwa Defense Review
The untold truth behind the US rebalancing policy…

People’s Republic of China investigates France’s Sanofi for alleged bribery: Xinhua


Iran’s cyber warfare could hit public more than military: report
Iran’s Covert Cyber War


Inside the Tor exploit | ZDNet
Hackers put a bull’s-eye on small business | PCWorld
Reported data breached records in US from 2005 to present exceed 500 million | ZDNet
Meet Darknet, the hidden, anonymous underbelly of the searchable Web | PCWorld

The Classifieds
“Are American spies the next victims of the Internet age?”
Deutsche Telekom and United Internet launch ‘made in Germany’ email in response to PRISM | ZDNet
Spy or Die – Can corporate suicide stop the NSA?

Fort Disco: The new brute-force botnet | ZDNet
The Danger of Mixing Cyberespionage With Cyberwarfare

France has its own PRISM system: Report | ZDNet
As the US and the UK admit that they are intercepting data for intelligence purposes, an investigative report has revealed that the French government is doing the same.


Semper Fi,


US Concocting People’s War to Hype China Cyber Fears – FreeBeacon is Wrong…People’s Republic of China Rebuttal….

US Concocting People’s War to Hype China Cyber Fears – FreeBeacon is Wrong…People’s Republic of China Rebuttal….

U.S. media reports the magazine when the internal network fabricated Chinese people’s war planning

RedDragon’s Insight…there have been very few if any ‘cyber’ madness stories pointing the finger at the People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國) since the traitorous Snowden left for Hong Kong and ended up in Russia working for the Soviet version of Facebook…This latest amplification by Gertz’ ‘Washington Free Bacon sorry Beacon…is yet another attempt by the unknowing and ignorant to cause controversy where there isn’t any…maybe the Free Bacon needs press, I expect the China hyperbole is the ticket..

Nonetheless, below is a story from within the People’s Republic of China indicating that Free Bacon is both incorrect (I wonder if Mr. Gertz speaks or understands Chinese or he is simply manufacturing a new enemy for the DIB?) and full of mis and dis- information…

The suggestion is to read the news story below and decide for yourself…having met with China’s Elite Hackers I can tell you they pout the trousers on one leg at a time just like we do….

                                                         Semper Fi –

                                                           謝謝您  紅龍

At 07:19 on August 1, 2013 Source: Global Times Author: Chen Chong Sun Micro Flow Limei Wang Xiaoxiong Roshan love Tu draft selection: Wei Zheng

  Original title: U.S. media reports the magazine when the internal planning cyber war concocted China

  LONDON August 1 message: “Chinese military theorists are the tactics of Mao’s peasant uprising to the United States for the next war,” U.S. “Washington Freedom Beacon” July 30 come to the surprising conclusion, is trying to set off another one pair of “Chinese cyber warfare,” the siege. However, the “Global Times” reporter found that the report mentioned in the article is not what the “internal defense report,” U.S. media’s most in-depth study of the U.S. cyber warfare theory originated from China just for grafted to the sensational.

  ”Washington Freedom Beacon” July 30 reported that China an internal defense report noted that China’s military is preparing for the cyber warfare, including the launch of the satellite from space attacks and the use of military and civil personnel initiating digital ” people’s war. ” The newspaper said the report, “Space Network warfare research,” the report by the Shanghai Research Center of a home defense drafted four engineers, including disclosure of Chinese cyber warfare and space warfare plans for further details, “This report makes the outside world a rare Beijing to peep into the most secret military projects: Future plans cyber warfare against the United States. ” The report concludes that, in the past, nuclear war strategy is based, but in the information age, with a strategic war should be cyber warfare. “Due to rely on information warfare in space, cyberspace will become a fight for control of the network hotspots.”

  ”China’s cyber warfare capabilities and anti-satellite missiles and interference projects, the PLA hide the deepest secrets. Held earlier this month in China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue, the topic of cyber warfare by the U.S. and Chinese military defense officials instituted.” ” Washington Freedom Beacon “In reaching this conclusion, but re-claimed the newspaper received a copy of a translation of the report, marked above dates are December 2012, published in the” Aerospace Electronic Warfare “journal . The journal is the China Aerospace Science and Industry Group 8511 Nanjing Institute publications.

  ”Washington Freedom Beacon” really got China’s internal defense report yet? “Global Times” reporter July 31 telephone interview, “Aerospace Electronic Warfare” magazine. The magazine one person familiar with the situation told reporters, “Aerospace Electronic Warfare” is a publicly issued bimonthly, anyone want to see you can get this magazine, which is a little secret the contents of the article are not, let alone is the “internal defense report.” Specific to the thing I read entitled “Space Cyber ​​warfare research,” the article, by the Shanghai Institute of Satellite Engineering of Huanghan Wen and other four people to write, mainly for the Chinese readers “Space cyberwar” no unified concept, the lack of clear understanding of the U.S. space-related cyber warfare concepts, definitions introduced to China, is not what the Chinese military theorists in the study of people’s war in cyberspace.

  ”Global Times” reporter easily downloaded from the Internet this article. In the reporter seems more like a science article describes, beginning on several U.S. cites the definition of cyber warfare. Which describes the characteristics of cyber war, said: “Cyber ​​warfare is not limited to military personnel to participate, with the information systems expertise and skilled personnel, can be implemented cyber warfare, cyber warfare can be said to be a people’s war.”

  China National Innovation Strategy Research and Development Center for Strategic Studies cyberspace Renqin An 31, 2011, the “Global Times” said that the people’s war and cyber warfare irrelevant, network warfare is “elite war”, how could become the “People’s war “?

美媒把杂志当内部报告 编造中国筹划网络人民战争





  《环球时报》记者轻易地从网上下载了这篇文章。在记者看来,文章更像是一篇科普介绍,开头就引用了几个美国对赛博战的定义。其中介绍赛博战特点时说:“赛博战并不限于军人参加,具备信息系统专门知识和技能的人员,都可以实施赛博战,可 以说赛博战是一种人民战争 。”


  【环球时报驻美国、英国特约记者 谌庄流  孙微 环球时报记者 屠丽美 王晓雄 罗山爱】

New threats: Unknown Cyber Threats & APT according to InfoSec Researchers in the Peoples’s Republic of China 新型威胁:未知威胁与APT 中華人民共和國

 New threats: Unknown Cyber Threats & APT according to InfoSec Researchers in the Peoples’s Republic of China 新型威胁:未知威胁与APT 中華人民共和國

Good day folks;

Here’s an article about how information security researchers within the People’s Republic of China, 中華人民共和國 define ‘Unknown Cyber Threats & the innocuous Western term “APT”.


Semper Fi,




安全威胁近些年来发生巨大的变化,黑客攻击从传统带有恶作剧与技术炫耀性质逐步转变为利益化、商业化。为了突破传统的安全防御方法,一种名为APT的攻击迅速发展起来。APT是advanced persistent threat的缩写,译为高级持续性威胁。它是指近年来,专业且有组织的黑客(甚至可能有国家背景支持),针对重要目标和系统发起的一种攻击手段。


 持续性: 攻击者为了重要的目标长时间持续攻击直到攻破为止。攻击成功用上一年到三年,攻击成功后持续潜伏五年到十年的案例都有。这种持续性攻击下,让攻击完全处于动态发展之中,而当前我们的防护体系都是强调静态对抗能力很少有防护者有动态对抗能力,因此防护者或许能挡住一时的攻击,但随时间的发展,系统不断有新的漏洞被发现,防御体系也会存在一定的空窗期:比如设备升级、应用需要的兼容性测试环境等等,最终导致系统的失守。

终端性: 攻击者虽然针对的是重要的资产目标,但是入手点却是终端为主。再重要的目标,也是由终端的人来访问的。而人在一个大型组织里,是难以保证所有人的安全能力与安全意识都处于一个很高水准之上的。而做好每个人的终端防护比服务器端防护要困难很多。通过SQL注射攻击了WEB服务器,一般也是希望利用他攻击使用这些WEB服务器的终端用户作为跳板渗透进内网。

广谱信息收集性: 攻击者会花上很长的时间和资源,依靠互联网搜集,主动扫描,甚至真实物理访问方式,收集被攻击目标的信息,主要包括:组织架构,人际关系,常用软件,常用防御策略与产品,内部网络部署等信息。

针对性: 攻击者会针对收集到的常用软件,常用防御策略与产品,内部网络部署等信息,搭建专门的环境,用于寻找有针对性安全漏洞,测试特定的木马是否能饶过检测。

未知性: 攻击者依据找到的针对性安全漏洞,特别是0DAY,根据应用本身构造专门的触发攻击的代码。并编写符合自己攻击目标,但能饶过现有防护者检测体系的特种木马。这些0DAY漏洞和特种木马,都是防护者或防护体系所不知道的。

渗透性社工: 攻击者为了让被攻击者目标更容易信任,往往会先从被攻击者目标容易信任的对象着手,比如攻击一个被攻击者目标的电脑小白好友或家人,或者被攻击者目标使用的内部论坛,通过他们的身份再对组织内的被攻击者目标发起0DAY攻击,成功率会高很多。再利用组织内的已被攻击成功的身份再去渗透攻击他的上级,逐步拿到对核心资产有访问权限的目标。

隐蔽合法性: 攻击者访问到重要资产后,往往通过控制的客户端,分布使用合法加密的数据通道,将信息窃取出来,以饶过我们的审计和异常检测的防护。

长期潜伏与控制: 攻击者长期控制重要目标获取的利益更大。一般都会长期潜伏下来,控制和窃取重要目标。当然也不排除在关键时候破坏型爆发。





不要以为你重要的信息资产只在内网甚至物理隔离就能不遭受APT攻击,因为即使物理阻止了网络层流,也阻止不了逻辑上的信息流。RSA被APT攻击利用FLASH 0DAY偷走了在内网严密保护的SECURID令牌种子,震网利用7个0DAY和摆渡成功渗透进了伊朗核设施级的物理隔离网络。

 New threats: unknown threats and APT

Security threats change dramatically in recent years, with a mischievous hacker attacks from the traditional sports and technology gradually changed the nature of the interests and commercialization. In order to break through the traditional method of security and defense, called APT attacks developed rapidly. APT is the advanced persistent threat acronym, translated advanced persistent threats. It refers to recent years, professional and organized hackers (and may even have national context support), an important goal and system for initiating a means of attack.

APT main features:


Sustainability: an important target for attackers continued to attack until a long break so far. A successful attack to spend one to three years, a successful attack lurking five to ten years after the last case has. This persistent attack, the attacker completely dynamically evolving, and the current emphasis of our protection system are rarely static protective ability against those who have the dynamic ability to fight, so those who may be able to block the protective moment of attack, but with the time of development, the system constantly new vulnerabilities are discovered, there will still be some defense system window period: for example, equipment upgrades, application compatibility testing environment and so require, eventually leading to the fall of the system.

Terminal resistance: Although the attacker is an important asset for a goal, but starting point is the main terminal. Further important objective, but also by people to access the terminal. And people in a large organization, it is difficult to ensure the safety of all ability and safety awareness are at a very high level above. And do everyone’s terminal protective than the server-side protection to be much more difficult. SQL injection attacks via the WEB server, are generally hoping to use him against the use of these WEB server as a springboard to penetrate into the end-user within the network.

Broad spectrum of information collection: the attacker will take a long time and resources, relying on the Internet to collect, active scanning, and even real physical access, to collect information about the target to be attacked, including: organizational structure, interpersonal relationships, commonly used software, common defense strategy and products, internal network deployment and other information.

Targeted: The attacker will be collected from the commonly used software for commonly used defense strategy and products, internal network deployment and other information, to build a dedicated environment for finding security vulnerabilities targeted to test whether a particular Trojan bypass detection.

Unknown sex: the attacker targeted basis to find security vulnerabilities, especially 0DAY, depending on the application itself is constructed of specialized trigger an attack code. And prepared in line with their targets, but it can bypass the existing system of special protection by detecting Trojans. These 0DAY loopholes and special Trojans, are protective or protective system does not know.

Permeability social workers: the attacker to allow an attacker to target more likely to trust, they tend to start with the easy confidence by attackers target object to proceed, such as attacking a target computer to be attacked by white friends or family, or the attacker targets Using the internal forum, through their identity and then the organization launched by attackers target 0DAY attack, the success rate would be much higher. Re-use within the organization’s identity has been successful attack penetration attacks his superiors to go step by step to get to the core assets have access goals.

Covert Legitimacy: the attacker access to critical assets, often through the control of the client, using the legitimate distribution of encrypted data channel, the information to steal out to bypass our audit and anomaly detection protection.

Long-term potential and control: an attacker to obtain long-term control of the interests of more important goals. Usually long-simmering down, control and steal important goals. Of course, does not rule out sabotage outbreak at a critical time.

From the point of view the above characteristics, the following conclusions can be obtained

APT attack is costly (professional team, long-term information gathering, mining and utilization 0DAY, Tema, environmental testing, permeability and latent social workers, a variety of detection confrontation) is intended only for professional or organized cybercrime gangs and national support team special attack

Therefore APT attacks are of great value for the asset or strategically important objectives, general military, energy, finance, military, government, and other key high-tech enterprise most vulnerable to APT attacks.

While ordinary users will not suffer APT attacks attention, but if you are APT attacks target tissue or even just an ordinary employee organization with APT attack targets a general staff are friends or relatives, you are still likely to be in the middle of APT attack springboard, of course, as an ordinary person, APT attack itself will not steal your personal anything (such as your own is an important figure in the senior management of the organization or individual host inside except the preservation of important data).

Do not think you important information assets are physically isolated from the internal network can not even suffer APT attacks because even if the physical network layer prevents flow logically can stop the flow of information. RSA APT attacks use FLASH 0DAY was stolen including network closely guarded SECURID token seed, Stuxnet and ferry use 7 0DAY successful penetration into the Iranian nuclear facility-level physical isolation network.

Chinese Information Warfare (IW) Doctrinal Development Circa 2005….

Good Day Chinese Cyber Conflict Fans…the following post about Chinese Information Warfare Doctrine as written by Lu Yong, Department of National Defense Strategy, 中國人民解放軍, 總參謀部..yes The People’s Liberation Army…circa 2005. This post was discovered by the Red Dragon a week ago and has already been removed from the web…sinister?

Here it is folks, a glimpse into Chinese Information Warfare Doctrinal Development in 2005…

“Information Warfare Challenges and Countermeasures For Executing the People’s War”

 Lu Yong, Department of National Defense Strategy, 中國人民解放軍, 總參謀部

    People’s War is a traditional weapon to defeat the enemy army. Since the 90s of last century, with the world’s burgeoning revolution in military affairs, and high-tech weapons in the war widely used form of war started by the mechanized warfare to information warfare changes, “Information warfare is the major wars of the 21st century form “has become a consensus. In the semi-mechanized and mechanized warfare formed and developed the people’s war, and how to address information warfare challenges, how to continue in the information war play its unique advantages to ensure winning future possible war, is we are faced with a major theoretical issues and practical issues urgent. First, information warfare launched the people’s war is faced with severe challenges     (a) the purpose of information warfare, the limited size of the previous national war, the country is facing severe challenges the way to meet the enemy     since World War II, especially in the last century 80 years, the international situation has undergone major changes, “peace and development” instead of “war and revolution”, a theme of the times. Correspondingly, local war to replace the previous world wars and the full-scale war, become the world’s major warfare. We may face future information warfare, must be local wars, which makes the whole war, lasting way to defeat the enemy is facing severe challenges.    

 First, the purpose of information technology local wars, limited size, the possibility of universal war greatly reduced. Compared with the world wars and the full-scale war, information local war by political, economic, diplomatic and other factors more directly, the purpose of war is often limited to a certain political and economic goals, the scale of war is also controlled in a certain range. In this case, the state can not disrupt the overall national development strategic steps, the state transferred from peacetime “Everything for the front, everything for victory in the war,” the wartime regime, to mobilize all the people participate in the war.     Secondly, information warfare, the power of the warring parties is not primarily the number of competitions contest, but the quality of competition, the number of people’s war in the traditional pattern of strengths compensate for disadvantages quality hard work. In information warfare, weapons and equipment quality exists “Time difference” has been impossible to quantify the advantage to make the war directly to the performance of quality and efficiency, technology-intensive confrontation between elite standing army.

 Therefore, national mobilization, national war is neither necessary, nor can fundamentally change the balance of forces contrast.     Again, the limited capacity of information warfare battlefield, the war directly to the masses are severely constrained. Information warfare battlefield often limited to the parties directly within a certain depth, certain waters or airspace, such as the Anti-Japanese war the Japanese into my territory impossible to reproduce the situation, which makes the past that a large number of armed and unarmed masses to direct war Traditional methods are severely constrained, even though the war is also useless.     (Two) Information sudden outbreak of war increased, shortening the process of war, lasting defeat the enemy’s strategic facing severe challenges     in the past war, war lasted a relatively long time to carry out the people’s war, it is possible to mobilize the masses to participate in the war, give full play to the advantages of quantity, quality and quantity of weapons and equipment to make up for the disadvantages, to make up for military, material deficiencies, gradual change through sustained combat enemy forces, and ultimately win the war. This is the victory of people’s war past, the basic experience, but also from the other instructions, the traditional gathering of people’s war and the release force take a long time.    

Information warfare is one of the important features of the sudden outbreak of war increased, the process of shortening the war. Provoke a war party, in order to create a fait accompli and a more favorable situation, often with a sudden attack caught off guard the way to the other side to blow, and seeks to achieve a decisive victories in a short time. In addition, information warfare consumption increased dramatically, both sides are trying to combat a quick fix with little cost to achieve the purposes of war. In this case, change through sustained combat enemy forces greatly reduces the possibility. Therefore, the information warfare conduct civil wars, not only faced with how to release in a short test of the people’s war Weili, and the possibility of lasting defeat the enemy becomes negligible.     (Three) high-tech information warfare, and more in the sparsely populated border and coastal areas as well as sea and air for the masses traditional way of war frontline facing serious challenges     in the past war, a large scale because of the war and the relatively tech weaponry low, logistical and equipment support technical requirements are not high, coupled with the war mainly on land, ordinary people will be able to directly participate in a little training operations, delivering supplies to the front or to the way frontline. Therefore, human and human frontline war is war frontline people’s traditional way of war.    

 In the information war, the warring parties tend to use one or the most advanced aircraft, ships, tanks, artillery, missiles, and other cutting-edge technology, greatly improve the technical content of war, battle space from the past in order to develop a terrestrial land-based , sea, air, space, electricity multidimensional space to support security operations equipment and technical means of highly specialized equipment. In addition, information warfare unit time combat strength increases rapidly, fighting more intense, direct combatants psychological and physical quality put forward higher requirements. No rigorous professional training not only ordinary people cannot use advanced weapons and equipment and well-trained and have high-tech weapons of the enemy to make a direct confrontation, and even logistical and equipment support is difficult to carry out the task. Coupled with the war mostly in sparsely populated border and coastal areas as well as sea and air, greatly increased the masses direct war frontline of difficulty. Therefore, information warfare, the masses will direct the war, supporting the front of the main changes is indirect war, supporting the front main support for the war is also supported by the human and material resources into technology-based intelligence support based.    

(Four) of information warfare undergone revolutionary change, people’s war is facing severe challenges the traditional tactics     of people’s war in the long-term practice, the army formed a set of flexible strategies and tactics of people’s war, created numerous “survival of the fittest,” the war miracle. However, we should see that in the past we have conducted a people’s war, is the relatively low level of weaponry semi-mechanized warfare, the main battle, the battle is on the ground, thus forming the main form of combat – trench warfare, warfare and a series of guerrilla warfare and related, are conducive to our full advantage of the number of people. Especially in irregular warfare guerrilla warfare that, in the proportion of combat operations and the impact of the outcome of the war is relatively large.     Engels pointed out: “Once technological advances can be used for military purposes and has been used for military purposes, they will almost immediately forcibly, and often is a violation of the will of the commander of the changes caused by warfare or even revolution.”

With IT The rapid development of high-tech weapons and the widespread use of information warfare revolutionary change taking place. For example: Battlefield to the five-dimensional space development; missiles, electronic warfare, network warfare, and many other new combat styles have been in war; C4 ISR against the increasingly fierce battle to win control of information and operational command of the army to become the premise and focus; to become independent of combat raids, much warfare, night fighting, the proportion of firepower increases; emphasize more arms, a variety of weapons to combat the overall implementation of the integration of diverse, asymmetric, non-contact, non-linear operations become an important mode of combat, etc. and so on. In this case, the traditional to the Army mainly to ground-based battlefield warfare, warfare, guerrilla warfare combat forms and information warfare will be difficult to adapt to the requirements. For example, in past wars, melee midnight oil has been the army’s forte. But in the information war, faced with advanced surveillance technology and long-range precision strike weapons of the enemy, we will be faced with melee midnight oil does not rely on rope, unseen challenges, and even enemies in the night-side occupy a greater advantage.

 How to deal with the challenges of information warfare, the development of people’s war strategy and tactics, to carry out the people’s war to become an urgent problem. 

Second, information warfare still insist on carrying out the people’s war     (a) information warfare does not change the inherent social and political attributes of war, still have to carry out the basic conditions of the people’s war     and class produced since private ownership since the war is never left over politics. Compared with previous wars, although the scale of information warfare, duration, and other aspects of weapons and equipment have undergone significant changes, showing a lot of new features, but the war itself has properties and not because of social and political development of warfare change.

 Information warfare is still a continuation of politics, there is still justice and injustice of distinction, the nature of war and the people’s support or oppose the war are still often contributing factors, the basic conditions for the conduct of civil war, that the justice of the war and mass still exists.     The justice of the war is the political basis for the conduct of civil war, but also an important factor in the outcome of war. China’s socialist nature and a defensive national defense policy decisions for our future information warfare is necessarily oppose hegemonism and safeguarding national security and unity, the protection of national survival and development interests, building a moderately prosperous society to ensure the smooth conduct of the just war . The justice of this war is that we carry out in the information warfare solid political foundation for the people’s war is our war to win the final victory of the future fundamental guarantee.    

War mass is the source of strength to win the victory. Our future of information warfare, represents the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of people just war, and thus be able to get the full support of the masses. Information warfare is a comprehensive national strength, is the political, economic, military, technological, diplomatic, cultural, social and psychological fronts, including the overall war. Although the majority of the people cannot direct a large scale as before the war, supporting the front, but they are in the war embodied the role of the masses through the comprehensive national strength of support and backing for the war action reflected. In this sense, the people and the comprehensive national strength, and is inextricably linked to the outcome of war in the vast masses of people, there remains a great power war deepest roots, as long as this kind of hidden among the great masses of the people forces play out, we can still win the information war.    

 (Two) information war did not change the outcome of the basic laws of war, the determinants of the outcome of war is still the person     information warfare, the growing importance of weaponry, an advantage in weaponry easier to win the war party initiative and even war. However, no matter how the change in the form of war, the basic law of the outcome of war is constant, that is, people are the main body of the war, the determining factor is winning the war, weapons and equipment is an important factor in the decision outcome of the war.     In information warfare dominance and decisive role, not because of the extensive application of high-tech weaponry and all reduced. Engels long ago: “gun that he is not moving, you need to by a brave heart and a strong hand to use them.” Then advanced weaponry, once removed from the people, will lose its proper performance. U.S. Department of Defense submitted to the U.S. Congress in the Gulf War report: “Winning the war victory is people, not machines or technology.” Justice of the people’s war and mass decisions, our combatants are equipped with more high political consciousness and consciously contribute to achieve the purpose of the war, they better than the enemy weapons in the hands full performance.    

 Practice shows that war, weaponry weaknesses, you can play to people’s subjective initiative to change. Person’s conscious activity, not only in understanding the dynamic laws of war, revealing the possibility of victory, the most important is to actively create conditions for the use of various means of victory possibility into reality. Information warfare unprecedented fierce, brutal, war scale and process more vulnerable to a variety of factors, which also enhances the role of people in the war. Weaponry at a disadvantage in the case, as long as the person’s subjective initiative into full play, relying on the excellent political and military qualities, based on the existing equipment, creating and choosing the right strategy and tactics to achieve the best combination of people and weapons, we will be able to superior weaponry against the enemy find ways to make up for the lack of weapons, and promote superior enemy on the battlefield transformed my bad posture, and ultimately win the war.    

(Three) for the development of information technology to carry out the people’s war has injected new vitality into     this world, things are always dialectical, we must address the information war against the people’s war presented challenges, while also saw rapid information technology development but also to carry people’s war has injected new vitality.     First, the rapid development of information technology, in order to build a strong people’s war potential to provide a new historical opportunity. Since the reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping’s “Science and technology are primary productive forces” and Jiang Zemin’s “education” under the correct guidance of strategic thinking, China’s information technology as the representative of the rapid development of high-tech, cutting-edge technology in a number of breakthrough has been made, in biotechnology, computer technology, rocket technology, satellite communications technology, superconducting materials and other fields of research, has been close to or reach the world advanced level. 

At present, the annual output value of China’s information industry to more than 2 times higher than the GDP growth rate for the overall national socio-economic structure of the increasing influence for the conduct of the people’s war has laid a relatively solid material and technological foundation.     Secondly, the rapid development of information technology, the war for the people supporting the front provides a new technical support. The level of development of science and technology determine the masses of the people to participate in and support the war, way, way. Although the material basis of information warfare and warfare has undergone a fundamental change, but the people on the course and outcome of the war has not reduced, but with the advancement of science and technology as well as improving the quality of people’s technology and growing. Compatible with the characteristics of modern high-tech military and civilian increasingly prominent in the current level of information of our military forces with a larger gap between the Western powers in the case, widely hidden in the masses of scientific and technological resources, will be the future of information warfare army survival of the fittest and the strong support necessary complement. As long as these potential technological forces in a planned, organized mobilization, we can effectively compensate for the overall military weaponry disadvantage, the formation of local areas, local battlefield technological advantages, to achieve survival of the fittest.    

 Finally, the development of information technology for innovative tactics to expand the people’s war, the new space. As Mao Zedong pointed out: “the world of things, always a thing down, there is one thing offensive, it also has a thing down. …… We believe that relying on the people, the world would not unassailable ‘magic’ . “On the one hand, the information it has its advanced weaponry side, but there are also weaknesses and limitations. Especially advanced information technology structure is very large and complex weapons systems, it is difficult for all-round protection. In recent years, several global epidemic of vicious computer viruses caused huge losses for countries that modern information systems vulnerability proof. On the other hand, the development of information technology, people’s war for us to provide new technical means, expanding the innovative tactics of people’s war room. 

In the past people’s war, we have to rely on relatively backward technology and weaponry, yet it can create a lot of strategy and tactics to defeat the enemy. Today, we already have in information technology for a foundation, but also for the specific characteristics of information warfare, transformation and creating new tactics, research and exploration play win the information war “trick.” 

Third, information warfare to carry out the people’s war Countermeasures     (a) accelerate the development of comprehensive national strength, and lay a solid foundation of people’s war     of information warfare in the final analysis is a comprehensive national strength. Refers to a country’s comprehensive national strength have all the resources and material and spiritual strength, marking the country’s economic, political, technological, military, cultural and other aspects of the overall level of development. To carry out the people’s war winning the information war, you must have a strong comprehensive national strength. On China’s national conditions, in order to accelerate the development of comprehensive national strength, lay the foundation of people’s war, we must focus on grasping the following aspects:    

First, to develop the economy. Economic strength of a country’s comprehensive national strength is an important indicator. Strong economic strength, winning the information war can lay a solid material foundation.Meanwhile, the economic strength is the material basis for the modernization of national defense, there are no certain economic forces for support, defense modernization will lose the foundation. Therefore, we must persist in taking economic construction as the center, concentrating on the development of social productive forces, the country’s overall economic construction to consciously obey.    

 Second, in order to accelerate the development of high-tech information technology as the representative. On the one hand, science and technology to enhance the comprehensive national strength has a decisive, transformative role. In the current form of society by the industrialized to the process of information, who can seize the technology “commanding heights” and “frontier”, whoever may enhance the comprehensive national strength to win. On the other hand, science and technology are primary productive forces, but also the first combat, defense construction is inseparable from the support of advanced science and technology. Especially information technology compared to other technologies, the military and civilian compatibility stronger, the new information technologies emerging, in accelerating national and social information, but also for the military information construction provides a rare historical opportunity.    

Third, comprehensively promote the construction of military information, and constantly enhance military strength. After the war directly to the performance of military forces of the contest, to winning the information war is inseparable from a strong line with the requirements of the military information warfare. To seize the world’s new military revolution brought to the army building historic opportunity to accelerate weaponry leapfrog development, modernization of the means to achieve the people’s war; unswervingly implement the strategic project, training a large number of qualified military personnel; at all levels to strengthen joint and combined arms training to improve joint operational capabilities; according elite, synthesis, efficient principle, establish and perfect an appropriate scale, reasonable structure, organization lean, agile command of military system; study the characteristics of information warfare, innovation and the development of information warfare theory.    

Fourth, for the information war characteristics, strengthen national defense reserve forces. For information militia building should be the characteristics of high-tech warfare, and universality in keeping the masses on the basis of outstanding quality construction. Primary militia and militia on the distinction between ordinary and should not be confined to the age criteria, but to combine their technological quality measure. To further reduce the size of infantry units, focus on strengthening the missiles, artillery, communications, chemical defense, information and other high-tech special unit of the building. Reserve forces to comprehensively enhance the quality of construction, vigorously improve the rapid mobilization and the ability to carry out combat missions, narrowing the gap with the active forces fighting efforts to achieve the establishment of an appropriate scale, reasonable structure, compiled scientific, reliable and workable objectives reserve forces.    

Fifth, to carry out various forms of national defense education, improve national defense. The strength of the concept of national defense exhibit a country preparing for war ideological foundation is solid, countries in the world to enhance the national defense concept placed in improving comprehensive national strength in an important position. To adhere to the masses of people’s war, we must carry out effective, diverse forms of national defense education, so that the masses has always been to establish a strong national defense, information warfare is carried out in the people’s war to lay a solid ideological foundation.    

(Two) features in-depth study of information warfare, development and innovation strategy and tactics of people’s war     strategy and tactics of people’s war, is to carry out the soul of the people’s war. As the saying goes: “The Sword inferior to sword better than people.” In past wars, people’s war has been able to repeatedly create a “survival of the fittest” miracle, one of the important reasons is that we have a set of adjustable strategy and tactics. In the future for a long period of time, we will be at a disadvantage on the weaponry, and the traditional people’s war strategy and tactics as the development of warfare changes facing severe challenges, so winning the information war under conditions of people , must examine the characteristics of information warfare, development and innovation strategy and tactics of people’s war. Create new tactics in the development process, should focus grasp the following principles:    

Ffirst, to establish and adapt to information warfare operational concepts. Since there has been no information warfare military practice, so in the process of creating new tactics, the concept of mechanized warfare vulnerable bondage. Therefore, the idea is to create new tactics update the premise that only break the shackles of old ideas, establish and adapt to information warfare operational concepts in order to provide a fresh perspective, with the correct way of thinking to create new tactics. For example: In the assessment of combat forces, we should abandon the labor-intensive, the number and scale of their concepts, technology-intensive, quality and efficiency concepts; choice of target in combat, to abandon the idea of annihilating the enemy’s effective strength-based, establish a centralized main forces to fight the enemy vital concept.    

Second, pay attention to the traditional military tactics absorb nutrients. Information warfare is a new form of war, our military has created in the last war tactics, may not apply to today’s wars, and some tactics need to abandon, and some need to be improved. We study and research the traditional tactics of war, not in the future information warfare copy of these tactics, but to learn the older generation of revolutionaries, military strategist creating new tactics stand, viewpoint and method. This is our future development and creating new tactics and source of wisdom. For example, in China’s Revolutionary War created a “concentrate superior forces to fight a war of annihilation” of war, in the information war, as a means of long-range precision strike extensive use of the practice of concentration of forces no longer feasible. However, we should understand the tactics of Mao Zedong created the spiritual essence, that the enemy superior in the case of my poor, through a certain method, the local formation of the war situation in who wins. This idea is still in the information war has important guiding significance. We can use this as a guide, according to the specific characteristics of information warfare, the development of the traditional tactics to “concentrate superior firepower to fight the enemy vital” new tactics.    

Third, the combination of the actual record of our military tactics. Creating new tactics, not behind closed doors, not on paper, must be combined with the actual situation of our army. Currently, the army is actually the largest in weaponry compared with the developed countries there is still a big gap, though they have some advanced weaponry, but still in a lot of low-tech equipment. Which determine our tactics neither copying Western countries of war, in order to avoid committing “Porgy and dragon than treasure” low-level errors, nor imagined, impractical so-called “new tactics.” Measure one kind of tactics is correct or not, not to see how its name sounds good, how novel methods, means, how advanced the key depends on whether it is really effective in combat. Enhance the value of research tactics, is that correct tactics to make up the gap weaponry to achieve superior weaponry with inferior equipment to defeat the purpose of the enemy. We should adhere to the “you hit, I hit my”, the focus on tactical innovation to existing equipment on high-tech enemy and seize enemy weapons and equipment information some of the weaknesses, give full play to existing weapons equipment performance, and strive to me for so long, and strike the enemy’s weaknesses, research, and create a “soil”, “foreign” combination of low high school weaponry combined tactics.     (Three) to establish a sound mechanism for rapid mobilization of national defense, to ensure the people’s war potential for rapid accumulation and transformation of information warfare to carry out the people’s war, faced with the short duration of the war and the people gathered the forces of war and transformation contradiction between the relatively long time. To resolve this conflict, we must establish a sound mechanism for rapid mobilization of national defense. The range includes the formation of rapid military expansion and expand quickly, persons and goods transport and complement fast, fast track to a wartime economy, the restructuring of the industrial structure and expand military production and fast; rapid mobilization mechanism of this standard is to be able to adapt to the information sudden outbreak of the war, the war is characterized by short duration, so that the potential of the people’s war in a very short time and quickly gathered quickly converted into national defense capabilities. Establishment of mechanisms for rapid mobilization of national defense, for the power of the people’s war play, winning the information war has very important significance. 

Rapid mobilization mechanism must have the following elements:     First, clear objectives and tasks. Should be included in national defense mobilization of economic and social development plans, incorporating national defense and army building master plan, clearly defined stages at different times under different circumstances and people’s armed mobilization, economic mobilization, civil air defense mobilization and mobilization readiness transportation and other aspects of the target with the task.    

Second, laws and regulations are complete. On the mobilization of rights and obligations, rewards and penalties, responsibilities and benefits should be based on the laws and regulations in the form of regulations, the mobilization of all aspects of the various aspects and rule-based, law.     Third, the mobilization plan carefully. Troops, economy, transportation, civil air defense, telecommunications, health and other aspects of the mobilization of both careful planning in order to prepare for mobilization in peacetime, wartime mobilization provide the basis for implementation.Army and local levels, according to the national mobilization plan to develop this level of mobilization plans and safeguards.    

Fourth, science and technology to mobilize prominent position. In information warfare launched the people’s war, the way people’s war frontline war intelligence and intelligence is mainly supporting the front, which determines the future of science and technology for national defense mobilization will be the prominent content.    

Fifth, the formal procedures quickly and efficiently. According to the characteristics of information warfare, military departure from China’s national conditions, to establish a war in the war potential into the strength of the effective ways and methods. For example, the expansion of the armed forces, civilian products, converting, transportation capacity for the acquisition, implementation of civil air defense, compensation for economic losses as well as other financial and material resources mobilization, should form a set of rapid and effective mobilization of forms and procedures, so that the people’s war bringing power and conversion speed can meet the requirement of information warfare.    

(Four) combining various approaches to play the overall power of the people’s war     of revolutionary war in the past, an important part of people’s war, is dominated by the armed struggle, the combination of a variety of forms of struggle to play the overall power of the people’s war . In information warfare, military struggle and political, economic, diplomatic, cultural, ideological struggles fields more closely intertwined, in some cases even non-dominant armed struggle. Therefore, adherence to the combination of a variety of forms of struggle, for winning the information war has a more important significance.    

 In information warfare, military by political factors more prominent political and military action, strong policy, and even a small tactical actions may be related to the overall strategic situation in the international community have a broad impact. Therefore, the information warfare conduct civil wars, on the one hand to make war all soldiers and civilians establish the overall concept of policy ideas, with significant international influence in the issue, in relation to the overall operations, ensure that the needs of the military and political obedience. On the other hand struggle in the UN and other international arena widespread publicity, win public support, and strive to get politically active.    

Information warfare increasingly focused on economic efficiency, greater dependence on the economy. In the rapidly growing trend of economic globalization, the case of economic blockade, economic sanctions would weaken the enemy’s comprehensive national strength is an important initiative, and to combat the economic center of the enemy, the better to play a drastic effect. During the Gulf War, the Kosovo War and the war in Iraq, the United States launched the war before the war and implementation process, are complemented by economic sanctions.

It is foreseeable that in the information war, economic sanctions and counter-sanctions, blockade and counter-blockade as a primary means of economic sectors will be fierce struggle to become another battlefield of information warfare. We conduct information warfare people’s war, on the one hand to use economic means of struggle, economic base and destroy the enemy’s ability to regenerate, maximize the economic loss to the enemy, eroding its war potential; hand to mobilize kind of strength, positive and effective implementation of economic protection, maintaining the normal operation of the national economy, efforts to develop production, economic development, for the victory of the war to lay a solid material foundation.     Any one country to war are very focused use of diplomatic means to secure more state support to maximize isolate each other, give each other causing huge political and moral pressure. Even superpowers also paid great attention to diplomacy with military struggle. In information warfare launched the people’s war, of course, but also actively through diplomatic struggle to establish a broad international united front. 

Reform and opening up, China has actively conducted exchanges and cooperation in the international political, economic, cultural and other fields has played an active and important role in the international community to establish a peace-loving, maintain stability, to just and responsible handling of international affairs the image of a big country, it’s all for us in the information warfare fruitful diplomatic struggle to create the conditions. In the information war, we want to make good use of all kinds of contradictions, give full play to all efforts conducive to my various international factors. To take full advantage of the favorable as a permanent member of the UN’s international status, to consolidate and expand the role of the United Nations, especially the UN Security Council in dealing with the leading role of international security to thwart any so-called international intervention against our country; give full play and the developing countries consistent with the fundamental interests of political advantage, and properly handle the relationship with the countries concerned, differentiation enemy’s allies; pay attention and have a special country with the same or equivalent national strategic interests of the military establishment of some form of collaboration or partnership, the strategic formation of a certain degree of cooperation and coordinate mechanisms. 

As long as we are able to unite all forces that can be united, to win the support of as many countries as to maximize isolate and attack the enemy, you can establish a broad international united front for the victory to carry out the people’s war to create a favorable international environment.     Information warfare, media warfare, warfare has become increasingly important. In the field of public opinion and propaganda, should make full use of newspapers, television, radio, Internet, multimedia and other traditional and non-traditional media, the Western developed countries of the world and strive to break the monopoly of public opinion, crushing hostile nations attempt to demonize the image of our country, torn hegemony doctrine of “human rights”, “humanitarian aid”, “democracy” and so gorgeous packaging, with true, correct public opinion supported the war inspired the masses of enthusiasm and self-consciousness, for the support of the international community on China.

 In the legal battle field, we should make good use of existing international law, to carry out the people’s war for me to provide a legal basis to prevent the enemy to international law as an excuse for me to intervene and wage war, but also to actively participate in international law and various international mechanisms the development and establishment, to prevent the establishment of prejudicial interests of our country, is conducive to hostile forces and international mechanisms of international law, but also to strengthen domestic legislation in the field work, so that hostile forces without loopholes. At the same time, pay attention to the psychological protection, encouraging all people to fight, winning the information war and build a strong psychological defense. 







Global Cyber Threat Intelligence…Holy Crap All This on a Monday…?!

Good morning Folks..Global Cyber Threat Intelligence…Holy Crap All This on a Monday…?! All this and a bag of chips…

People’s Republic of China’s digitalized troops begin to take shape

What to Expect June 4, People’s Republic of China’s Unofficial and Orwellian ‘Internet Maintenance Day’

People’s Republic of China’s Government is Stifling Tech Innovation and Prolonging Social Problems

Raspberry Pi: Beating the Censorship of The People’s Republic of China’s Great Firewall

US & People’s Republic of China to discuss cybersecurity at high-level diplomatic meetings
United States is next target of OP Middle Kingdom…colonization by the People’s Republic of China….

US Sec Def Chuck Hagel accuses People’s Republic of China of ‘cyber intrusions’ on US
Didn’t Hagel get the memo from POTUS…?

What happens when People’s Republic of China hacks U.S. weapons designs?

People’s Republic of China, US agree to talks on cyber theft and espionage

Hackers Are Spying On You: Inside the World of Digital Espionage

Hagel says Chinese cyberattacks a “growing threat” People’s Republic of China |

US Cyber Chief: Military Is Unprepared for Hacking

Government-developed standards not an effective cybersecurity approach..Hire the People’s Republic of China

Why the US needs People’s Republic of China’s Huawei more than Huawei needs the US

Australian Defence electronics manufacturer hacked by Chinese

If Britain wants greater prosperity, we need to look East to People’s Republic of China
United Kingdom colonization by People’s Republic of China is now complete…OP Middle Kingdom

Kuwait Commercial and government enterprise market key to Huawei’s growth in 2013 | Huawei Technologies

Los Alamos director: cyber-securing U.S. electrical grid key to energy security

An Elizabethan Cyberwar

A Fierce Domain: Conflict in Cyberspace, 1986 to 2012 | Atlantic Council

U.S. & People’s Republic of China to Hold Regular Talks on Hacking

People’s Republic of China Rapidly Taking Over World Economically

People’s Republic of China Reaps Biggest Benefits of Iraq Oil Boom

People’s Republic of China And The Biggest Territory Grab Since World War II

People’s Republic of China’s Economic Empire

How to Play Well With People’s Republic of China

China Voice: Pentagon report deviates from building trust – People’s Daily Online

People’s Republic of China skeptical of expanded US role in the Pacific;-Hagel-warns-Beijing-on-computer-based-attacks/id-526b8c8f680443d9ac415836133521be

Chinese navy begins US economic zone patrols –
US Navy Admiral Samual Locklear says”It is ok the PLAN is patrolling, we encourage them to do that, especially since we are not under he OSD Sequester and have US Marines aboard our flat bottom amphibs”….

Chinese general reveals ‘strategy’ for Panatag takeover
Major General Zhang Zhaozhong reflects on US Navy Admiral Samual Locklear comments “It is ok the PLAN is patrolling, we encourage them to do that, especially since we are not under he OSD Sequester and have US Marines aboard our flat bottom amphibs”….

People’s Republic of China accused the U.S. of interfering in China’s internal affairs by the June incident
中国指责美国借六四事件干涉中国内政 – 中国数字时代中国指责美国借六四事件干涉中国内政/?

People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Truth: Japan-Africa, South China Sea – China Digital Times (CDT)

Ministry of Truth: Japan-Africa, South China Sea

People’s Republic of China warns U.N. against ‘irresponsible remarks’ on North Koreans | Reuters

China-North Korea Dossier No. 2: “China’s ‘Measure of Reserve’ toward Succession”

China-North Korea Dossier No. 2: “China’s ‘Measure of Reserve’ toward Succession”

Hacking the Drone War’s Secret History

Hackers Spawn Web Supercomputer on Way to Chess World Record

USSR’s old domain name attracts cybercriminals

U.S. Targets Iran’s Petrochemical Industry

Iran prepared to counter US cyber threats: Lawmaker

Marine Corps prepares to cut cord on NMCI…NON MISSION CAPABLE INTERNET…

Back to the Basics: Chess, Poker & the Future of Warfare

Interpol filter scope creep: ASIC ordering unilateral website blocks

Interpol filter scope creep: ASIC ordering unilateral website blocks

Anticipating Cyber Threats Beyond APT

Semper Fi,



Cyber Threat SA for Thursday from Abu Dhabi…

Good morning from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates…

Here are the latest cyber threat intelligence notes you need to be aware of…enjoy!

People’s Republic of China says it is opposed to all forms of hacking

People’s Republic of China’s military to drill on digitalized forces – Xinhua |

Chinese hackers have access to major US weapons designs, report says

People’s Republic of China’s Huawei all governments hack secret data using their kit –

U.S., Australia reports allege new spying by People’s Republic of China hackers –

Australia: People’s Republic of China spy agency hack claims ‘will not hit ties’ – Hack claims over Australia spy HQ

Spy claim no threat to People’s Republic of China ties: Foreign Minister Carr

Australian spy HQ plans stolen by Chinese hackers: report

REPORT: Chinese Hackers Stole Plans For Dozens Of Critical US Weapons Systems

Researchers uncover new global cyberespionage operation dubbed Safe

Cyber Attack on Norway’s Telenor was part of large cyberespionage operation with Indian origins, report says

US accuses Iran of hacking energy companies

Semper Fi,



Day Three Homeland Security Summit Middle East…Cyber Threat Intelligence SA You Need To Know….

Good morning from Abu Dhabi – yes I know it is Zero Dark Thirty here… thank you my Australian friends for pointing that out…

The restless, passionate and wicked never sleep…

Nonetheless, here is the latest Cyber Threat Intelligence you need to be aware of…

This one is my favorite! IN fact this is a very well written article…

Chinese Cyber Espionage: Don’t Believe the Hype

Of course, then this list of compromised US Military technology is also hype, isn’t?

The following is reproduced from the nonpublic version of the Defense Science Board report “Resilient Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threat” as posted originally by the Washington Post:

Table 2.2 Expanded partial list of DoD system designs and technologies compromised via cyber exploitation


Terminal High Altitude Area Defense

Patriot Advanced Capability-3

Extended Area Protection and Survivability System (EAPS)





Advanced Harpoon Weapon Control System

Tanker Conversions

Long-term Mine Reconnaissance System

Global Hawk

Navy antenna mechanisms

Global Freight Management System

Micro Air Vehicle

Brigade Combat Team Modernization

Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System

USMC Tracked Combat Vehicles

Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T)

T700 Family of Engines

Full Authority Digital Engine Controller (FADEC)

UH-60 Black Hawk

AMRAAM (AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile)

Affordable Weapons System

Littoral Combat Ship

Navy Standard Missile (SM-2,3,6)

P-8A/Multi-Mission Aircraft

F/A and EA-18

RC-135 Detect./Collect.

Mk54 Light Weight Torpedo


Directed Energy

UAV video system

Specific Emitter identification


Dual Use Avionics

Fuze/Munitions safety and development

Electronic Intelligence Processing

Tactical Data Links

Satellite Communications

Electronic Warfare

Advanced Signal Processing Technologies for Radars

Nanostructured Metal Matrix Composite for Light Weight Ballistic Armor

Vision-aided Urban Navigation & Collision Avoidance for Class I Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV)

Space Surveillance Telescope

Materials/processing technologies

IR Search and Track systems

Electronic Warfare systems

Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch

Rail Gun

Side Scan sonar

Mode 5 IFF

Export Control, ITAR, Distribution Statement B,C,D Technical Information

CAD drawings, 3D models, schematics

Software code

Critical technology

Vendor/supply chain data

Technical manuals

PII (email addresses, SSN, credit card numbers, passwords, etc.)

Attendee lists for program reviews and meetings

Indeed – don’t believe the hype, these are not the Chinese Hackers you are looking for…they already took your data! 🙂

Chinese vice premier, military leader meet US nat’l security adviser

China demonstrates defence determination to US: ministry

People’s Republic of Hacking: Chinese hackers ‘access sensitive US weapons systems’

Russia Uses ‘Single Register’ Law To Selectively Block Internet Content

Semper Fi,



Cyber Threat SA from Abu Dhabi Homeland Security Summit Middle East

Good day from Abu Dhabi, Additional Cyber Threat Situational Awareness @ the Homeland Security Summit Middle East –

People’s Republic of China High-ranking Military Spies Woo Australia Business Leaders

Watch a Chinese “Cyber Espionage Unit” Steal Files from an American Hard Drive in Real-Time

See it @

People’s Republic of China PLA’s “Department of Enemy Work” Reachs Out to Western Elites in Australia and US

No Chrome, No Firefox: Why Chinese Online Banking Still Requires Internet Explorer

People’s Republic of China’s Huawei: ‘trust us, we are being transparent’

People’s Republic of China’s Huawei’s Middle East Revenue Up 18% – –

ASIO hack: Julia Gillard defends intelligence funding for spy agency after Four Corners report

People’s Republic of China dismisses Australian spy HQ hacking claims

People’s Republic of China ‘hacked’ new Australian spy HQ | News | DW.DE | 28.05.2013

Telecoms official: G20 could be platform for cybersecurity

Iran’s approaching vote brings receding Web access

New Computer Attacks Traced to Iran, Officials Say

This Pentagon Project Makes Cyberwar as Easy as Angry Birds | Danger Room |

Frustrated Chinese send complaints to White House website

Semper Fi,



Cyber Situational Awareness stories from the International Cyber Front…yes folks Asymmetric Cyber Conflict

Red Dragon Rising bids you a great morning from Abu Dhabi & the Middle East Homeland Security Summit.

Here are some of the latest Cyber Situational Awareness stories from the International front you need to know…

Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies

See the entire story @

軍事行動古村 OP Middle Kingdom achieves objective of complete colonization of Australia…US scare tactics to keep Chinese business out

Premier Li : People’s Republic of China, Germany now economic ‘dream team’ OP Middle Kingdom continues…Colonization of Europe continues under OP Middle Kingdom…Germany acknowledges People’s Republic of China as the True Global Leader…

OP Middle Kingdom (軍事行動古村) captures United Kingdom as the People’s Republic of China continues affirmative colonization of the United Kingdom…UK and Germany ‘oppose duties on People’s Republic of China duties’

Tracing APT_163QQ Malware from the People’s Republic of China…Hong Kong

People’s Republic of China’s PLA: Electronic warfare unit in simulated offense-and-defense drill – People’s Daily Online

As Chinese Leader’s Visit Nears, United States Will Be Urged to Allow Retaliation Against Cyberattacks

Iranian Hackers targeting US oil, gas, and electric companies

The U.S.-China Showdown Over Cyber Attacks Heats Up

Strike Back If People’s Republic of China Steals IP, Companies Told —

People’s Republic of China’s Coexistence Strategy and the Consequences for World Order

Missile Defense with Chinese Characteristics

People’s Republic of China: Informatization Drives Expanded Scope of Public Security

A naval fleet of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on Monday passed through the Miyako Strait and entered the Western Pacific Ocean for a training mission

Seriously? USA to legalize rootkits, spyware, ransomware and trojans to combat piracy?

People’s Republic of China to Build $5 Billion EU Beachhead in Belarus

China to Build $5 Billion EU Beachhead in Belarus

軍事行動古村 OP Middle Kingdom…How do you spell ‘COLONIZATION’ by the People’s Republic of China “E U”
EU countries resist plan to impose duties on Chinese solar panels…

Next Target of COLONIZATION by the People’s Republic of China…Switzerland….軍事行動古村 OP Middle Kingdom…
People’s Republic of China calls time on import tariffs on Swiss watches

People’s Republic of China’s OP Middle Kingdom 軍事行動古村: Greece becomes trade battleground as China invests in NCI
The Chinese are interested in airports, harbours and railways…” Chinese colonization continues unabated…

Semper Fi,

