MicroSolved’s vCISO Services: A Smart Way to Boost Your Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is always changing. Organizations need more than just security tools. They also need expert advice to deal with complex threats and weaknesses. This is where MSI’s vCISO services can help. MSI has a long history of being great at information security. Their vCISO services are made just for your organization to make your cybersecurity better and keep you safe from new threats.

Why MSI’s vCISO Services are a Good Choice:

  • Expert Advice: MSI’s vCISO services provide high-level guidance, helping align your cybersecurity plans with your business goals. MSI’s team has many years of experience, making sure your security policies follow industry standards and actually work against real threats.
  • Custom Risk Management: Every organization has different risks and needs. MSI customizes its vCISO services to fit your exact situation. Their services cover risk reviews, policy making, and compliance.
  • Proactive Threat Intelligence: MSI has advanced threat intelligence tools, like its HoneyPoint™ Security Server. vCISO services use real-time threat data in your security operations, helping you find, respond to, and reduce attacks.
  • Full Incident Response: If a security incident occurs, MSI’s vCISO services ensure that you respond quickly and effectively. They help plan incident response, hunt threats, and conduct practice exercises. This prepares your team for potential breaches and limits disruption to your work.
  • Long-term Partnership: MSI wants to build long relationships with clients. vCISO services are made to change as your organization changes. They provide constant improvement and adapt to new security challenges. MSI is committed to helping your security team do well over time.

Take Action

MSI’s vCISO services can improve your organization’s cybersecurity. You can get expert advice, proactive threat intelligence, and full risk management tailored to your needs.

Email info@microsolved.com to get started.

Using MSI’s vCISO services, you strengthen your cybersecurity and get a strategic partner to help you succeed long-term in the always-changing digital world. Reach out today and let MSI help guide your cybersecurity journey with confidence.


* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.

Password Breach Mining is a Major Threat on the Horizon

Just a quick note today to get you thinking about a very big issue that is just over the security horizon.

As machine learning capabilities grow rapidly and mass storage pricing drops to close to zero, we will see a collision that will easily benefit common criminals. That is, they will begin to apply machine learning correlation and prediction capabilities to breach data – particularly passwords, in my opinion.

Millions of passwords are often breached at a time these days. Compiling these stolen password is quite easy, and with each added set, the idea of tracking and tracing individual users and their password selection patterns becomes trivial. Learning systems could be used to turn that raw data into insights about particular user patterns. For example, if a user continually creates passwords based on a season and a number (ex: Summer16) and several breaches show that same pattern as being associated with that particular user (ex: Summer16 on one site, Autumn12 on another and so on…) then the criminals can use prediction algorithms to create a custom dictionary to target that user. The dictionary set will be concise and is likely to be highly effective.

Hopefully, we have been teaching users not to use the same password in multiple locations – but a quick review of breach data sets show that these patterns are common. I believe they may well become the next evolution of bad password choices.

Now might be the time to add this to your awareness programs. Talk to users about password randomization, password vaults and the impacts that machine learning and AI are likely to have on crime. If we can change user behavior today, we may be able to prevent the breaches of tomorrow!

Custom Security and Business Intelligence at Your Fingertips

We have decided to bring what has been a service offering to very select clients for the last several years to availability for all of our clients and the public.

For years, several of our clients have been enjoying custom security intelligence driven by the MSI TigerTrax™ analytics platform and our dedicated team of analysts and subject matter experts. The research and analysis work the team has been performing has been focused on agendas like:

  • competitive analysis
  • economic industry scale market analysis
  • consumer behavior, demographic or psychographic profiling
  • organizational human network data flows and relationship mapping
  • gathering data for marketing and sales opportunities on a global scale
  • dark net data raids
  • trend and disruptive technology assessments
  • scalability & DRM techniques
  • piracy and underground market analyses
  • and even assessments of threats against brands, nation-states and multi-national cooperatives

Our team has robust expertise to gather, profile, mine, visualize and analyze public or private data en masse for your organization.

Want customized threat data about your brands, on a global scale, updated monthly with new findings from the public, deep and dark web spaces? We can do that.

Want large amounts of competitive market data gathered, visualized and summarized? We can do that too. 

Need daily briefings on a set of specific trends, geo-locations or products? Our experts are experienced at producing it.

Desire to have entire market segments deconstructed, profiled and researched to find vendors, trends and critical relationships up to 3 levels away from the core processes? We’ve done that now for multiple industries.

How about a customized monthly briefing of industry wide changes, summaries of events and monitoring of specific sets of questions your organization may have around critical topic areas? We have done this for clients across multiple industries.

Basically, if your organization would like to have customized research, analysis and intelligence – and we aren’t talking about lists of indicators of compromises and such – but REAL WORLD operational intelligence for optimizing your products, services or marketing, then we may be able to assist you. If you need a larger world view than the data you have now permits, we may be able to solve that for you. If you need to match your organization’s internal data-driven views with the views of the public or smaller groups of the public, we may be able to turn those efforts into insights.

If any of this sounds interesting and useful, join us for a cup of coffee or a conference call, and let’s talk about your needs and our capabilities. We have been performing these services for years for a select few clients, and are now ready to open these capabilities to a wider audience. To schedule a discussion, drop us a line at info@microsolved.com, hit our website at microsolved.com and click on the request a quote button or give us a call at (614) 351-1237 today. We look forward to talking with you.

Cyber-Mania & Situation Awareness in the Binary Worlds…

Good Friday Afternoon Folks;

In today’s issue of the latest cyber news we have quite a bit in the way of Cyber-Mania & Situation Awareness in the Binary Worlds…

Pay particular attention to the immediate section below and the latest items of interest from the People’s Republic of Cyber Espionage…er, sorry, China…
There are a couple of interesting items regarding cuber attacks and a cuber timeline from NATO…yeah OTAN…go figure!
And yes the F-B-I is looking for Hacker love…be sure to use a condom … or those executable files ail ruin your weekend…:-)

People’s Republic of China allows spies to plunder companies
Slight shift seen in official Chinese attitude on cybersecurity
People’s Republic ofChina firmly pursues peaceful development: defense minister
How America Is Fighting Back Against Chinese Hackers |
President Xi inspects Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing _ Qiushi Journal
People’s Republic of China’s Huawei Looks to Build Up Enterprise-Network Business

NATO History of Cyber Attacks – A Timeline
Fitting cyber attacks to jus ad bellum — Consequence-based approachPart III
Cyberattacks devastated my business!
NSA behind cyber attacks the took down ‘Dark Web’ used by online pedophiles
Defendant in Romanian Cyber Crime Ring Convicted of Wire Fraud and Identification Document Fraud Conspiracies

Are Black Hats and White Hats Really Grey Hats?

FBI director calls on private sector to help with cyber threat
I’ll be sure to send him a .pdf with an executable file in it – oh wait the Minneapolis Cyber Field Office already received it….Nyarch!
CIA, FBI and NSA Leaders Ask for Help Fighting Cyberattacks
The Government Wants to Create Cybersecurity Insurance
IPv6 is latest tool for stealing credit card numbers and passwords

Semper Fi,


People’s Republic of China & Operation Middle Kingdom…oh yes, Huawei and the colonization of Africa & India….

Good day my curious friends…much in the cyber news to amuse and entrain, but never alarm you…

Pay particular attention the articles below related to Huawei and their colonization of India via BSNL and Ethiopia via massive telco rollouts. People’s Republic of China & Operation Middle Kingdom…oh yes, Huawei and the colonization of Africa & India….always remember that a significant amount of cyber threat news and alerts will be released on Friday, saturdays and Sundays…when no one is paying attention…

Enjoy –

People’s Republic of Hacking, er…China is stealing intellectual property to boost its economic development…
Don’t let Snowden overshadow the real cyber threat


UK’s Cameron recommended porn filter controlled by People’s Republic of China’s Huawei

Baidu’s guide to the eight biggest Internet scams in People’s Republic of China

Chinese can be pressured into accepting global cybersecurity norms
Chinese hacker who once targeted the US switches sides to help defend Western companies… |
Chinese hacker to help defend Western companies
The Decline of China’s Internet Cafes
The great firewall of China gets metaphorical
The Chinese government’s increasingly sophisticated approach to censorship demands a new interpretation

Hengqin New Area Aims to Skirt Great Firewall – China Digital Times (CDT)

BSNL to switch to People’s Republic of China’s Huawei’s next generation networks
China’s colonization of India is now complete as Operation Middle Kingdom continues…

Huawei Hits 100th 100G Deployment Milestone, Paving an Information Super Highway for the Next Decade
Ethiopia signs $700 mn mobile network deal with People’s Republic of China’s Huawei
Operation Middle Kingdom continues in Africa as People’s Republic of China colonizes with their business development instead of weapon systems…US AFRICOM puzzled by lack of success…


Find Out Why Apple’s Revenues in China Dropped 43% in Q2
Insight: How Samsung is beating Apple in the People’s Republic of China
Apple Developer site hack: doubts cast on Turkish hacker’s claims
Guardian investigation raises questions over claims by Turkish researcher that he hacked into Apple’s Developer portal


Japanese Minister Proposes More Active Military Presence in Region

$300 million Russian cyber crime ring broken by US feds
Five Charged in Massive Financial Hacking Case | TIME.com

US Marines Focused at Tactical Edge of Cyber, Commander Says…
USAF pleads with airmen to think about business of cyber…http://www.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=120222

A historical overview of the cyberattack landscape
US Military: Forget cold war — Here comes cyber war
“What Is That Box?” — When The NSA Shows Up At Your Internet Company

Hacked in 276 Seconds – Timely Intelligence Improves Ability to Thwart Cyber Attacks: Survey |

KPMG red-faced after being found w/data leak Reverse assessment reveals KPMGs publicly accessible data |

Semper Fi,


People’s Republic of China and Hacking the US Defense Industrial Base (DIB)….

Good morning Folks –

Much news to post for a Sunday…remember the Red Dragon’s thought, controversial and unpopular stories are published on the weekends…today 9 JUNE 2013 is certainly a landmark day….enjoy the cyber threat intelligence news of the day from all corners of the cyber world…here is today’s edition of People’s Republic of China and Hacking the US Defense Industrial Base (DIB)….

Cyber ceasefire? US & the People’s Republic of Hacking <> square off over Internet espionage claims


US-China summit ends with accord on all but cyber-espionage
Obama’s meeting with Xi overshadowed by revelations of NSA’s snooping –


Cyber crimes confrontation at Obama Xi summit


U.S. and China Move Closer on North Korea, but Not on Cyberespionage


Redefining relations [China Daily]


Obama tells intelligence chiefs to draw up cyber target list – full document text
People’s Republic of China is @ the top of the targeting list…uh oh…


People’s Republic of Hacking <> flips cybersecurity tables; reports claim U.S. is prepping attacks


Did the People’s Republic of China Leak Prism Deliberately?


The Economist’s ‘Brokeback Mountain’ Cover & PRISM Won’t Stop Obama & Xi


People’s Republic of China’s Response to Pentagon Report “Baseless, Counterproductive”


People’s Republic of China encircles U.S. by sailing warships in American waters, arming neighbors


People’s Republic of China’s 2013 Defense White Paper in Perspective


People’s Republic of China’s Iraq Oil Strategy Comes Into Sharper Focus


People’s Republic of China To America: You Hack Us, Too – Network Computing


People’s Republic of China hacking vs. Pentagon whacking: An arms race in cyber-space?


People’s Republic of Chain’s Huawei reiterates that its products do not pose a security threat


Censoring Remembrance: People’s Republic of China’s Twenty-Fourth Unrealized Commemoration


People’s Republic of China’s Lenovo And Huawei: Chinese Smartphones Ready To Take On The World


Fiat could look for new China partner for Jeep: CEO


US Naval Academy Launches Cyber Operations Major…Mandarin Chinese not to be offered….


Is “cyber war” just a scare tactic?
“Officials warn of looming Armageddon. Critics say it’s a subterfuge to erode online privacy and accountability…”Oh, the hyperbole…”


The State of Cyber-War

Taiwan to open new cyberwar unit


2 more Taiwanese sites attacked in cyberwar tit-for-tat


China’s 2nd State…Taiwan Military Reform: Declining Operational Capabilities?


People’s Republic of China’s ZTE sends 400Gbps over 3,100 miles
People’s Republic of China’s ZTE redines High Speed Avenue of Approach in Chinese Military offensive cyber weapons arsenal…


CCTV reveals Chinese army unit number, military praised for transparency


China v the US: how the superpowers compare |

Defending an Open, Global Internet: China Is Not the Only Challenge, But Is a Big One


Chinese Corporate Espionage: A Legal Gray Area?


UK monthly exports to China hit £1bn for first time
ONS sees marked shift in Britain’s trading patterns as UK firms diversify away from crisis-hit eurozone


U.S. Internet Spying Draws Anger, and Envy


Cyber Attacks — the Reality, the Reason and the Resolution. Part 1


Cyber Attacks — the Reality, the Reason and the Resolution. Part 2


U.S. on Offense in Cyber War: Building Command Center, Hiring Warriors


Clearing the air on cyber, electronic warfare | Deep Dive Intel


Editorial: Cyberwar Defense


Commentary: Keep Cyberwar Narrow |


US DoD Sheds First Clear Light On AirSea Battle: Warfare Unfettered…discovers Chinese PLA “Unrestricted Warfare”…

Waging the cyber war in Syria

Iranian Lawmaker: US Cyber War on Iran Violating Int’l Law



Semper Fi,
